Gay movies/dramas

A list of all the gay/lgbtq+ movies/dramas I've watched so far.

I have only included movies/dramas where the gay characters/couples are prominent.

Any censored romances will be specified as such, as will any series where I've written too much and therefore had to post a review instead.

In regards to recommendation specifics:

Yes: Either means that I really enjoyed it. Or that I believe most other people would like it. 

Yes and no: Either means that I didn't particularly enjoy it. Or that there were some messages/choices I didn't like.

No: Either means that it was a sad/tragic ending. Not really a BL. Or that it was plain bad.

Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China.

RainaSummers2002 ian 22, 2021
831 Titles Loves
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  • One Summer Night

    501. One Summer Night

    Korean Movie - 2016


    (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    Well, every single character in this movie sucked in some way. Tae Kyu was immature and emotionally abusive at times. I mean, he threatened to kill himself. We could assume that he was the one who shot the little boy, which resulted in the boy and his dad blackmailing them. It was also why Yong Hoon got mad when he kept playing with the air gun. Yong Hoon obviously cared about Tae Kyu a lot and wanted to protect him from the blackmailers. His methods were faulty, though. He also cheated on Tae Kyu. I don't think he still loved Jae Sung. Maybe he just needed closure? Jae Sung wasn't great either. Sure, Yong Hoon allowed him to stay at their place, but he repeatedly told him to stop pursuing him romantically. I won't lie and say Yong Hoon didn't give mixed signals, but claiming to his boyfriend that he is yours, essentially an object, was out of line. He also attacked Tae Kyu at one point. Anyway, by the end, two of the three died, as far as we know. So yeah, not great. The acting was mostly good. The actors were quite brave. Not only did they express extreme hatred towards a powerful man like Kim Jong Un, but one of the actors gave an actual blowjob to one of the other actors. That was a first for me. There was just a lot of nudity and sex in general. One of the three actors' nether regions was blurred out, though. The kisses were also very extreme. The movie did feel a bit dragged out at times. The pacing was also a bit confusing.

    There were kisses and sex scenes.

    Tragic ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Only Boo!

    502. Only Boo!

    Thai Drama - 2024, 12 episodes


    (1-10) (Eng subs) (Free)

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

    I know that everyone else loved this, and I didn't dislike it, but after the first few episodes, it went downhill for me. I got bored. Then there was the whole idol thing. That was really frustrating to me. I loathe unnecessary breakups and time skips. I find it to be very lazy. Anyway, I really liked Moo. He was cute and honest. Kang, on the other hand, I wasn't as excited about. I don't actually know whether it was due to Sea's acting or what. Something just seemed off. Due to that, I couldn't quite find the chemistry that everyone else saw. The second couple was just pure frustration. I think they could have been cute together, but the back and forth has always been such a turn-off for me. So, overall, it was good, but maybe just not for me?

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Only Friends

    503. Only Friends

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    (1-12) (Eng subs) (Free)

    There is so much I could say about the characters, but once I start, I literally can't stop. I'll try to keep it short. I didn't like any of the characters. Sand and Nick, I sympathized with, but they still did shitty things. Ray and Boston were the worst assholes. I felt nothing for them. Mew and Top both bored me. They need to stop putting Book and Force together. It isn't working. The other couples did have chemistry despite their bad behavior. There wasn't really a plot, was there? It was just drama, cheating, and lies. It was honestly hard for me to finish this. I don't do well with things that are so serious and intense. At least there were a lot of good actors in this. I guess it just wasn't for me.

    There were kisses and sex scenes.

    Happy/open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Open

    504. Open

    Korean Movie - 2015


    (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    Just remember to lock your doors, seriously. Anyway, I'm happy that the friend was so understanding.

    No kiss.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Oppressive Love

    505. Oppressive Love

    Chinese Movie - 2016


    (Eng subs) (Free)

    It was silly. The plot twist wasn't well done. The script was, in general, pretty bad. The acting was at least decent. They also had some chemistry. When they acted like a couple, it was nice, but the ending destroyed it. The homophobia wasn't needed either.

    There was a kiss.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Ossan's Love

    506. Ossan's Love

    Japanese Special - 2016, 1 episode


    (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    Although Hasegawa and Haruta didn't have as much chemistry as Maki and Haruta had, I kind of preferred Hasegawa as a person. He wasn't as sensitive and easily offended as Maki. I also liked Kurosawa more here. He wasn't as creepy and invasive. I never knew how to feel about Haruta, honestly. He was both an idiot and lovable? Anyway, Asuka was my favorite character. She was a great friend, and I felt sort of bad for her. I highly enjoyed Kurosawa and Hasegawa fighting over a bewildered Haruta, by the way. I would recommend watching this more because of the humor than the romance.

    I think their lips touched?

    Happy/open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Ossan's Love

    507. Ossan's Love

    Japanese Drama - 2018, 7 episodes


    (1-7) (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (1-7) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    This was silly, but I very much enjoyed it. Haruta was hard to understand at times. It was almost as if he just went with whatever was thrown at him. So, his male boss liked him? Weird, but fine. His new male roommate kissed him as he was showering? Surprising, but fine. Not just one, but two men all of a sudden showed interest in him? Well fuck, but still fine. He kept on blabbering about wanting a girlfriend with big tits, and yet all he got were two tit-less men. Sad, but apparently acceptable. I was never sure what he really felt or who he liked. Maybe he wasn't sure either? It definitely seemed like it at times. Kurosawa was a major creep. Not once did he ask Haruta if he was okay with getting pursued by him. He just sort of assumed Haruta was into him too? He also completely forgot about his wife's feelings. I mostly liked Maki. He was a bit of a confusing prick at times, though. He should have trusted Haruta more. The ending felt especially odd.

    There were kisses.

    The story continues in Ossan's Love: LOVE or DEAD.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Ossan's Love

    508. Ossan's Love

    Hong Kong Drama - 2021, 15 episodes


    (1-15) (Eng subs) (Free) (VPN) 

    (1-15) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    I personally enjoyed this more than the original, not by much, but still. I found the characters more likable and, well, human. Although they all had some major flaws, I could still sympathize with all of them. Some of the characters were a little different. Especially KK was different. I found him much less creepy. The acting wasn't as over-the-top as the original. It was good. I think Edan and Anson have great chemistry, maybe not as romantic partners, but they have chemistry for sure. Their kisses weren't fantastic, but they also weren't cringey or bad. I also liked the ending of this one much more. It made more sense.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Ossan's Love Returns

    509. Ossan's Love Returns

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 9 episodes


    (1-9) (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (1-9) (Eng subs) (Free)

    Wow. It's been a long time since I had so much fun watching not just a BL, but anything really. It even made me cry but in a good way. I didn't want it to end. I remember enjoying the previous installments, but this was definitely better. There wasn't anywhere near as much conflict. It was just a breeze to watch. I love all the characters, the new ones included. The cast just has such amazing and natural chemistry. The actors are simply great. I don't think I have anything bad to say. The only thing I can think of is I would have liked to see even more romantic scenes between Haruta and Maki. That said, I still think the scenes they did have in this were superior to any of the ones they had earlier. I'm happy and content :)

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Ossan's Love: In the Sky

    510. Ossan's Love: In the Sky

    Japanese Drama - 2019, 8 episodes


    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    I want to start by saying this season has nothing to do with the other season or the movie. The only common denominator is a similar plot and recurring characters. Anyway, it was all just a bit messy. Basically, three people liked Haruta, but Haruta liked someone else. Unfortunately, the one Haruta liked wasn't interested in him. The ending made no sense, though. Haruta seemed actually in love with that one person, but when that didn't work out, he just settled for the next best, I guess? I don't know. I just wasn't satisfied. I wasn't a fan of Shino, honestly. He was such a coward. Kurosawa was a creep as always. Naruse, for some reason, had me feeling like I needed to protect him. Sure, I found him to be annoying at times, but I also adored him? My favorite was Hina. She was so cute.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Ossan’s Love: LOVE or DEAD

    511. Ossan’s Love: LOVE or DEAD

    Japanese Movie - 2019


    (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    Is it bad that I sort of wanted Justice to get together with Haruta? I just felt that Haruta and Maki's relationship was very shaky. I really liked the scene where they sorted out their feelings for each other. Although, maybe it was a little sad that they had to be put in a life or death situation to communicate properly. Also, as much as it showed just how little they talked together at one point, that sauna scene was hilarious.

    There was a kiss.

    The story continues in Ossan's Love Returns.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Our Dating Sim

    512. Our Dating Sim

    Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes

  • Our Days

    513. Our Days

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    (1-12) (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (1-12) (Eng subs) (Free)

    This is one of the most boring BL's I've ever watched. I honestly don't know how I got through it. I skipped a lot and sped it up. Was there even a plot? The big reveal was laughable and silly. So made my blood boil. He did Mon so dirty. Mon wasn't great either. It took way too long for his character to grow. They had zero chemistry. Together they were like bread that had been in the oven too long. It was so dry it could turn into dust. When they finally kissed properly I couldn't get into it at all because they just bored me. I think it was the script rather than the actor's fault that it was so bad. That said, Mhing was definitely stiff, which obviously affected the series a lot because he was the main character. Anyway, Saint was a way better choice for Mon, not that Mon really deserved him, though. Mickey and Q were about two hundred times better together than the main couple, and they weren't even on screen that often. This tried to be thought-provoking and interesting, but I had a hard time simply staying awake. I wouldn't even call it a BL. If the characters didn't claim to like each other, I would have never thought that they did. Lastly, the ending was even worse than one of them dying, in my opinion.

    There were kisses and a steamy scene.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Our Memory

    514. Our Memory

    Taiwanese Drama - 2020, 4 episodes


    (1-4) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    It was okay, considering the budget. The acting wasn't top-notch, but I was satisfied. The mom sucked until she didn't. I'm sick of characters who think they are selfless by agreeing with unreasonable parent's wishes.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Our Skyy

    515. Our Skyy

    Thai Drama - 2018, 5 episodes


    (1-5) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    I personally didn't need this. If you missed any of these couples, you might enjoy it?

    (Ep. 1) Pick & Rome:

    It was a light-hearted, mostly cute episode. It was fun to see Off play as a gentle character and Gun as a tough one. I thought they pulled off the body-swap thing well.

    There was a kiss.

    Open ending.

    (Ep. 2) In & Sun:

    Making someone jealous on purpose is childish. Sure, Sun needed a push, but this was a cheap way to do it. They were cute together. That said, the constant almost-kisses get old fast. At least they finally got together.

    No kiss.

    Happy ending.

    (Ep. 3) Tee & Mork:

    Goodness, public declarations of love don't do it for me. At least, Mork wasn't an idiot, like Tee. Imagine thinking your boyfriend is cheating because of such natural interactions. There was no trust. He even had no problem breaking up. The best part of this was Gord and Morn and Frank and Drake's chemistry.

    There was a kiss.

    Happy ending.

    (Ep. 4) Pete & Kao:

    This was basically Tay and New being themselves. They were bickering as always. I thought what Kao did was mostly cute maybe it was a little deceitful, but he meant well.

    There was a kiss.

    Happy ending.

    (Ep. 5) Kongpob & Arthit:

    For the most part, it was sweet. Arthit still being unsure of their relationship after four years was concerning, though. He did pull himself together, but poor Kongpob, honestly. I really liked their acting in this.

    There was a kiss.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Our Skyy 2

    516. Our Skyy 2

    Thai Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    (1-16) (Eng subs) (Free)

    I don't know why this page exists when there are ones for each individual couple. My complete reviews are on each individual one.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Our Skyy 2: A Boss and a Babe

    517. Our Skyy 2: A Boss and a Babe

    Thai Special - 2023, 2 episodes


    (1-2) (Eng subs) (Free)

    It was fine. I just didn't think we got to see much of them being sweet together. That's literally what I came for, you know? I also didn't think it made sense for Gun to act like that. Sure, he was a little strict in the main series, but he was so unfair in this. Anyway, as always, I adored Force. Book also did well.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Our Skyy 2: A Tale of Thousand Stars

    518. Our Skyy 2: A Tale of Thousand Stars

    Thai Special - 2023, 1 episode


    (Eng subs) (Free)

    Once again, Tian and Phu aren't my favorite characters, but I like Mix and Earth together. So, yeah, I didn't really need more of them as these characters, but I'm not mad. The proposal was very sweet. It honestly felt so real. They're great actors.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Our Skyy 2: Bad Buddy

    519. Our Skyy 2: Bad Buddy

    Thai Special - 2023, 1 episode


    (Eng subs) (Free)

    It was fine, but it also was mostly just an intro to the cross-over. I am happy to see them together again, though. They're both great actors and have good chemistry, so I can't complain. I also think the cross-over is a cute idea.

    No lip kiss.

    The story continues in Our Skyy 2: Bad Buddy x A Tale of Thousand Stars.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Our Skyy 2: A Tale of Thousand Stars

    520. Our Skyy 2: A Tale of Thousand Stars

    Thai Special - 2023, 2 episodes


    (1-2) (Eng subs) (Free)

    As much as I like the idea of a cross-over, this was rather pointless. Is it too much to ask for an already established couple to just be cute together? Why do they always create so much unnecessary drama that isn't even interesting? I was so over the top. Tian and Phu can be so sweet together, but they made this about them arguing constantly. Both couples have good chemistry. Why would you waste that? I just feel a little disappointed. The acting was great, though.

    There was a kiss.

    The story continues in Our Skyy 2: A Tale of Thousand Stars.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Our Skyy 2: My School President

    521. Our Skyy 2: My School President

    Thai Special - 2023, 2 episodes


    (1-2) (Eng subs) (Free)

    Definitely the best one so far! I just love them together. Gemini is still the most adorable thing ever, no matter what role he plays, apparently. I also thought Fourth suited his role well. The plot was, of course, similar to that of the main series but just switched around a bit. I enjoyed it. I'm happy they finally acknowledged the potential that Mark and Ford have as a couple. They are adorable. Jorn and Phat wasn't a bad idea. Jorn was actually sweet when he was crushing. Sadly, Sound and Win still didn't do it for me. Once again, the teasing of kisses was a bit annoying. Especially when there then ended up being no proper kisses. Other than that, I'm happy.

    No lip kiss.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Our Skyy 2: Never Let Me Go

    522. Our Skyy 2: Never Let Me Go

    Thai Special - 2023, 2 episodes


    (1-2) (Eng subs) (Free)

    I mean, I guess they tried with the plot, although it was quite random. I just still don't care for them together. I don't know what else to say.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Our Skyy 2: Star in My Mind

    523. Our Skyy 2: Star in My Mind

    Thai Special - 2023, 2 episodes


    (1-2) (Eng subs) (Free)

    So you're telling me Maithee and Sean didn't get together??????? Pairing Sean with anyone but Maithee was a huge mistake. Disappointing. Anyway, the main couple was as cheesy and boring as usual. Nothing happened in this. Literally nothing.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Our Skyy 2: The Eclipse

    524. Our Skyy 2: The Eclipse

    Thai Special - 2023, 2 episodes


    (1-2) (Eng subs) (Free)

    I did not like Ayan's so-called prank. I got so uncomfortable seeing them arguing. I remember quite liking Ayan in the original, but in this, he kind of sucked. Ayan was totally disregarding Akk's feelings. I would have left him, to be honest. I just don't get why they did this. Ayan used to be charming. Thua and Khan still weren't very interesting. Wat and the teacher's relationship was as unnecessary as always.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Our Skyy 2: Vice Versa

    525. Our Skyy 2: Vice Versa

    Thai Special - 2023, 2 episodes


    (1-2) (Eng subs) (Free)

    There were cute parts, but overall, I wasn't stoked about it. Stealing someone's child is fucked up. I was so sad that the story turned out that way. The kid was adorable, though. I thought the first episode was relatively good. The idea was sweet. It was nice that they realized they needed to do something to make their relationship function. Putting in effort is vital for a long-lasting relationship. All that said, I still don't really think they have chemistry. Sadly. I would rather rewatch this than their main series, though.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Overlooked Love

    526. Overlooked Love

    Filipino Drama - 2021, 1 episode


    (No Eng subs) (Free) 

    So, it got canceled. The one episode that did get released wasn't that memorable. The subtitles cut off not even halfway through the episode. The quality was lacking. There was also non-consensual kissing.

    There were kisses.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Oxygen

    527. Oxygen

    Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes


    (1-13) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    (Special scenes) (Eng subs) (Free)

    I was just bored in the second half of this. Gui and Solo were both such bores. I personally felt like they had zero personality. I dreaded any scenes that included Dr. Petch or Khim. Petch was the worst. He lied to Khim and used both Khem and Dr. Perth. The drama with Solo's dad was so unoriginal and once again boring. Kao was borderline a bit of a stalker at first. He was the only character that HAD any character, though. Phu was also boring, in my opinion.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • P.S. I Love You, Bro

    528. P.S. I Love You, Bro

    Filipino Special - 2019, 1 episode


    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    Highly unrealistic, but we need that sometimes. Except for taking pictures of someone without their consent, I approve of this message. This also reminds me of how much I need a BL where one of the leads is effeminate.

    No kiss.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Padayon

    529. Padayon

    Filipino Drama - 2021, 6 episodes


    (1-6) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    Honestly, I could have said a few positive and negative things about this, but now I won't. It took them so long to put out the final episode that I have forgotten most of it. Nothing about this makes it worth watching. The kiss was incredibly half-assed. The acting was so-so. The story was predictable and boring. It promised so much and delivered nothing.

    There was a kiss.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Paint with Love

    530. Paint with Love

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    (1-12) (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (1-12) (Eng subs) (Free)

    It was messy. What even was the plot? I felt like it was repetitive and uninspired. Honestly, it was confusing and frustrating to watch at times. Maze and Phap''s relationship was toxic and made me quite uncomfortable. Maze was only likable about 5-10% of the time. I wouldn't say I liked Phap either. His jealousy revolving around Maze and Nueng was tiresome and ridiculous, really. I think this series would have been better and more comprehensible if it were shorter. I was truly dragging the further into it we got. Maze and Phap didn't really have chemistry. I wasn't that into Nueng and Tharn either, but they still interested me more than the main couple. I felt a bit conflicted about them coming out to the reporters, though. They didn't have to clarify, but it was also nice that they felt comfortable enough to do it. I didn't understand why Nueng was so into pissing Phap off. That made him somewhat annoying. Tharn also annoyed me by ignoring Nueng. He could have just COMMUNICATED. Ne bothered me. She was very touchy around Phap. I call it harassment. Then there was the mandatory straight couple. I don't mind that, but this couple was also boring. At least the acting was decent.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Papa and Daddy

    531. Papa and Daddy

    Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 6 episodes


    (1-6) (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (1-6) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    It was mostly well-acted. Their intimate scenes were top-notch. It was nice to see a series centered around what it's like being gay parents. It was pretty wholesome. Some things didn't add up, though. I found it hard to believe Jerry's mom would have gotten over her homophobia that quickly. Well, I guess it was nice that the whole family situation ended well. I liked the many different representations of the LGBTQ+ community. The ending was not it. The fact that Damian didn't tell Jerry about such an important thing was unacceptable. If I were Jerry, I would feel so betrayed. 

    There were kisses and steamy scenes.

    The story continues in Papa & Daddy Season 2.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Papa & Daddy Season 2

    532. Papa & Daddy Season 2

    Taiwanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    (1-8) (Engs subs) (Subscription)

    (1-8) (Engs subs) (Free)

    I'm not sure why they thought this was what we wanted for the second season. First of all, Melvin and Mike had way more chemistry than these two. I don't know if it was the actor's fault, though. Also, they managed to make me severely dislike Damian. I ended up thinking Jerry was better off with Kao. Instead of making this as eye-opening as the first season, they made it silly and cliche. I only really enjoyed the last episode. Gay weddings save lives. The only thing that got me through all the other episodes was Jimmy. What a precious bean. This season should just have been about him. I'm just disappointed. Spare yourself the pain and forget this season exists.

    There were kisses and a steamy scene.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Pastsenger

    533. Pastsenger

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    (1-12) (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (1-12) (Eng subs) (Free)

    It was really bad. I didn't like the characters. Kiao and Bamee were both so fucking insufferable. They, of course, had no chemistry. The kisses were bleh. The last few episodes, and especially the last one, were pure torture to get through. It was such an odd way to end it. Listen, if my friend came and told me they wanted to date my child, who was twenty years younger than themselves, I would spit in their face. That is disgusting. I was not rooting for them. Then there was the straight drama. Girl, who cares? Plawan and Mudaeng weren't horrible, I guess. That said, you just couldn't help but feel Plawan wanted Bamee instead. Overall, it was a waste of time. Also, I'm tired of seeing Cooper in this kind of role. I'm starting to wonder if he can't or won't play anything else.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Peach of Time

    534. Peach of Time

    Korean Drama - 2021, 10 episodes


    (1-10) (Eng subs) (Free) (VPN)

    (1-10) (Eng subs) (Free)

    It was badly written. The plot hardly made sense. The best part of this was Jae Hyun and Ae Yun's acting. They were both great. Jimmy, not as much. It was the wrong choice to cast him as the main character. He couldn't bring the emotion that was needed. The couple lacked chemistry. They were cute as friends, but I didn't see any romantic feelings. Their kisses were awful. Tommy and his first love had more chemistry than the main couple. The last episode was predictable yet underwhelming. The lip-syncing was bad and a waste of time. I wanted this to succeed so much. It just fell flat. Even Yoon Oh's cause of death was boring. I loved when Yoon Oh was playful, but he spent much of the time being a brat. Peach was a rather one-dimensional character. Being extremely nice was his only trait. All of that said, it wasn't a good BL, but it had its moments.

    There were kisses.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Pee Nak

    535. Pee Nak

    Thai Movie - 2019


    I can't find an official link.

    (Eng subs) (Free)

    It wasn't scary nor funny. There wasn't even blood at any point. It was rather boring, actually. At least the acting wasn't bad. It relied heavily on the jumpscares, but the jumpscares were too predictable to surprise anyone. There was no gay romance. Balloon and First referred to themselves as trannies, so would they be considered gay? Either way, their characters were extremely stereotypical. First liked Nong, or so it would seem. Nong, however, liked Jui, a girl. Neither led anywhere. First also sexually assaulted Nong at one point, so I didn't want them to get together anyway.

    No kiss.

    The story continues in Pee Nak 2.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Pee Nak 2

    536. Pee Nak 2

    Thai Movie - 2020


    I can't find an official link.

    (Eng subs) (Free)

    Once again, it wasn't scary at all. There was some blood, but it was by no means gory. I thought it was a little less boring than the first one, at least. The tags promised actual gay romance in this one, yet there was none. Noht and Aod's relationship seemed like the only one that might be more than friendship. Even then, it would be a reach to say that they were romantically involved. Then there was Ballon claiming that Aod had a crush on him/her. Does that even count?

    No kiss.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Perfect Propose

    537. Perfect Propose

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 6 episodes


    I can't find an official link. 

    (1-6) (Eng subs) (Free)

    It was okay, but also pretty forgettable. The plot was by no means spectacular. The Japanese BL's really love their office romance, huh? I didn't dislike the characters, but I guess I didn't quite feel like we got to know them that well. Of course that is typically how it is when a series is so short. I also immediately felt a bit weird about their relationship. Kai basically forced himself on Watari. Sure, he didn't fight all that much, but he did say no. That should have been enough, but Kai didn't stop. That made it hard for me to find them super cute together, you know. Other than that, I did think they had some chemistry. The kisses also didn't suck. The acting was fine. I didn't have much to go off of, though.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Physical Therapy

    538. Physical Therapy

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    (1-12) (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (1-12) (Eng subs) (Free)

    There was literally nothing about this that I liked. It's not worth it, even for the BL parts. They managed for there to be plotholes in a plotless series. It was so boring and nonsensical. I didn't really like Milk. Sure he was cute and nice, but his constant pretending to hate skinship with Pun got old fast. Even after they had been dating for years, he acted as if he found it either disgusting or painful to kiss Pun. Because of that, I felt just about zero chemistry. I didn't like Pun either. At first, I found him very bland, then he got a bit more charming, but when he kissed Milk, who was drunk, I started realizing he wasn't all that great. Then he forcibly kissed him. I just couldn't possibly root for him. The second couple made me want to barf. I found Yang and Yamyen extremely creepy. There was also a silly straight couple and an annoying female character who was only there to create drama. The ending almost suggested that they want to make another season. All I can say is, I hope they come to their senses before they put us through any more torture. The only redeemable thing was the acting from the two mains. I mean, they weren't amazing, but also not bad.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Pisces the Series

    539. Pisces the Series

    Filipino Drama - 2021, 11 episodes


    (1-11) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    It was so boring. I couldn't even finish it. Every episode was a new story. It made it kind of hard to get invested when Pisces was with a new guy every episode, pretty much. Most if not all of the interactions were through a computer screen.

    No kiss.

    Happy/sad/open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Pisces of Me

    540. Pisces of Me

    Thai Special - 2023, 2 episodes


    I can't find an official link.

    (1-2) (Eng subs) (Free)

    What the fuck was that? It definitely wasn't BL, I'll tell you that much. There was no couple. Kun liked Tod, but Tod didn't like him back. Pond liked Korn, but Korn didn't like him back. The twin thing was so odd. Was I supposed to hope they would date? Gross. Korn also sucked ass. What even was the point of this? Hey, at least the acting wasn't bad.

    There were kisses.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Pit Babe

    541. Pit Babe

    Thai Drama - 2023, 13 episodes


    I can't find an official link.

    (1-13) (Eng subs) (Free) (Cut)

    I only watched and left a more extensive review on the uncut version. I assume this version is just even more of a mess.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Pit Babe: Uncut

    542. Pit Babe: Uncut

    Thai Drama - 2023, 13 episodes


    I can't find an official link.

    (1-13) (Eng subs) (Free) (Uncut)

    What a waste. There were so many good actors in this. Pavel, Nut, Sailub, and Michael, to name a few. So, why did they give the lead to a guy who absolutely couldn't act? Charlie could have been played by just about anyone else, and it would have been better. I don't want to be mean. It was just so obvious when he was next to such gifted actors. I also meant I didn't care for the main couple at all. I didn't feel any chemistry between them. I didn't care much for the second couple, either. I thought they were okay, but characters that are standoffish, like Jeff, don't appeal to me. Then there's the plot. I don't even know. The abilities and all that was fine, but the fucking omegaverse shit was weird. I also didn't care for the fake death cliche. It's a horrible thing to do to the people who care about you. The last episode was a mess. They spent too long trying to make me care about Way. He literally tried to rape Babe. It didn't matter how sorry he was. Overall, it really wasn't all that great, but maybe I'm just a sour bitch.

    There were kisses and sex scenes.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Playboy and the Gang of Cherry

    543. Playboy and the Gang of Cherry

    Thai Movie - 2017


    (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    The only good thing about this was the acting. Gun and Fuhrer were amazing. They are such great actors, and these were not easy roles. The others were great as well, especially Karit and Sainam. There were many sex scenes and also some quite graphic scenes, including rape. I'm not sure what Mac felt for the chained boy, but it didn't sit right with me. He might have freed him, but he also raped him afterward. So, I definitely wouldn't call it love, maybe infatuation? Anyway, this movie was quite confusing, and I'm not sure there really was a plot?

    There were kisses and sex scenes.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Playboyy

    544. Playboyy

    Thai Drama - 2023, 14 episodes


    (1-14) (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (1-14) (Eng subs) (Free)

    Wow. What a bunch of assholes. I don't think I liked any of the characters. Of course, some were worse than others, but, in general, they all sucked to some degree. I can't say I enjoyed any of it, really. They tried to make us believe this was about finding a missing person, but really, it was just about how many sex scenes they could fit into one series. I have never been so uncomfortable watching a BL. All those things that I will never be able to unsee. At least, the acting was okay. I mean, you have to be somewhat of a good actor to act out the scenes that they did. I don't know what else to say. I do have a question, though. Why the English? It was really odd. Anyway, they seriously left the ending like that and plan to make another season. Fuck.

    There were kisses and sex scenes.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Please Tell Me So

    545. Please Tell Me So

    Korean Special - 2021, 1 episode


    (Eng subs) (Free)

    I mean, there was nothing wrong with it. It was cute but probably quite unrealistic. I hope Strongberry has the means to create longer movies someday.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Plus & Minus

    546. Plus & Minus

    Taiwanese Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    (1-12) (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (1-12) (Eng subs) (Free)

    Yet another boring BL. The plot was so mind-numbingly ordinary and cliche. The acting wasn't bad, so I'd assume that their chemistry was nonexistent due to the writing. I was in no way convinced that Li Gong and Ze Shou were in love. Ze Shou just suddenly liked Lig Gong back? It made no sense. Then there was the absolutely necessary break-up episode. I'm so done with characters breaking up for "the greater good". If you had been in love with someone for years and years and they finally loved you too, would you just throw that away? For what? To be selfless? That's bullshit. Both of them were cowards. Li Gong didn't fight hard enough for their relationship, and Ze Shou had apparently been denying his feelings. Ying Ze and Yuki were an even less convincing pairing. I did not like them together at all. They were both so boring and a pointless addition to this series. I also found Yuki incredibly creepy. I felt like he was almost forcing himself on Ying Ze. Don't even get me started on the side characters. Anyway, basically, I didn't like any of the characters. So, what did I like? Although Ze Shou and Li Gong had no chemistry, at least they committed to the intimate scenes. I also always love gay weddings.  

    There were kisses and steamy scenes.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Pornographer - Spring Life

    547. Pornographer - Spring Life

    Japanese Movie - 2021


    (Eng subs) (Free)

    It succeeded in getting me excited for the movie. I love Kuzumi, so him being there is enough, quite honestly. I loved the fact that they communicated through letters. I don't like most romantic gestures, but that shit is cute.

    There were kisses and a steamy scene.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Precise Shot

    548. Precise Shot

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 20 episodes


    (1-20) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    Censored romance.

    It was an absolutely decent BL. I would say it was pretty apparent, that at the very least, Yiyou liked Yilang. That one moment in the bathroom had too much tension for their relationship to be platonic. Yiyou was so obviously disappointed when he thought they were actual brothers, and then he put on that smirk when he found out they weren't brothers. He was so pleased. Overall, I think they did a great job working around censorship.

    No kiss.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Present Perfect

    549. Present Perfect

    Thai Movie - 2017


    (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    It was a little boring. It was just very slow. I wish we were told what really happened that night. To me, it felt like non-consensual sex happened. It was weird how the emphasis was on Toey having sex with a man and not Oat getting him drunk and taking advantage of him. Like, I just found Oat creepy. He was selfish, a cheater, and a coward. I did not like him. I felt awful for Oat's girlfriend and Toey. Anyway, it definitely wasn't romantic. I mostly liked Yumi. I just felt like she was telling Toey to get over the fact that he was raped. You know, telling him that sex is just sex, and such. Rape does not equal sex. I didn't appreciate how she handled that situation. Lastly, I didn't really feel much chemistry between them. The acting wasn't bad, though.

    There was a kiss.

    The story continues in the next movie.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Present Perfect

    550. Present Perfect

    Thai Movie - 2012


    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    Although the quality was lacking, I honestly preferred this story over the remake one. Mostly because Oat didn't rape Toey in this one. Anyway, Toey was gay this time around. Oat's sexuality was yet to be determined, to the viewers at least. Lastly, these two didn't have great chemistry either.

    No kiss.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Present Still Perfect

    551. Present Still Perfect

    Thai Movie - 2020


    (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    It was definitely more interesting than the first movie. In turn, it was also more unrealistic. The ending was all unicorns and rainbows. It was quite a different vibe in comparison to the first movie. I almost preferred Oat over Toey in this one. I appreciated that he actually wanted to do the right thing. I did not appreciate the fact that Toey wanted Oat to continue to deceive his wife, though. I get that Toey didn't want to be the reason for their breakup, but he wasn't the sole reason. Oat was a gay man. That's why he had to stop lying to himself and his family. Anyway, I fucking loved Namwhan and Kenta. Namwhan is probably one of the best female characters in a BL ever. She was honestly too nice. Kenta was just fun and great comedic relief during the hard times. Lastly, the sex scene was well done. That might seem like a weird thing to mention, but it just felt so raw. It's quite rare to see actual lovemaking and not just lust in these BL's.

    There were kisses and a sex scene.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Private Lessons

    552. Private Lessons

    Korean Movie - 2020


    (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (No Eng subs) (Free) 

    As much as teacher-student relationships make me feel weird, there was something quite pure about this. I still believe that teachers should never get too close to any of their students, though. It's a recipe for disaster.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Project S: SPIKE

    553. Project S: SPIKE

    Thai Drama - 2017, 8 episodes


    I can't find an official link.

    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Free)

    It was quite obvious to me that before Puen met Than, he liked Singha. Singha was probably the first person he ever confided in, and Puen seemed attached to him because of that. Then after they became rivals, Puen fell for Than instead. I'm not sure about Than and Singha, but we know that Puen was pansexual. He told Jern that he didn't have a type and that gender didn't matter either. That was the first reason why I believed that there was more to Puen's feelings for both of them. The second reason was that Puen was the only one that seemed genuinely heartbroken about what happened to Singha, like seriously heartbroken. The third reason was how Jern reacted to seeing Puen and Singha interacting at the end. It was as if she realized Puen wouldn't reciprocate her feelings because he already liked someone else. The fourth and final reason was the scene where Puen and Singha sat in the court, and with a loving look in Puen's eyes, he said, "You're the one whom I really wanna be with." I'm also pretty sure there used to be a gay character tag. Do I need to continue? Basically, I think it DOES fall under the LGBTQ+ category. It just wasn't as in your face as your usual BL. So, if you're into subtlety, this is for you. Anyway, the acting was great. I mean, I already knew that Oab is an amazing actor, but the others were great as well. The plot was also well written and developed beautifully. Maybe I didn't think volleyball was the most exciting thing to watch, but I also wasn't bored. I most enjoyed seeing the character's personal growth. I also liked the ending.

    No kiss.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Quaranthings The Series

    554. Quaranthings The Series

    Filipino Drama - 2020, 8 episodes


    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    So, Judah. I found him childish, manipulative, and pushy. Rocky made it clear that he wasn't interested in a relationship with another man (at least at one point). Judah just kept on guilting Rocky into liking him back. He also used Glenn to make Rocky jealous. I mean, Rocky wasn't perfect either. He shouldn't have gotten together with Judah if he wasn't serious. Lolly was just your typical I-know-what's-best-for-you kind of character. But the things she did were actually hurting Judah, not helping him.

    There were kisses and a steamy scene.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Queer

    555. Queer

    Filipino Movie - 2021


    It appears that it has been removed from YouTube. Therefore there is no official link anymore. 

    I have no idea what just happened. He just spoke in a language I didn't understand. Soooo... Nothing else happened. I'm sure it was very empowering, though.

    No kiss.

    Happy ending?

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Quite Ordinary

    556. Quite Ordinary

    Japanese Movie - 2011


    (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    There were no gay relationships. There were, however, two gay characters. Both of whom were miserable. One was Nirasaki, a creepy teacher trying to take advantage of his student's broken heart, and the other was Shiotsu, the student whose heart had been broken.  Hatsukari, the guy Shiotsu liked, rejected him and not in a sensitive manner.

    No kiss.

    Sad ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Rak Diao

    557. Rak Diao

    Thai Drama - 2022, 15 episodes


    (1-15) (Eng subs) (Free)

    I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The laughing track didn't bother me much. To be fair, though, I'm very used to such things. The humor was silly and over the top, yes, but honestly, it felt nice to have a BL that didn't take itself too seriously. It did make me uncomfortable how almost everyone sexually harassed Rak, though. That's not funny to me. I liked the acting. I liked their chemistry. I liked Rak. Diao also had his moments when he wasn't being grumpy. That said, I couldn't have cared less about any of the other characters. I thought the ending was very rushed. I'm pretty sure that was because there were supposed to be many more episodes. I felt quite unsatisfied. I would have loved to see how they would act around each other after confessing. The kiss was also rather lackluster. There were just so many questions left unanswered. Like how Diao would tell his mother, who kept pressuring him into giving her grandchildren, would react to him getting a boyfriend.

    There was a kiss.

    Happy/open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Rebirth

    558. Rebirth

    Chinese Movie - 2017


    (Eng subs) (Subscription) (Uncut) 

    (Eng subs) (Free) (Uncut) 

    Oh, yet another evil female character. Well, there were two. It's so tiresome. The timeline confused me. I didn't really get it. The story itself was basic. The acting was fine. The chemistry was also fine. It just wasn't properly utilized. There was a kiss and a sort of bed scene, but they were at the very end next to the rolling credits. Basically, you could hardly tell what they were doing, making it almost a waste of time. I just wanted to see them be together throughout the movie, and not just in the last minute of it.

    There was a kiss and a steamy scene.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Red Balloon

    559. Red Balloon

    Taiwanese Drama - 2017, 8 episodes


    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Free)

    Xu Yang's part in the series felt off. It just didn't make sense. How can you go from suicidal to ready-to-take-over-the-world in an instant? Anyway, he got his happy ending. Xia Zhi Chen was a bit of an idiot. He married a woman and even had a child when he was still in love with Li Xiang Wan because his dad told him to. The women are so often disregarded and treated horribly in BL's. It makes me mad. Xia Zhi Chen might have felt very forced by his homophobic dad, but he was a grown adult. He could have said no. It wasn't until his dad died he finally got divorced and got back together with Li Xiang Wan. He just seemed quite selfish.

    There was a kiss.

    Open/happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Red Wine in the Dark Night

    560. Red Wine in the Dark Night

    Thai Movie - 2015


    I can't find an official link.

    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    This movie was just weird. So, I'd say Wine was crazy. Boy was gross. The idea of raping Wine actually turned him on. I assumed Night was never real? Anyway, this was basically Fluke getting to make out with a bunch of guys. Good for him.

    There were kisses and steamy scenes.

    Sad ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Refund Love

    561. Refund Love

    Thai Special - 2024, 2 episodes


    I can't find an official link.

    (1-2) (Eng subs) (Free)

    Oh boy. It was not BL. It was two guys whose girlfriends were cheating on them with each other. They were moping about their girlfriends the entire time, but then, at the very end, Pai was about to confess something, but of course, he was interrupted. It was boring, and the amount of times I was subjected to seeing the same two scenes over and over again was painful. The acting wasn't great. The scene where the guys had to act drunk was hilariously bad.

    No kiss.  

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Remember Me

    562. Remember Me

    Thai Drama - 2022, 14 episodes


    (1-12) (Eng subs) (Free)

    I liked basically nothing about it. I didn't care about the characters or anything else. It was boring, and I have no idea how they managed to make it into such a long series. None of the couples had chemistry. I don't even know what the point of it was. It was just bad, in my opinion.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • ReminderS

    563. ReminderS

    Thai Drama - 2019, 3 episodes


    (1-3) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    So basically, make time for each other, communicate with each other, and trust each other. Those were the reminders. Yes? I guess that's nice, but, my, was it frustrating to watch. It was just all of them getting jealous and misunderstanding each other. I was glad to see the OG BL actors Captain and White (from Lovesick) together again, but that's about it. Also, it was fun to see the actors play different roles. Well, except for Pin. He was pretty much the same as Ae. Lastly, I cringed every time any of the MEN were referred to as wives. Just stop.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Remington & the Curse of the Zombadings

    564. Remington & the Curse of the Zombadings

    Filipino Movie - 2011

  • Restart After Come Back Home

    565. Restart After Come Back Home

    Japanese Movie - 2020


    I can't find an official link.

    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    This was so heartwarming. There was basically no conflict at all, which we need more of in BL's. The story was also nice. I haven't watched many BL's that took place in the countryside. The scenery was beautiful. The acting felt natural. My only critique was Kozuka kissing Yamato when he was sleeping. I don't condone that kind of behavior. At least he seemed ashamed afterward, but he should have owned up to it sooner.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Right Time Right You

    566. Right Time Right You

    Thai Special - 2023, 2 episodes


    I can't find an official link.

    (1-2) (Eng subs) (Free)

    It was boring, slow, and quite depressing. There were queer characters, yes, but there wasn't really romance. One was still somewhat trying to get out of an abusive relationship, and the other had an almost exclusively one-sided love for the aforementioned. The one drunken kiss was nothing but that. I didn't like the characters either. The only thing I liked was the acting. I was really impressed by Milk. I felt his pain, and I've never even been heartbroken.

    There was a kiss.

    Open/happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • River Knows Fish Heart

    567. River Knows Fish Heart

    Chinese Movie - 2018


    (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (No Eng subs) (Free) 

    At first, I felt like Xiao Yu deeply cared about An He, and he probably did, but then he seemed to find it hard to understand the concept of consent. Every time Xiao Yu tried to initiate sex, An He resisted. Did Xiao Yu care? He didn't appear to. Then we had the mandatory annoying female character who refused to give up. Spare me. The best part about this was the fact the kidnapper/assaulter/almost murderer actually got punished. The acting was meh. The kisses were laughable. They weren't even really kisses. The ending was so rushed and forgettable. I hate characters going away, then time passes, and they come back just before the credits roll. Once again, spare me. I won't lie and say there weren't cute moments, but the bad moments outweighed the good ones.

    No visible lip kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Romantic Station

    568. Romantic Station

    Thai Movie - 2020


    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    It was very, very short, but somehow they actually made me invested in their developing relationship. They definitely had chemistry. It was just a little unrealistic, but I honestly didn't care.

    There was a kiss.

    Happy/open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Roommate

    569. Roommate

    Thai Drama - 2020, 4 episodes


    Line TV has closed. Therefore there are no official links with Eng subs anymore.

    (1-4) (Eng subs) (Free)

    The budget for this series was clearly almost nonexistent. The acting was so-so. The girls were very annoying characters. It felt like they were just there to make the episodes longer. The hinted rape scene was unnecessary and unfunny, even if nothing actually happened.

    There were kisses.

    The story continues in Roommate Special Episode.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Roommate Special Episode

    570. Roommate Special Episode

    Thai Special - 2020, 1 episode


    Line TV has closed. Therefore there are no official links with Eng subs anymore.

    (Eng subs) (Free)

    I guess it was nice to see them be a little more lovey-dovey, but they wasted so much time on that annoying, fetishizing hat-girl.

    There was a kiss.

    The story continues in Soulmate.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • The Circumstances of Pungdeok Villa Room 304

    571. The Circumstances of Pungdeok Villa Room 304

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Free)

    Hmmm. Honestly, it's a very mediocre series. The plot was simple, sometimes silly. I just really like them together. They have chemistry and seem completely comfortable with each other. I also thought the roles suited them much more than their previous ones and allowed them to show off their acting skills better. What this needed was more scenes of them actually together, being cute. I can't really think of a reason not to recommend it. Maybe only that Ho Joon was overly snobby at the beginning, and then, of course, the mandatory break-up.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Roundabout

    572. Roundabout

    Hong Kong Movie - 2015


    (Eng subs) (Free)

    I can't even be bothered. Homophobia is truly one of the most pointless things. I wasn't sure whether he was actually dating Natalie or not. If he was, that was obviously wrong of him. Mandy was the character we needed. The parents weren't horrible either. Yat Ming's mom was a little shitty but came to her senses. The ending was vague, but I can only assume they stayed together.

    There were kisses.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • S.C.I

    573. S.C.I

    Chinese Drama - 2018, 24 episodes


    (1-24) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    Censored romance.

    Despite the ban, I feel like you could really tell they cared a lot about each other. They were quite creative regarding how to get them to be intimate whilst not making it too gay. Some might have felt as if it wasn't clear enough, but I had no doubts. I would say, if you liked the "bromance" in The Untamed, you would like this too. I could have done without Xin Tang and Gong Sun's parts. She was just way too pushy, and I don't get why Gong sun eventually fell for her. I wish they would have kept her as a man, but I get why they had to change it. Bai Chi was adorable. I hope to see more of him and Zhao Zhen together in the next season. Also, for some reason, I found it hard to dislike Zhao Jue. He was cute in a way.

    No kiss.

    Happy/open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Sa Kabilang Dulo, Baka Sakaling, Maging Tayo

    574. Sa Kabilang Dulo, Baka Sakaling, Maging Tayo

    Filipino Drama - 2020, 3 episodes


    (1-3) (No Eng subs) (Free) 

    Well, there were no subs. I couldn't really say what was going on half the time because of that. It seemed both sweet and bitter. The acting was fine. The chemistry was present. The kiss was good. I don't really know how it ended, though.

    There was a kiss.

    Open ending?

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun

    575. Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Free)

    Meh. I liked the characters. The acting was fine. I didn't feel any chemistry, though. It's also just weird for a teacher to reciprocate a student's feelings. I couldn't quite get past that fact. Takuya and Shinji were an unnecessary couple. There was hardly enough time for one couple. It didn't help that they wasted time on Sahara and Nekoto. We all knew Nekoto would be rejected. It was just a waste of time. Overall, it wasn't bad, but pretty forgettable, in my opinion.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • SaifahZon Story

    576. SaifahZon Story

    Thai Special - 2020, 3 episodes


    (1-3) (Eng subs) (Free)

    I mostly watched Why R U? because of SaifahZon, so I was excited about this. Unfortunately, this wasn't that good. The story was a mess. I was also confused about the timeline. Some parts were of them before they got together, and then some parts are of them after Why R U? ended, I guess? I don't see how it fits into the original story. They should have just given them an entire series, but with a different story. Their kisses still felt a bit awkward. They dragged out the kiss scenes so much that I almost fell asleep. I thought that the main plot was the whole Saifah forgetting Zon thing, but that was over so quickly, sooo...

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Saitankyori wa Mawari Kudokute: Ame to Soda Mizu

    (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    Omg. Why? There were so many flashbacks from the first movie. They kept showing scenes that I had tried to forget. This made the first movie a waste of time, honestly. It was just an hour of weird and explicit sex scenes. All I can say is that Aoyama was one fucked up man, and the things he put Haruto through did not come from a place of love.

    There were kisses and sex scenes.

    The story continues in Saitankyori Wa Mawari Kudokute: Rakka Ryūsui.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Saitankyori wa mawari kudokute: rakka ryūsui

    (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (Eng subs) (Free) (Eng subs) (Free)

    This just left me absolutely scarred. It almost made me cry just from sheer disgust and petrification. The constant betrayal and dismissiveness of other's feelings left me flabbergasted. This movie trilogy made me feel sick to my stomach but also somewhat intrigued. Humans are so incredibly complicated. Almost all the characters were beyond fucked up and deserved nothing but the worst. Especially Seiya was beyond redemption. I only felt slightly bad for Haruto and Takumi. I felt they were just involved with people that didn't have their best interest at heart. I can only describe this as gut-wrenching and mind-pondering. The story was interesting in its own way. I just had to skip most of those "sex" scenes. I found Ruka and Haruto's first kiss the least repulsive out of all the kisses. So, the ending. They made us think that all was fine, just for Ruka to drop a massive bomb which took the ending in a completely different direction. I'm still unsure what actually happened and whether or not Haruto really forgave him.

    There were kisses and sex scenes.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Same Difference

    579. Same Difference

    Japanese Movie - 2014


    I can't find an official link.

    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    This was probably one of the most over-the-top movies ever. It was all over the place. It's basically a manga directly converted into a movie. By that, I mean that there were many exaggerated expressions and actions. I was also just confused most of the time. Despite all that, I think it was so ridiculous that it became enjoyable, in a way.

    Fake kiss.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Same Same Is Not The Same

    580. Same Same Is Not The Same

    Thai Movie - 2015


    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    Considering this was both of the lead actor's debuts, the acting was pretty good. They had chemistry and a nicely done kiss. The mom was homophobic, and the sister just fetishized their relationship instead of defending/supporting them. Despite all that, I still think they got their happy ending. I just couldn't get emotionally invested when it was so short.

    There was a kiss.

    Happy/open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Satyriasis

    581. Satyriasis

    Thai Movie - 2021


    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    Listen, having an excessive sexual craving is not an excuse. A man got sexually assaulted, and they tried to convince us that it was due to love? They even ended up together. Fuck no. Do not watch this trash.

    No kiss.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Scent of Love

    582. Scent of Love

    Thai Special - 2022, 3 episodes


    (1-3) (Eng subs) (Free)

    I guess it was an ad? Either way, I found it to be highly unlikely that his crush liked him back when they barely knew each other. Maybe some people are just lucky like that. There was nothing wrong with this. It was just basic. I would have liked to see Earth play as a character that wasn't so similar to the one he played in 2 moons 2, though. I'm not as excited about their upcoming series if he's going to be a shy boy throughout the entire thing. At least they seem to have some chemistry.

    No kiss.

    Happy/open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Second Chance

    583. Second Chance

    Thai Drama - 2021, 6 episodes


    (1-6) (Eng subs) (Free)


    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Secret

    584. Secret

    Korean Movie - 2013


    (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (Eng subs) (Free)

    Lying to someone about something important is never okay. They both did each other wrong. Too bad because they were kind of cute together.

    There were kisses.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Stalker

    585. Stalker

    Thai Drama - 2022, 14 episodes


    (1-14) (Eng subs) (Free)

    (Deleted scenes) (No Eng subs) (Free)

    This was a very different kind of BL. It made me cringe, but I think I somehow enjoyed that? I liked that the characters were all mostly perfectly okay with their sexuality. There wasn't any beating around the bush. It was only really Jao who was unsure. That said, it was more so due to his insecurities. The stalking aspect was odd and made me very uncomfortable. I know Toh never wanted to harm Nuea, but stalking is wrong. Toh's explanation made it a little less bad, and the fact that Nuea was okay with it also helped. Nonetheless, it was very controversial, I'd say. The plot was all over the place, but honestly, I looked forward to what they'd come up with pretty much every week. This show was very unpredictable. There was drunk kissing, and both Toh and Nuea touched each other inappropriately when the other was unconscious. I didn't like how that was completely glossed over. Another thing was the husband-wife shit. Just stop. I was happy that they allowed Toh and Nuea to be a switch couple, though. Anyway, Billy and Seng have sizzling chemistry. I would almost go as far as to say they have the best chemistry I've ever seen in a BL. They are the biggest reason to watch this. Heng and Surprise were fine. I think I just found their relationship too cheesy. I badly wanted more of Touch and Daisy. They interested me. Also, a trans character that isn't a predator, honestly, I thought it would never happen.

    There were kisses and steamy scenes.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Secret Roommate

    586. Secret Roommate

    Korean Movie - 2020


    (Eng subs) (Paid)

    (Eng subs) (Free)

    This was sweet. Yeong Min was a bit of a rude prick, though.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Secret Spectacles

    587. Secret Spectacles

    Korean Movie - 2017


    (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    I didn't really like this concept of being able to invade someone's privacy so easily. I get that it was supposed to be funny, but I was just uncomfortable. What was the point anyway? Why would someone want to see their crush naked so bad?

    There was a kiss.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • See You After Quarantine?

    588. See You After Quarantine?

    Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 10 episodes


    (1-10) (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (1-10) (Eng subs) (Free)

    I mean, it was cute. I liked that they were casually falling in love. There was no denial, only confusion. I even think Sato was openly gay. Bo hen also had no problem coming out to his friends. It was refreshing. The acting was a bit awkward at times. Their kisses weren't, though. The plot was okay. It was just so short. I also will admit that I found Sato ever so slightly creepy. I'm not sure why. The overall quality of the series wasn't great. Maybe it was supposed to be like that.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Semantic Error

    589. Semantic Error

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Free)

    They had such amazing chemistry. For once, they actually went in with the kisses. The acting was great. I liked the characters and their development. The story was simple but enjoyable. Of all the tropes, enemies-to-lovers is really the only one that I like. I was excited every week to watch it. I would like another season, please. There were only two things I didn't find particularly necessary. Firstly, the non-consensual kiss. I mean, at least he apologized for it. I'm not mad. I just think it was unfortunate. The drunk kiss was also a bit dubious, but I'd like to think they were both somewhat equally drunk. Secondly, the whole one character is about to leave, so another character has to stop them last minute. It's a little too cliche for me. It's not that big of a deal, but still.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey

    590. Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey

    Thai Drama - 2016, 6 episodes


    (1-6) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    (Only BL parts) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    It was alright. There wasn't really time for conflict. The BL couple had barely any, which was a good thing. They were cute enough. Although Pick wasn't a bad person, some of the things he said were less than ideal. I get that he was struggling with his feelings for Rome, but still. I loved Rome's honesty and confidence. Off and Gun have always been great together. Their kiss in this wasn't mind-blowing, but it did fit the mood. Funnily enough, the gay side couple kissed, but the straight main couple didn't. Overall, the straight couple wasn't bothersome. The acting was good.

    There was a kiss.

    The story continues in Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey 2

    591. Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey 2

    Thai Drama - 2017, 8 episodes


    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    (Only BL parts) (Eng subs, except for the last part of ep. 7 and all of ep. 8) (Free) 

    Pick being jealous wasn't cute. Until we found out Din was a weirdo, I was honestly rooting for him more. I liked Rome in this one too. He never tried to make Pick jealous, nor did he lead Din on.  I won't blame Pick too much for his indecisiveness. He was figuring out his sexuality after all. That said, he still acted idiotically at times. The kiss was lackluster in this season one as well.

    There was a kiss.

    The story continues in Our Skyy.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Senpai, Danjite Koide wa!

    592. Senpai, Danjite Koide wa!

    Japanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Free)

    Well, the only good part about this was Yanase. Naito did the character justice. Honestly, I kept watching just to watch the man's smile. Everything else was meh. The plot was boring. I honestly don't know how they made it eight episodes long. The chemistry wasn't there. I was not convinced that they both liked each other at all. I don't know if it was Seto's acting or Kaneda as a character, but I couldn't get myself to like him. He just annoyed me. The kisses were tame. Actually, it was borderline painful to watch. I can no longer condone such half-assed kisses. We all know they can do better. Also, both the kisses happened before they were really together. There was no kiss in the last episode. I despise it when they do that. The whole going away shit makes me go feral. It's so cliche. It meant that there was no chance for their relationship to develop, pretty much. They were still awkward in the last episode. It was super unsatisfying. Overall, I was just underwhelmed.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Serpiente

    593. Serpiente

    Filipino Drama - 2021, 4 episodes


    (1-4) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    Because it took so long for each episode to get released, I could not keep up with the story. But it was not good. There was cheating, among other things. Kaleb deserved better than to star in this shit-show.

    Fake kisses.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Seven Days: Friday - Sunday

    594. Seven Days: Friday - Sunday

    Japanese Movie - 2015


    I can't find an official link.

    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    This second part was significantly more slow-paced, but not in a charming way like the first part. The kissing was a little awkward. It almost looked fake, but I don't think it was. The acting in this one was noticeably less natural. I noticed it in the emotional scenes. Overall, the first movie was more captivating. I will commend it for not including a bunch of BL tropes and cliches. There was a female character, but she wasn't there to tear them apart. There was no homophobia. There wasn't any forcefulness. There also wasn't any downright denial. It was nice. They did lack in the communication department, though.

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Seven Days: Monday - Thursday

    595. Seven Days: Monday - Thursday

    Japanese Movie - 2015


    I can't find an official link.

    (Eng subs) (Free) 

    This was actually really adorable. I was a little confused at times, but I found the plot interesting. There wasn't really any problematic behavior that I picked up on. Seiryo not basing who he dated off what they looked like is truly a rarity. Basically, we have found a pansexual among us. Shino might have also been somewhat the same. He said that others always dated him for his looks and not what was on the inside. So maybe he himself also didn't care about outer appearance. Also, he had no problem telling others they were dating. It was nice to see their relationship develop. In this movie, it wasn't really clear how serious Shino was. Seemingly, it started as a joke to him, but later on, he was jealous. It seemed that way, at least. I would say this movie is a perfect example of slow-burn romance done right. The acting was good. The chemistry was also good. The kiss was rather stiff. I assume it was supposed to be like that, though.

    There was a kiss.

    The story continues in Seven Days: Friday - Sunday.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes.

  • Sex × Friend?

    596. Sex × Friend?

    Japanese Movie - 2017


    (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    Two men were looking for love that went beyond just sex, and yet the one guy didn't want to get together with the other guy? I wasn't sure whether he liked him or not.

    No kiss, but there were sex scenes.

    The story continues in HIV x Love.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Shiba San and Meow Chan

    597. Shiba San and Meow Chan

    Taiwanese Movie - 2018


    (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (No Eng subs) (Free) 

    Poor Howard. But honestly, he shouldn't have settled for a married man. There are so many better options out there. It bothered me that people made Howard the guilty one and not Ben. Ben was the one who was in a relationship after all. Also, it takes two to cheat. At least Howard and Bubu could find comfort in each other's company. I'm not really sure what the deal was with the animal thing and the singing.

    There were kisses and a steamy scene.

    Open ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: No.

  • Shigatsu no Tokyo wa...

    598. Shigatsu no Tokyo wa...

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Subscription)

    (1-8) (Eng subs) (Free)

    I have no particularly strong feelings towards this. It was fine, I guess. I would have much preferred it if it were less serious. I can't lie, I'm a sucker for fluff, and this wasn't that. It was frustrating and kind of sad. Basically, it wasn't for me. That doesn't mean it was bad. The acting was good. They had some sweet moments, but overall, I wouldn't say they had much chemistry. The kisses also weren't fantastic. I think the best part about this was Kazuma. He was such a good boyfriend and friend. Ren wasn't bad. He was just deeply traumatized, and that made him do things that honestly pissed me off. I just don't know how much you could blame him. That said, it was his own choice to lie.

    There were kisses

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Shujin-ko

    599. Shujin-ko

    Japanese Drama - 2019, 6 episodes


    I can't find an official link.

    (1-6) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    (Only BL parts) (Eng subs) (Free) 

    In total, the gay couple takes up about one whole episode. I would say that makes them significant enough. They were relatively cute. Yujiro had some interesting views. I didn't necessarily agree with the declaration he dragged Daisuke with him to do about their relationship. I get the message he was trying to send, but he should have asked Daisuke first. Overall, all the characters in this were mostly likable and realistic. 

    There were kisses.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.

  • Siew Sum Noi

    600. Siew Sum Noi

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    I can't find an official link.

    (1-12) (Eng subs) (Subscription) 

    (1-12) (Eng subs) (Free)

    Listen, it was cliche. It was all over the place. There were endless BL tropes. There were annoying female characters. There was a homophobic character. There was pointless fighting and breaking up. There was over-the-top silly humor. There were fairly bad musical numbers. There was a fetishizing mother. There was pretend dating. Honestly, the list goes on and on. The acting was okay, sometimes leaning on not so good. The kisses were mostly good. Like, the couples were actually quite cute at times. Unfortunately,  the writing was just not up to par. All that said, sometimes it's nice to watch pure cringe mixed with BL. Basically, it's for a specific type of audience.

    There were kisses and a steamy scene.

    Happy ending.

    Would I recommend it to a BL fan: Yes and no.
