Best friendship dramas

Most of these dramas are about a group or a couple of friends, some are more comical while other more dramatical. Either way you get a lot of bromance, sismance or other types of friendship! 1. Bromance everywhere! 2. Friendship between 1 girl & 2 boys. 3. Bromance everywhere! 4. Strong frienship between two boys + another boy later. 5. Friendship between 1 girl & many boys. 6. Bromance. 7. Friendship between many boys & girls. 8. Same as 7. 9. Bromance. 10. Bromance & sismance. 11. Bromance. 12. Friendship between boys & girls. 13. Bromance. 14. Bromance. 15. Bromance.
SuperMegaBLfan mai 18, 2014
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