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Kissable Lips korean drama review
Kissable Lips
4 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
by meen
mar 1, 2022
8 of 8 episoade văzute
Per total 5.5
Poveste 4.5
Acționând / Cast 9.5
Muzică 10.0
Valoarea Revizionării 5.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

Not your typical vampire

First of all, the guy who played the character of the vampire I'm not gonna believe until someone shows me his blood test report that he ain't a real vampire. Maannnn he looks like a real vampire.
Okay so moving on to the actual thing, I'd like to start with the bad things. It was rushed. Like wayyyy more rushed comparing to any other Viki series. 11 minutes for 7 episodes and 18 minutes for the last episode wasn't really that less. Even if we eliminate the timing of intro and recaps we still get around 80 minutes. And the storyline wasn't strong at all. Not gonna lie, me being a Shadowhunters fan is kinda offended. Who are into vampire and shadow world thingy would agree with me too. And since you are reading after seeing the spoiler tag, yes he died. I mean the vampire died. Vanished just like that due to what some vampire anemia? No silver sword, no high exposure of UV ray, nothing. Also this vampire of ours walks freely in the sun. Among all the things that couldn't fit, the most important thing wasn't found again, in a KBL. CHEMISTRY. Well I don't think that's surprising anymore to us, right?

The good thing is both of the actor are really good at acting. The vampire one even looks like a vampire. But I think they just don't go with each other. Or maybe needs to work more on building their chemistry. They have got potential just needs to push themselves more. Also the OST is really good.
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