Shows to watch in January 2024
This is for the challenge for next year. But I want to know what to watch starting next year. If there is something not on the list, please comment on the drama first or look at my long completed list before adding it on. If I give a like on the drama add it on. If the dramas are recent ones, you can look at my custom lists for reference too.
The top 15 dramas that are voted, by the 31st of December, I will likely try out in January (plus some of the dramas coming out in January of 2024 will be trying out anyway).
Here are genres I usually like: Romance, Thriller, Comedy, School (Japan, Thai sometimes, Korea), Historical (Chinese has to have no fantasy elements unless the plot is interesting), Youth.
Genres I don't usually go for unless interesting plot: Horror
Completed: A Breeze of Love (8/10), The Matchmakers (8/10)
Currently Watching:
- Jung Da Eun lucrează ca asistentă medicală. Ea este transferată la neuropsihiatrie de la departamentul de medicină internă. Este pentru prima dată când lucrează în neuropsihiatrie, așa că totul este dificil și ...more
- După ce și-a pierdut mama - care lucra ca haenyeo (femeie scafandru care culege viața marină) - la o vârstă fragedă din cauza unei prognoze meteo greșite, Jo Yong Pil se hotărăște ...more
- ~~ Adapted from a webtoon of the same name.