Chinese Dramas???
- The story takes place in Kong Sang Continent, and revolves around the tumultuous love story between Zhu Yan, princess of the Chi Yi Tribe and Shi Ying, a royal prince. Shi Ying's ...more
- In anul 626 I.H., inima Chang’an-ului este puternic zguduita de Atacul de la Poarta Xuanwu, o lovitura de stat reusita, care va schimba soarta Dinastiei Tang. In acest atac, planuit de printul ...more
- Fu Rong is born into a family of goldsmiths, and is intelligent and hardworking. Because of her elder sister's unfortunate marriage, she vows to never allow herself to experience the same misfortune. ...more
- Regina din Qing Qiu, Bang Feng Jiu, este singura vulpe rosie cu noua cozi din lume. Intr-o zi, pe cand se afla pe munte, cultivandu-si puterile, Feng Jiu este atacata de o ...more
- At the age of 19, Qi Wang Pei Yanzhi receives orders to defend the country against foreign invaders. With his natural military prowess, Pei Yanzhi turns the tides in their favor but ...more
- In China moderna, o timida studenta, pe nume Meng Yuan, invata cu sarg, dorind sa ocupe un loc printre cei mai buni practicanti ai medicinei traditionale chineze. Intr-o zi nefasta ea se ...more