Best SFL Drama Bitch.

(SFL : Second Female Lead)

You know, she's the ex-girlfriend who came back from the States. Now she wants to win back the Male Lead, whom she left selfishly in the past (poor guy, he cried so much), just as he met the female lead. Unless this jealous girl has been at the side of the male lead for years, never confessing, but thinking that this man is rightfully hers?
Anyway, this guy is her private property!

The best bitch is the worst one. She is the one whose sass, meanness, nastiness and audacity have no limits.
If she's also pretty, that's perfect!

She allows herself any sneak attack, cheating, harassment, bullying and defamation to destroy the female lead on any aspect, professional, psychological, relationships, sometimes even to the point of murder.
In the same way, she will stop at nothing to bewitch, manipulate, and appropriate the male lead, or turn all his relationships to her advantage.

Also, she can unilaterally decide to marry the male lead, with his parents' blessing!

Please, add your own drama choices, in the text box at the bottom of the list. 
Where is written: "Is something missing on this list?"

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