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Nirvana in Fire
Drama Chineză - 2015, 54 episoade9.1
În secolul 16 în China, Generalul Lin Xie a fost acuzat și executat pe nedrept, împreună cu familia Lin, armata lui de 70,000 de soldați și Prințul Moștenitor Qi, sub ordinul cumnatului său, Împăratul Xiaoxuan…
Street Dance of China: Season 3
Emisiune TV Chineză - 2020, 12 episoade8.7
Dancers come from all walks of life and embody many different styles from old-school to new-school hip-hop, urban to locking, ballet to wacking, etc. Young and old generations come together to create/perform some of…
Love and Redemption
Drama Chineză - 2020, 59 episoade8.7
According to legends, the god of war saved the heavens in a deadly battle against the demon a thousand years ago. Both fell from the heavens and disappeared from the world. Chu Xuan Ji was born to the world lacking in…
Falling Into Your Smile
Drama Chineză - 2021, 31 episoade8.6
Student Tong Yao makes two vows: to never be in a relationship with someone in the same field and to make up for the Chinese League of Legends. When Tong Yao earns her spot as the first formal female player in China's…
Till the End of the Moon
Drama Chineză - 2023, 40 episoade8.6
Intr-o era in care demonii stapanesc lumile muritorilor si nemuritorilor, batranii clanurilor de nemuritori hotarasc sa trimita pe cineva inapoi, in timp, sa gaseseasca originea Demonului Suprem si sa previna nasterea…
A Tale of the Wanderers
Drama Chineză - 2021, 36 episoade8.6
The story revolves around the former leader of a special organization served under royalty, now leaving his past life behind and unintentionally getting involved with the martial world; and the Master of Ghost Pavilion…