
  • Ultima Oară Online: aug 24, 2023
  • Sex: Masculin
  • Locație: Illinois, USA
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  • Data înscrierii: aprilie 16, 2020

Mike Gonzalez

Illinois, USA

Mike Gonzalez

Illinois, USA
To Sir, with Love thai drama review
În curs de desfășurare 10/17
To Sir, with Love
2 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
by Mike Gonzalez
dec 5, 2022
10 of 17 episoade văzute
În curs de desfășurare
Per total 9.5
Poveste 9.0
Acționând / Cast 9.5
Muzică 9.5
Valoarea Revizionării 7.5


I had avoided watching this simply due to the title. Reminding me of a 50 year old movie, plus the same name for the theme song from that movie, it just seemed a little silly. But then when I watched it, I realized how wrong I was. Nearly everything about it was excellent. A good story, although it was just a little over the top. The acting was excellent. The cinematography was excellent. The settings and props were excellent. High production values throughout. Still have 7 episodes to go, but if they're as good as the first 10, I have no complaints. Good chemistry between the two male leads, and his brother Yang and the girl that he falls for make a cute couple. Great show.
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