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Enchanté thai drama review
132 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
by Pinoy Ares
apr 1, 2022
10 of 10 episoade văzute
Completat 30
Per total 6.5
Poveste 5.0
Acționând / Cast 8.0
Muzică 7.0
Valoarea Revizionării 5.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere


The moment it was revealed who the mysterious Enchante guy is, the show started going down the drain.

Quick recap. Theo's granny died so he went back to Thailand to be with his family and continue his study. Hoeever, he found life is too boring, it is in fact too boring that while at the library, he decided to write on a French book in the hopes that someone will write him back because, why not? He is the star and people still go to the library nowadays, right? If you ask what are the chances that a Thai guy will read a French book in a library? It is very high, very high indeed. It was so high, that 4 most gorgeous campus guys took credit of writing him back as Enchante. The end.

Oh, wait.

The show started out ok, the first few episodes were engaging, and the connection between Akk and Theo is just full of goody cuteness. And then they had to go there - what was promoted as the selling point of the series was actually its weakest point. 3 of the 4 campus heartthrobs are shown as creepy stalkers, and were later revealed to be up-to-no-good delinquents and opportunists. Whats worse, in what the makers thought was the best twist of the series, they revealed that Enchante was in fact Theo himself! its as if, at that point, he isnt too self-absorbed enough. I could understand (a little bit) that he wanted Akk to be jealous, but to let the lie go on for that long is just downright egomaniac and borderline sociopath.

Ill be honest, by episode 4, i got tired of the story and even forget there are new episodes still to come. The Enchante reveal left a really bad taste in my mouth and unfortunately things got even worse after that.

I also dont understand how the show managed to lose what little chemistry Theo and Akk have at the beginning, and how almost all the characters become un-lovable by the end. Even the proposal scene at the finale was shot so poorly behind that too-obvious fake Paris background, and I just cannot feel anything from the actors by that point as any trace of their little chemistry is gone.

When the credits rolled i was just glad that its over, and hopefully the next Friday GMMTV series can live up to their better brothers.

Will i recommend? No. Was it worth the watch? Not really, it felt like a waste of time. The only consolation is Force, cause he reminds me so much of Tay Tawan, and i think he deserves to get another shot. And please, by the love of god, give Fluke Gawin a main role.

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