Best Korean Infidelity Dramas

Limit is per of 8

Koreanjustdaisy dec 5, 2021
8 Titles Loves
0% Watched
4 Voters Raport
  • Viața E Complicată

    1. Viața E Complicată

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
    296 points by 3 voters
    Într-o lume în care viața e foarte dificilă, o tânără și un bărbat de vârstă mijlocie dezvoltă o relație de apropiere, găsind căldură și confort unul în celălalt. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • The World of the Married

    2. The World of the Married

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
    296 points by 3 voters
    Everything seems perfect in the life of the successful family doctor and the associate director, Ji Sun Woo. She is blessed with a diligent teenage son and is married to the handsome ...more
  • Misty – O Crimă Misterioasă

    3. Misty – O Crimă Misterioasă

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
    194 points by 2 voters
    O știristă aflată la vârful carierei sale muncite din greu are probleme cu un tânăr rival care-i vrea postul, dar și cu un caz de crimă care-i împinge căsnicia la limită. (Sursă: ...more
  • No Longer Human

    4. No Longer Human

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
    192 points by 2 voters
    Will tell the story of a 40-year-old ghostwriter who feels lost and like she has accomplished nothing and a 27-year-old man who is scared that he will achieve nothing with his life. ...more
  • Secret Love Affair

    5. Secret Love Affair

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes
    100 points by 1 voters
  • A Wife’s Credentials

    6. A Wife’s Credentials

    Korean Drama - 2012, 16 episodes
    99 points by 1 voters
  • 7. Love Affairs in the Afternoon

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes
    98 points by 1 voters
  • Shark

    8. Shark

    Korean Drama - 2013, 20 episodes
    93 points by 1 voters

Koreanjustdaisy's Lists

11 titles 2 voters
