Linda Murua
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
aug 26, 2019
20 of 20 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.5
Poveste 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 10
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere
Para habar de la trama de Healer desde una perspectiva cronológica primero tendríamos que remontarnos a las frías noches de otoño de 1980, cuando un grupo de cinco jóvenes, ingenuos e idealistas, se paseaban por las calles de Seúl a bordo de un camión en cuyas entrañas se albergaba el equipo necesario para sostener una emisión de radio pirata dedicada a lanzar consignas y acusaciones contra las limitadas libertades que imperaba durante aquellos primeros meses de la dictadura. No mucho tiempo antes la sangre de estudiantes, obreros y civiles tiñeron de sangre el sudoeste del país asiático cuando la masacre de Gwangju demostró de lo que era capaz el despótico gobierno que Chun Doo-hwan instauró con puño de hierro después del golpe de estado donde se autoproclamó presidente de la república. Es en este panorama desolador donde surge la idea de expresar sus opiniones por medio de trasmisiones errantes, e incluso llegaron a publicar el primer número de una revista llamada Healer 힐러 para “sanar los problemas de la sociedad” que ellos mismos se encargaban de trasmitir, argumentando que ésta era la esencia misma del periodismo.

Kim Moon Shik fue el joven que más progresó dentro de este grupo de amigos, pero también fue el que más se alejó de los ideales que enarbolaban. Siendo un chico introvertido, más que participante de la radio pirata, era sólo oyente. Sus habilidades en el volante le permitieron ser el chófer oficial del ruidoso camión que les servía como cabina mientras eran perseguidos por la policía metropolitana a lo largo de las estrechas calles de la ciudad. Huérfano en aquellos años, quedó a cargo de su hermano pequeño Kim Moon Ho y heredó de su padre un viejo negocio de autos chatarra que servía como guarida vespertina para él y sus novatos compañeros. Con el paso de los años se convirtió en un importante empresario que subió tan rápido de escaños hasta alcanzar la presidencia de la cadena de noticias Jail, convirtiéndose también el personaje más complejo de toda la serie.

Choi Myung Hee era la única chica de los cinco. Alegre, servicial y bonita, Kim Moon Shik la llegó a amar en secreto, pero la joven ya había establecido una sólida unión con el colega de ambos Oh Gil Ahn, un muchacho jovial y cariñoso, con quien años después, ya dedicados al periodismo de manera profesional, contraerían matrimonio y se convertirían en los padres de una niña a la que llamaron Oh Ji An. Apenas un mes antes que ella había nacido Seo Jung Hoo el hijo de Seo Junk Suk, otro chico del grupo y el amigo más cercano de Oh Gil Ahn, con quien formó un dúo periodístico de renombre. El más castigado del equipo fue Ki Joong Jae, un chico rebelde, hiperactivo y bromista que retaba a confundir a los policías en aquellas memorables persecuciones en los tiempos del totalitarismo. Fue encarcelado por sus principios y condenado a 11 años de prisión bajo argumentos ridículos y refutables.

Las cosas se tornaron horribles en enero de 1992, cuando Oh Gil Ahn como reportero y Seo Jung Suk como fotógrafo, emprendieron una misión para destapar un importante caso de corrupción que involucraba a una constructora y a una misteriosa sociedad llamada Los Agricultores, conformado por hombre poderosos inmersos en los negocios y la política que se creían con el derecho de manipular su entorno a base de sobornos para el beneficio propio sin pensar en las consecuencias que tales actos podían infringir a la sociedad. El castigo por mirar donde no debían fue desastroso, pero la versión oficial de esos hechos fue más perversa todavía y perduró con el paso de los años: supuestamente Seo Junk Suk asesinó a Oh Gil Ahn durante una riña, de la cual fue testigo ocular Kim Moon Shik. Sin saber qué hacer y carcomido por la culpa Junk Suk se suicidó al poco tiempo de la muerte de su compañero. Mientras, la joven madre Choi Myung Hee y su hija sufrieron un misterioso suceso que acabó con la vida de la pequeña y dejó parapléjica a Myung Hee.

Tuvieron que pasar veinte años —y que alguien viniera a limpiar el polvo que había caído sobre el caso— para que los pedazos de aquellos extraños sucesos llegaran a las personas correctas y fueran cuestionados sin reparo.

He idealizado a Kim Moon Ho desde la primera vez que apareció en pantalla por salirse del guion y mantenerse fiel a los principios de su labor. Para ser un periodista de una cadena televisiva de renombre se supone que debe de saber que hay cosas que por apego al protocolo y a la visión general que la compañía debe mantener no se permiten hacer; pero no, el niño mimado de la empresa también conoce sus privilegios y el alcance que su imagen significa para la gente. Es extraño encontrar en estos días a un personaje que ejemplifique con honor la hazaña periodística en su estado más puro; ese que no se deje influenciar fácilmente por la pantomima mediática que rige nuestros días. El amor a la verdad debería ser un estandarte y superponerse a cualquier individuo que intente obstaculizarlo, Moon Ho lo sabe y defiende la realidad social aunque ello implique amonestaciones de parte de sus superiores. Esa necesidad intrínseca que tiene de poner todo en duda es una de sus mayores virtudes, pues al final es ésta peculiaridad lo que lo llevó a investigar el paradero de la pequeña Oh Ji An y destapar esa falsa porquería en la que su hermano volcó toda su existencia. Moon Ho es también la pieza central de la historia, la piedra angular de la que todo se desprende. Su participación es tan importante para la trama que por un momento pensé que los productores se cargarían al personaje a la primera oportunidad que tuvieran (aunque por suerte se antepuso el final cursi y perfecto contra el temible cliché televisivo de asesinarlo a balazos, o envenado). Además, algo que amé de manera absurda fue la relación tan desenfadada que mantenía con Kang Min Jae, la directora de noticias.

Ésta relación tan extraña como bonita habría resultado fabuloso que la hubieran explorado un poquito más para no dejarnos con el corazón en el cuello en esa última escena que no nos supo a nada, donde los dos compartían un café así muy a lo seco pero con miradas de viejos cómplices y sonrisas que les recordaron a otros tiempos. Porque Min Jae es de las pocas personas que le entiende. Quizá le exaspera un poquito su manía de pretender hacer todo a su manera y se convenza así misma de que el tipo está siendo cegado por la fama que le precede, pero muy en el fondo ella sabe que tal cosa no es verdad. Su disciplina como directora también le hace comprender que hay cosas que se escapan de sus manos, instantes en los que el periodismo sólo es una fachada en un set televisivo. Al final, los peces gordos son los que maniobran las cuerdas y hacen hablar a los títeres dictándoles tras bastidores qué cosas deben de decir y cuándo hacerlo. Moon Ho jamás pretendió caer tan bajo como su hermano, por eso resulta exquisito el gesto de repulsión que se le pintó en la mirada cuando los poderosos, escondidos en las tinieblas de sus propias ambiciones, le invitan a formar parte de la vida política de Seúl.

Kim Moon Shik tiene dos debilidades remarcadísimas desde el principio: su testarudo hermano menor y la mujer a la que más amó en la vida, Choi Myung Hee. Quizá, si el Anciano no le hubiera lavado la cabeza siendo muy jovencito, la inteligencia y la paciencia de este señorón habría conseguido mantener viva la llama de aquellos chicos de los 80’s que desde las trincheras radiofónicas le daban voz a los periodistas silenciados, esos que se revelaban de manera directa ante el agravio de la censura, a pesar de que él nunca fue una voz activa dentro de la misma. Moon Shik es un personaje por sí mismo complicadísimo, mi hermana y yo llegamos a debatir si era una víctima de las circunstancias o un ciego mental incapaz de percibir el dolor que con el paso del tiempo llegó a infligir en otros. Sin embargo, hubo ciertas ocasiones en las que su estoicismo se desmoronó a pedazos (al ver las visiones de sus antiguos camaradas, al ser abandonado por su esposa, al recordar a la niña que dejó perdida, etc), momentos como ese me llevan a pensar que muy en el fondo todo lo que hizo después de los eventos trágicos del 92 fueron guiados tanto por el miedo como por el amor que le profesaba a esas dos personas. Lo que vendría después sólo sería una plataforma para tener todo lo que soñó y todo lo que jamás podría haber imaginado: poder, renombre, reputación, dinero.

¡Chae Young Shin es una chica estupenda! Dejemos de lado su mediocridad en el ámbito periodístico y esa devoción casi religiosa que siente hacía Oriana Fallaci mientras trabaja para la prensa del corazón de un periódico en línea de quinta. La niña la ha pasado fatal en la vida pero aun así se las arregla para sacudirse aquellos recuerdos que le empañan su infancia, salir ahí afuera para sonreír todos los días y de paso cantar como si mañana no volviera a salir el sol. Es un gustazo también conocer sus debilidades, sus temores y sus dudas sencillamente porque eso la hace más humana a los ojos de los espectadores. Es una persona que siente el deber moral de proteger al débil cuando la situación lo amerita, aunque ella misma se esté hundiendo de miedo, y hay que reconocer que eso también tiene su épica. Además, la relación que mantiene con su padre adoptivo y sus tíos-ex convictos-criminales es muy chula.

Seo Jung Hoo es todo lo contrario a Young Shin. Si ella creció con la idea de que sus padres biológicos la botaron cuando sólo tenía seis años, Jung Hoo tuvo que lidiar con la noticia de saber que su papá se había suicidado más o menos cuando tenía la misma edad. Un día fue abandonado por su dolida madre y al poco tiempo su abuela murió. La pasó fatal en la escuela y terminó encerrado en un reclusorio juvenil donde después de salir fue acogido casi por la fuerza por un antiguo camarada de su padre Ki Joong Jae (¡personaje inolvidable!), quien lo entrenó en defensa personal y en otras áreas que posiblemente rayaban la ilegalidad en el país sólo para ¿adivinen qué? Abandonarlo un día, tal y como lo hicieron los demás. A los veinte años se convirtió en Healer, el mensajero nocturno más reputado dentro del negocio.

Un punto a favor es el hecho de no haber convertido la relación de Kim Moon Ho, Chae Young Shin y Seo Jung Hoo, en un paupérrimo triángulo amoroso. Eso sí me hubiera hecho rechinar los diente y patalear de rabia. Por suerte mantuvieron a la pareja muy apartada del periodista, que dicho sea de paso fungía muy bien como hermano mayor desde que eran pequeñitos, lo que le daba un gesto de simpatía cada vez que aparecía con ellos, procurando su bienestar e imponiendo un límite infranqueable al primero que intentara ponerles un dedo encima. Sobra decir la fabulosa mancuerna que formaron los tres con la misma jefa de Healer, Jo Min Ja, cuando sus verdaderas identidades ya habían sido reveladas. Min Ja se lleva el protagónico cuando aparece en pantalla. Sí, quizá iba por la vida haciendo los clichés más trillados de los hackers de la ficción, pero el hecho de que siempre tuviera un sushi en una mano y en la otra un estambre para bordar le añade los quince mil puntos de originalidad que ya quisiera gozar actualmente cualquier pirata cibernético retratado en la televisión.

Al final, todos terminan importándote; los del pasado y los del presente. Como mencioné antes, me hubiera gustado una clausura más cerrada, donde se supiera a ciencia cierta qué pasó con el Anciano y Los Agricultores; quizá una pista de cuál es el futuro de personajes tan entrañables como la misma Min Ja o Dae Yong, la ayudante de Healer que tenía un potencial tremendo a pesar de su juventud y lo infravalorada que sentía la pobre sabiendo que era capaz de muchísimo más. Quiero creer que Myung Hee será muy feliz ahora que conoce el paradero de su hija y sus ataques epilépticos no volverán más. Le deseo un final bonito a Dong Won, el policía cibernetico que soñaba con cazar a Healer que, por muy insufrible que se tornaba a veces, merece un futuro donde se le dé reconocimiento que se merece y no cargue con culpas tan fuertes como las que aun persiguen a Min Ja. Todo el equipo de Someday News también debería de llegar lejos, quizá se convierta en una sección noticiera fresca y veraz cuya perseverancia les consiga un buen status entre los noticieros del país y sus colegas periodistas. Se merecen una reputación así después de toda la explotación laboral que vivieron por parte de Moon Ho.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
apr 13, 2021
20 of 20 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 10
Poveste 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 9.5
Valoarea Revizionării 10

A ‘Healing’ watch

While no show can be truly perfect, Healer certainly comes very close. The chemistry between the Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young was fantastic. Very believable, sweet, lots of skinship, trust, and communication. An excellent romance. Falling in love with a man of mystery is a dream many people may fantasize about, and here we get to see it personified in a tasteful manner.

The plot was fairly solid. While the villains were rather 2D and the plot got a little lost at the end, it was not overwhelming. While there were many action/fight scenes, they were well choreographed and there was little gore. Some of the earlier fight scenes were cut with a relaxing OST which I personally enjoyed, as it softened the tension a little and set the mood for the show.

I think it would have been nice to have more backstory/screen time for some of the supporting characters. They do have enough to make them feel “real” which is nice, but the writer chose to focus on the main couple the most—which I’m happy about. So it’s not really a complaint, but rather an observation.

Though I liked the OST, it would have been nice to have ~2 more songs, as it felt like I was always hearing the same 3 songs. I probably have the lyrics to them memorized by now lol. That being said, I do also find it comforting to hear the same song frequently. Anyway I didn’t really mind, it’s more just something I noticed.

Overall it was a very easy and enjoyable watch. Though there is action, it is not too intense, and though a romance, it is not unbearably cheesy. I’ve rewatched it once (1m after first watch) and enjoyed it just as much, if not more, than the first time. The plot was a little easier to follow and I picked up on little details I hadn’t noticed before.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
nov 20, 2019
20 of 20 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 10
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 10
I watch this drama 5 times already lol

This is the first time I watch JCW drama so I don't prepare to fall for him like this, he plays his role brilliant. Same as PMY excellent acting. The plot are way beyond good I believe that some of the stories may real as well so The plot is perfect with my twist stories that make me excited sheering for them. The ending was very good, even it hard to imagine to could fight win in that game but I do happy so never mind lol at least the story try to tell audient that you can fight to make the world a better one.
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ronan kenobi
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
aug 22, 2021
20 of 20 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 10
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muzică 6.0
Valoarea Revizionării 9.0

A perfect blend of story, characters and relationships

I absolutely adored this drama.
One great feat of this show is that it managed to perfectly blend story, characters and relationship. Oftentimes shows will have too much plot and not enough characters and relationships development making it heavy to watch or they’ll have too much focus on the characters and relationship and just barely any plot. Healer in my opinion blended all of these aspects perfectly.
For me to fall in love with a show I need one of two things: at least a character that I absolutely love or a great plot that leaves me breathless. If the plot is meh but I love at least one character I can keep watching and if the characters are just fine but the plot is mind blowing I can keep watching.
In this case the story wasn’t mind blowing, however it also wasn’t mediocre, it was extremely interesting and I always wanted to see where we were going and what was going to happen next, not once did I find myself feeling bored of it and wanting to just skip ahead. (a bit of a lie, I did skip through during the last 2 episodes, but I don’t think that’s the show’s fault, I’m honestly just impatient and have a short attention span).
What I really fell in love with, however, was our main character “Healer”. I really liked him from the beginning but by the middle of it I was completely in love with him and I kept begging the people in the show to please just give him lots and lots of love (and a reliable father figure). He’s the perfect blend of badass and reserved, but not in a macho bad boy way: he will kick the bad people’s asses but he’s not a rude asshole, he’s reserved for sure, but in a “I don't know how to act in social situations” way. Listen, I don't know how to explain this. I just know that I love him and I’ll be founding a campaign to find him a new father figure.
Does it deserve a 10/10? I don't know, but I also don’t know how to rate things so I’ll just give it because I feel like it.
(gave the music a 6 because nothing really wowed me but also there was nothing bad with it,. I honestly can't remeber one single piece of music that I heard)

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
apr 3, 2020
20 of 20 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 9.0
Valoarea Revizionării 8.5
After 7 months (I started watching this in September), I finally completed this drama. Yes, you heard (read lol) well: 7 months! I don't know why it took me so long to finish this show, because the quality of the cast, the production, the action scenes etc is undeniable. I did end up giving it 9 stars. But it wasn't a drama that grabbed me to the point I was obsessed. I would watch it every now and then, two episodes at a time, and then not watch it for a while. For that reason, I can't give a 10. Also, I must admit that the last 2 episodes disappointed me quite a lot. It was way too fast-paced and the ending didn't satisfy me because it was underwhelming and we didn't get to see how the relationships between some characters developed after the revelations. Nonetheless, I really loved the story and the characters. The side-characters were amazing! The ajumma and the young girl were great, the lawyer father and the ex-inmates were hilarious, the bad guys were interesting and everyone was profissional and acted superbly well. It's for that reason that I disliked the ending: we didn't get a conclusion for most side-characters which I fell that, in this situation, was very much needed.

I really liked this drama and I hope you'll like it too!

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
oct 3, 2021
20 of 20 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 10
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 9.0
Both female and male lead have a solid chemistry. The male lead pulled all the stunts and action scenes so well, his duality of being a cold-hearted in mission and being in-love is awesome. The female lead also did her part in the series and I think it worked. The story is fine from acting, props, and editing everything fits.I found out that only 2 songs were mostly used but I agree with the music director, it fits the scene so well. Thus, it intensifies the scene wherein you would feel it yourself vibe. Watching this is like a set of The K2. I also recommend watching that after this or before this!

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Pearl Sky
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iul 29, 2020
20 of 20 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.5
Poveste 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 10

My First Ji Changwook's Drama

Quarantine made me rewatch this again. My very first Ji Changwook's drama. I was instantly fall for him since the first minute of this drama.

Healer has everything. Do you want romance? It has. Do you feel like you want to watch action or suspense? Healer obviously got it. The comedy one? This drama literally funny af. Healer is basically a romance-action drama that you need to watch at least once in your lifetime. Trust me, go watch it without reading the review or even looking for spoiler.

The plot, the cast, the ost literally was so perfect. In my opinion, everything was so perfect until we came to the ending. The ending sucks. But it didnt ruined my experience of this drama. Healer was always has a special place in my heart and it was one of the list if people asking me what all time my favourite dramas, i'd tell them: Healer.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
dec 6, 2021
20 of 20 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 10
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 10

This Drama Solved My Life Problems.

plEASE, I was so proud of this drama when I finished watching it. For the first time I found myself genuinely wanting a season 2 for absolutely no reason. Though, I wish Yeong Shin had more interactions with those ex-cons because I could tell they treated one another like family. I won't lie, I feel like Yeong Shin's past wasn't fully explained, and her biological mother never exactly found out, did she? Anyway this is the first drama I really want to rewatch some time.

Chae Yeong Shin is the most innocently fearless female lead I've seen in a kdrama so far. Literally, this girl can do anything head-on it's pretty mind-blowing. Yet she's a whole softie and I love it. SEO JUNG HOO, PARK BONG SOO, HEALER, WHATEVER HE PREFERS. He's so cute, I LOVE him. I loved his interactions with Yeong Shin. And the disrespectful relationship with his partner is to DIE for. This man's duality is pretty damn good. I loved how terrified he was when Yeong Shin's dad chased him around. The five friends that connected the male and female leads' pasts was a lot more complicated than I thought. At first, I thought everyone was stressed out about a car accident, but it turned out to be something more detailed. Jo Min Ja is the best hacker I've seen. She's just like a teenager's mom, and the way how everyone thought she was Jung Hoo's mother is hilarious. She's so sarcastic, all her scenes make the show so much more lively.

The other characters were also good, but then this review would be too long lol :))

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
feb 13, 2022
20 of 20 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 6.5
Poveste 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 5.5
Valoarea Revizionării 3.0

it was quiet good ??

The show was made a long time ago 2014 and i've just watched it recently in 2022 , personnlly i am not a big fan of rom-cos or cliché mi am more into slow burn romance with kind of a darks side which this drama wasn't giving as was expected .

despite being so old and having those cliché ngl i kinda felt nostalgic cus it's been a long time since i've watched an old drama with so well done clichée i'd say ; the acting was on point neverthless i kind off didn't understand some of the ML reactions abt the new revelation the whole story was abt her finding these things but they didn't give it importance which i kinda disliked cus they passed and moved on .

i kinda liked and diskliked the ML is a love hate relation ship, but i did like that she was understanding to what the ML was hiding from her and she didn't ask more question nor hated him or was angry even tho she knew he was hiding things from her which was what the whole plot were about , she yet acted as if she didn't know, you know i was like yes that's good ?? but still she just sucked it up and didn't get mad or anything of sort like that's it the revelation she found out were what the whole plot is about and i thought they would give her more script of her being a stubborn kind of they just moved on on her finding those revelation and passed so thats what i disliked .

after all i really liked the characters they have done a good job acting and i felt absorbed by what i was watching even tho i am not very fan off 5+ years old drama yet it was a good watch smtg that i wouldn't recommend first thing but you can try if you're being nostalgic to the old drama with the ost in every romance moment personnally i was missing it so that's why i liked it .

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
apr 3, 2019
20 of 20 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muzică 7.0
Valoarea Revizionării 8.5
Still one of the best, all these years later . . .

'Healer' himself is the key character to this story - the one who transforms from a loner, selfish, barely trusting anyone to a kinder, more generous person who wants to see justice done. His story would be transfixing on its own - but its paired with a believable romance with lots of interactions, a mystery with multiple subplots, and a moving story regarding old friends, family and generational hopes.

The acting is top notch, and all the leads (and many of the supporting characters) can go back and forth between humour, tragedy, action etc. with the drop a hat. The music is good enough. There is a lot of rewatch potential as a lot of its value is not in the 'mysteries' of the show.

I grade by other criteria as well:

Complex Themes -10
There are A LOT of themes here regarding corruption, power, love, friendship, selfishness v. sacrifice etc.
Character Growth -8.5
'Healer' grows a lot as noted above, and at certain points in the show does a 'Superman' type deception. Yeongsin does become a bit sharper, cynical and somewhat steelier over the show, but the majority of the transformation is on his side.
Nuanced Women -7.5
There are 3 great female roles in the show - very smart with strength of character, but unfortunately no real bond or connection between them until the very end. The women are more ideals and inspiration - motivations for the men in the show than fully fleshed out characters in and of themselves.
Cinematography/Production Values - 8.5
The action scenes are really well done on what appears to be a lower budget than what K-dramas have today. Lots of 'exteriors' shot in real settings scenes - good, basic cinematic camerawork. The main downfall is the wealthy people do not have the trappings/attitudes of the wealthy probably due to lack of budget.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
apr 6, 2024
20 of 20 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 8.0
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muzică 5.0
Valoarea Revizionării 1.0
I enjoyed the series, which was good but a little black-and-white.

What I liked:
* The main lead's acting. I loved how he portrayed his character's emotional turmoil and, especially in the first half, his confusion about his feelings.
* I liked the pacing overall. There was a bit of a drag around the 2/3 mark, and the last episode felt rushed, but I really liked how the story, the parent's history and the love story, unfold.
* The action scenes were well done, and there was no excessive violence, only what was needed by the plot.
* I like the underlying message. Namely, that a free press (Free of politics and free of commercial restrictions) can be very powerful and that is why we need it.
* Something which I loved: At the beginning of each episode we were shown the last scene of the episode which came before -- which is not that new, but that scene always had something new, either just an extended version or the pint of view of another character, which sometimes even made me re-evaluate what I saw before. I don't think I've seen that done before, at least not that consistently.

What I did not like:
* Maybe I'm spoiled by dramas like "The Good Detective" or "Stove League", where there are multilayered characters and no clear line between good and bad, but I was disappointed by the "mystery", which was basically the "evil group who controls everything with an even more evil leader" trope. That trope is old and overdone, and I think audiences can and should expect more respect for their intelligence.
* I especially don't understand why they had to introduce a new plotpoint in the last two episodes. I'm sure they wanted to resolve the "item" and the murder of the first episode and maybe they wanted to finish with a bang, but it did not feel as an organic part of the rest.
* The female characters (apart from "Ajumma") also stayed remarkably passive during the whole show. The plot was mainly driven by Healer and the male reporter, while the young female reporter and the lady in the wheelchair usually followed behind, although both women's lives were equally, if not more, affected by the bad guys. Also, they are meant to be reporters! I expected them to take the lead at least in the later episodes.

All in all, it wasn't a bad watch but I'm not sure if it's worth a rewatch.

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3 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
ian 22, 2015
20 of 20 episoade văzute
Completat 1
Per total 9.5
Poveste 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 10
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere
Love this series. The suspense...yes. Plot...yes. Action...yes. Romance...yes. Sexy....yes, yes.As soon as you finish 1 episode you'll crave the next episode, I mean crave like a fiend. The plot keeps you in it and the romance is just right. Spoiler!! Who knew holding hands could sizzle like this? 1 item though...they overdid the Parkour in one of the episodes and after all the build up there should have been a little more meat for the, I'll just call it, "the true reunion" towards the end. Also, Moments of the last episode felt a little hurried. This is the only reason this wasn't a puuuurfect's a 9.9! Other than'll keep you on the edge of your seat. It's a fantastic journey. My recommendation? ---Just watch it!! Healer is the cure for the common KDrama!

Fyi: . I'm now going to be looking out for more shows with Ji Chang-Wook. Empress and I will be in for a looong binge.

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Alias: Healer (2014) poster



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