I Miss You When I See You (2018) poster
Rating-ul tău: 0/10
Evaluări: 7.2/10 de la 126 utilizator
# de Fani: 588
Recenzie: 1 utilizator
Clasat #26090
Popularitate #11200
Spectatori 126

Editează Traducerea

  • Română
  • English
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • dansk
  • Țară: Hong Kong
  • Tip: Movie
  • Data Lansării: apr 4, 2018
  • Durată: 1 hr. 33 min.
  • Scor: 7.2 (scored by 1 utilizator)
  • Clasat: #26090
  • Popularitate: #11200
  • Evaluarea conținutului: Not Yet Rated

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Cast și credite


I Miss You When I See You (2018) photo


Jessica Brown
4 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
feb 8, 2021
Completat 0
Per total 7.0
Poveste 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 3.0

Falls short for me.

This is a very critical review.

This movie is about Jamie and Kevin who knew each other in secondary school. Jamie comes to visit Kevin in Australia very many years later, and the theme of the movie, "I Miss You When I See You" begins.

I like indie films like this because they're raw in emotion. The characters never say their feelings in words. You're just supposed to infer them. This movie tries to tackle themes of internalized homophobia, maybe depression, and AIDS a little as well.

However, I found the film didn't teach anything. It really ended where it started.

Maybe the movie is just supposed to show two messed up people and that's the whole point, but I am always searching for a silver-lining or takeaway.. couldn't find one.

The cinematography is great. The scenery is exceptional especially in the beginning. I applaud the actors, directors, screenwriters, and the likes for evoking unique emotions is every scene. Most of this was accomplished through the actor who played Kevin Fong. He was instrumental in the vibe of the entire movie.

I say these things, but I didn't get any value out of this movie. It didn't devastate me into gratitude or depress me into melancholy. I just feel like.. "Man. This story is messed up!" It had very few moments of true beauty. What are my criteria of beauty? Realistic, well-thought-out moments that strike a cord in my heart. This falls short at no cords stricken...

Compared to other lower production films, this one didn't have any elements I felt were particularly unique. I think the story is well told by talented people. However, the story itself is lacking. Nothing was tackled in depth, and I am at a loss to what the creators' goal was with this film. With that being said, it is not bad. It is just not special. Watch it if you have time.

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  • Movie: I Miss You When I See You
  • Țară: Hong Kong
  • Data Lansării: apr 4, 2018
  • Durată: 1 hr. 33 min.
  • Evaluarea conținutului: Încă Neevaluat


  • Scor: 7.2 (Marcat de 1 utilizator)
  • Clasat: #26090
  • Popularitate: #11200
  • Spectatori: 588

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