My back page is directed by Nobuhiro Yamashita, is a movie set on late 60s and early 70s radical student movement in Japan.The two main characters, a not-so-noble revolutionary and not-so-driven journalist are played by Kenichi Matsuyama and Tsumabuki Satoshi to perfection. It saddens me that I've never heard of Tsumabuki, confesseing my guilt here and accepting your awesomeness,Sir! And Matsuyama is just like a Bogart, shapes himself to whatever given, this time a spineless, deluded leftist rebel. The movie's pace is similar to that of revolution and journalism, all about waiting for the right moment. 60s and 70s, in the era of change and revolution, this less known movement is rages mostly in the mind of it's attendees with less physical impact. Both the rebels and oppressors are left without cause and observers dazed and confused.
It has all it takes to be "never heard of exceptionally good" movie. If you are a fan of that type like me, welcome aboard to a enthralling journey!