Don't Go Breaking My Heart (2011) poster
Rating-ul tău: 0/10
Evaluări: 7.2/10 de la 672 utilizatori
# de Fani: 1,104
Recenzie: 1 utilizator
Clasat #7868
Popularitate #7996
Spectatori 672

Editează Traducerea

  • Română
  • 中文(台灣)
  • Português (Brasil)
  • English
  • Țară: Hong Kong
  • Tip: Movie
  • Data Lansării: mar 31, 2011
  • Durată: 2 hr. 5 min.
  • Scor: 7.2 (scored by 672 utilizatori)
  • Clasat: #7868
  • Popularitate: #7996
  • Evaluarea conținutului: 13+ - Teens 13 or older

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5 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iun 23, 2011
Completat 0
Per total 8.0
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 8.0
Valoarea Revizionării 7.0
I liked this movie b/c it made the girl out to be smart. She at least does the right thing for herself when in most dramas and movies the lead chick always does everything she can for that one guy. Well this chick made a decision that worked better for her in the end rather than catering to some jerk ass male that did not appreciate her in the 1st place. K so now that I am done man bashing I can talk about the quality of the movie.

Well I liked the acting b/c it felt real. The rxns shown by the actors was exactly how u would think it would be in RL. I enjoyed the movement from place to place and the changing of time. U know me if I don't notice the music then it was good but in this some of the music was too loud but I am able to ignore those things after the inital affect it has on me.

I read a review of this movie and it said something about this movie being the first that was done completely in Manadrin and is focused more on the local audience. I think that is great b/c I believe that one way to increase happiness in ur ppl is to entertain them. Even though the economy is not great here and we r just trying to get by. I still try to take the family out to a movie every once in a while b/c it is almost always a good experience that makes a happy memory. Every1 needs that feeling. I am glad the Hong Kong movie biz is doing that for the ppl (not to mention the money).

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6 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
oct 9, 2011
Completat 0
Per total 7.0
Poveste 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 7.0
Valoarea Revizionării 7.0
So this movie was great but there were some things I didn't like...

What I did like was the acting. The actors made all thier characters feel believable and realistic. Another thing I liked was the comedy aspect. They didn't try to hard and added natural comedic scenes here and there.

What I didn't like was the story itself. It went back and forth between both guys and by the end I was like just pick someone already! But who I wanted her to end up with she didn't so kind of bummed... really though the ending is not really that believable to me. Did she really make the right decision for herself? Maybe a realistic decision but I don't think in her heart she did because really how can you get over a guy that quickly??Another thing I didn't like was all the time changes. You'll see what I mean but it was confusing because they dont tell you its been a certain amount of years till way after. So it gets a little confusing.

Well this movie was okay but the story could have been a little more stable.

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  • Movie: Don't Go Breaking My Heart
  • Țară: Hong Kong
  • Data Lansării: mar 31, 2011
  • Durată: 2 hr. 5 min.
  • Evaluarea conținutului: 13+ - Adolescenți de 13 ani sau mai mari


  • Scor: 7.2 (Marcat de 672 utilizatori)
  • Clasat: #7868
  • Popularitate: #7996
  • Spectatori: 1,104

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9 edita
5 edita
4 editări
3 editări

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