Which drama has your favorite couple ?

Which drama has your favorite couple and who are they. Just comment your favorite couple. 

Souldrama iul 20, 2024
262 Titles Loves
0% Watched
1227 Voters Raport
  • Wu Fa Lian Ai De Li Zhi Pai

    201. Wu Fa Lian Ai De Li Zhi Pai

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 35 episodes
    138 points by 2 voters
  • Bossam – Steal the Fate

    202. Bossam – Steal the Fate

    Korean Drama - 2021, 20 episodes
    137 points by 2 voters
  • Third Person Revenge

    203. Third Person Revenge

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
    135 points by 2 voters
    Un băiat cade la școală, dar Ok Chan Mi nu crede că fratele ei geamăn, Park Won Seok, s-a sinucis. Apoi se transferă la școala fratelui ei, Yongtan High, și o întâlnește ...more
  • Yu Jiao Ji

    204. Yu Jiao Ji

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 22 episodes
    129 points by 2 voters
  • Lost You Forever

    205. Lost You Forever

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 39 episodes
    127 points by 2 voters
  • The Blue Whisper: Part 2

    206. The Blue Whisper: Part 2

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 20 episodes
    126 points by 2 voters
  • Love Blooming House

    207. Love Blooming House

    Korean Drama - 2020, 100 episodes
    126 points by 2 voters
    It will tell the story of the various people who gather at a house called Samkwang Villa that’s run by Lee Soon Jung. The drama will show how these people who started ...more
  • A Date With the Future

    208. A Date With the Future

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 36 episodes
    114 points by 2 voters
  • Bumped Into You

    209. Bumped Into You

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
    104 points by 2 voters
  • Tomorrow With You

    210. Tomorrow With You

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
    102 points by 2 voters
  • Sleeping Garden

    211. Sleeping Garden

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
    101 points by 2 voters
  • Model Taxi

    212. Model Taxi

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
    100 points by 1 voters
  • Summer Again

    213. Summer Again

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 24 episodes
    100 points by 1 voters
  • Yu Jian Ni Di Na Yi Tian

    214. Yu Jian Ni Di Na Yi Tian

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 14 episodes
    100 points by 1 voters
  • Si Hai Zhong Ming

    215. Si Hai Zhong Ming

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 36 episodes
    100 points by 1 voters
  • Smile, You

    216. Smile, You

    Korean Drama - 2009, 45 episodes
    100 points by 1 voters
  • Full House

    217. Full House

    Korean Drama - 2004, 16 episodes
    99 points by 1 voters
    Prietenii unei scenariste aspirante o fac să creadă că a câștigat o vacanță gratuită. Cât ea e plecată, cei doi îi vând casa. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • Sweet Teeth

    218. Sweet Teeth

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 22 episodes
    99 points by 1 voters
    Because of a teeth straightening appointment, 28-year-old librarian Zeng Li got to know Ai Jingchu, deputy director of the dental department. Slowly, they begin to fall in love after undergoing various adventures ...more
  • Flight to You

    219. Flight to You

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 39 episodes
    99 points by 1 voters
  • Encounter

    220. Encounter

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
    99 points by 1 voters
  • A River Runs Through It

    221. A River Runs Through It

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 36 episodes
    99 points by 1 voters
  • Pyeonggang, Cut to the Heart

    222. Pyeonggang, Cut to the Heart

    Korean Drama - 2021, 20 episodes
    99 points by 1 voters
    A historical drama will be about the tragic love story between Princess Pyeonggang, who uses On Dal’s feelings to her advantage, and On Dal, who makes foolish sacrifices. Son Ye Jin is ...more
  • I Have a Lover

    223. I Have a Lover

    Korean Drama - 2015, 50 episodes
    98 points by 1 voters
    Un schimb întâmplător de mașini duce la o schimbare de destin pentru gemenele care au fost separate în urmă cu 30 de ani. Hae Kang, sora mai mare, este o avocată de ...more
  • The Oath of Love

    224. The Oath of Love

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 32 episodes
    98 points by 1 voters
  • Sunetul Magiei

    225. Sunetul Magiei

    Korean Drama - 2022, 6 episodes
    98 points by 1 voters
    Un magician care trăiește într-un parc de distracții abandonat face să dispară necazurile unei adolescente deziluzionate și greu încercate și îi readuce speranța. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • Under the Power

    226. Under the Power

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 55 episodes
    98 points by 1 voters
  • Oh! My Sweet Liar!

    227. Oh! My Sweet Liar!

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 29 episodes
    98 points by 1 voters
    Xiong Ruoxi is a talented painter who possesses an excellent memory. However, she was arrested for drawing a painting of the Li family's mysterious picture book. While escaping, she accepts a well-paid ...more
  • Autumn Tale

    228. Autumn Tale

    Korean Drama - 2000, 16 episodes
    98 points by 1 voters
  • Chen Yuan

    229. Chen Yuan

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 36 episodes
    98 points by 1 voters
  • Rainless In A Godless Land

    230. Rainless In A Godless Land

    Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 13 episodes
    98 points by 1 voters
  • Moving

    231. Moving

    Korean Drama - 2023, 20 episodes
    97 points by 1 voters
    Written by Kang Pul, who also created 26 Years, which was adapted into a movie starring Jin Gu and and Han Hye-jin. ~~ Based on webtoon of the same name
  • Nirvana in Fire 2: The Wind Blows in Chang Lin

    232. Nirvana in Fire 2: The Wind Blows in Chang Lin

    Chinese Drama - 2017, 50 episodes
    97 points by 1 voters
  • Hak Lay, My Lady

    233. Hak Lay, My Lady

    Thai Drama - 2023, 17 episodes
    97 points by 1 voters
  • Qing  Que Cheng Huang

    234. Qing Que Cheng Huang

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 30 episodes
    97 points by 1 voters
  • Love in Flames of War

    235. Love in Flames of War

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 43 episodes
    97 points by 1 voters
    During the period of the Republic of China, the cardamom talented girl Lin Hangjing was imprisoned because of her father’s murder. She went to her father’s friend Xiao Dashuai. Although she was ...more
  • Monarch Industry

    236. Monarch Industry

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 68 episodes
    96 points by 1 voters
  • The Dark Lord

    237. The Dark Lord

    Chinese Drama - 2018, 48 episodes
    96 points by 1 voters
  • Melting Me Softly

    238. Melting Me Softly

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes
    96 points by 1 voters
  • Amintiri din Tinerețe

    239. Amintiri din Tinerețe

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
    95 points by 1 voters
    Doi actori și o machieuză se străduiesc să-și facă loc într-o lume în care contextul din care provin contează mai mult decât visurile care îi motivează. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • Angel Beside Me

    240. Angel Beside Me

    Thai Drama - 2020, 12 episodes
    95 points by 1 voters
  • Flame Bride

    241. Flame Bride

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 28 episodes
    95 points by 1 voters
  • Ye Cheng Fu

    242. Ye Cheng Fu

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
    95 points by 1 voters
    Shu Cheng, the daughter of the first aristocratic family of Shu, had to pretend to be a boy in order to hide herself. She wanted to promote the peerless Shen Ye as ...more
  • 10 Years Ticket

    243. 10 Years Ticket

    Thai Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
    94 points by 1 voters
  • Baby-faced Beauty

    244. Baby-faced Beauty

    Korean Drama - 2011, 20 episodes
    94 points by 1 voters
  • The King in Love

    245. The King in Love

    Korean Drama - 2017, 40 episodes
    93 points by 1 voters
  • Cititorul Gândurilor

    246. Cititorul Gândurilor

    Korean Drama - 2013, 18 episodes
    92 points by 1 voters
    O avocată încearcă să deschidă ochii orbi ai justiției cu ajutorul unui licean telepat a cărui tată a fost ucis mai demult chiar sub ochii ei. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • The Royal Tailor

    247. The Royal Tailor

    Korean Movie - 2014
    92 points by 1 voters
  • My School President

    248. My School President

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
    91 points by 1 voters
  • La 17 Ani

    249. La 17 Ani

    Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes
    90 points by 1 voters
    După ce iese dintr-o comă de 13 ani, o femeie începe să se adapteze vieții la 30 de ani și reia legătura cu bărbatul care se consideră vinovat de cele întâmplate ei. ...more
  • Zui Shi Ren Jian Yan Huo Se

    250. Zui Shi Ren Jian Yan Huo Se

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 23 episodes
    89 points by 1 voters
  • O Odisee Coreeană

    251. O Odisee Coreeană

    Korean Drama - 2017, 20 episodes
    87 points by 1 voters
    În 2017, Son Oh Gong și Ma Wang sunt în conflict unul cu altul în timp ce caută o lumină adevărată într-o lume întunecată unde domină răul. După ce Son Oh Gong ...more
  • Arthdal Chronicles Part 3: The Prelude To All Legends

    252. Arthdal Chronicles Part 3: The Prelude To All Legends

    Korean Drama - 2019, 6 episodes
    84 points by 1 voters
  • Love Shuffle

    253. Love Shuffle

    Japanese Drama - 2009, 10 episodes
    84 points by 1 voters
    Usami Kei is a salaryman who has risen in status due to his engagement with Mei, the wealthy daughter of his company's president. Shortly after she breaks off the engagement, a power ...more
  • Sindromul Pinocchio

    254. Sindromul Pinocchio

    Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes
    81 points by 1 voters
    In Ha și Ha Myeong devin jurnaliști din motive diferite: ea dorește să calce pe urmele mamei sale, iar el e dedicat adevărului, indiferent de știre. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • Grădina Secretă

    255. Grădina Secretă

    Korean Drama - 2010, 20 episodes
    80 points by 1 voters
    Un bărbat bogat se îndrăgostește de o cascadoare săracă. Lucrurile se complică după ce, inexplicabil, sufletele li se schimbă între ele și ies la iveală secrete urâte. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • Hit the Top

    256. Hit the Top

    Korean Drama - 2017, 32 episodes
    80 points by 1 voters
  • One More Happy Ending

    257. One More Happy Ending

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
    76 points by 1 voters
  • Moștenitorii Chaebolurilor

    258. Moștenitorii Chaebolurilor

    Korean Drama - 2013, 20 episodes
    72 points by 1 voters
    După ce se întâlnesc întâmplător în Los Angeles, doi adolescenți diferiți ca statut social se regăsesc într-un liceu exclusivist la care învață superbogații din Coreea. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • Qi Zinzhao

    259. Qi Zinzhao

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 36 episodes
    72 points by 1 voters
  • The Brightest Star in the Sky

    260. The Brightest Star in the Sky

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 44 episodes
    71 points by 1 voters
  • I've Fallen For You

    261. I've Fallen For You

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes
    62 points by 1 voters
  • My Dear Destiny

    262. My Dear Destiny

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes
    61 points by 1 voters

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