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Loveway korean drama review
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by Snurry
mar 23, 2023
8 of 8 episoade văzute
Per total 8.0
Poveste 8.0
Acționând / Cast 8.5
Muzică 7.5
Valoarea Revizionării 8.0

Short but fun

9 fitness lovers (5 men and 4 women) live together for 5 days trying to know each other better to find a love connection.

I really enjoyed this show, the contestants are pretty active and most of them tried to talk to different people instead of just focusing on one, even if they had a preference. The pace is fast and there's no judge panel, which I prefer. Overall I liked all of them except a couple of people, they were too much in my opinion.

The only bad side is that each episode is only 30 minutes. A lot of shows have few episodes and the vacation is short as well, but at least the episodes are long enough to show more conversations and activities. In this case I wanted to see more, so I hope that if there will be a second season they will add more screentime!
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