Dramahiphop's Best Korean Dramas of All Time
This is a personal opinion only!!
Tell me what is your favorite movie (s) in the comments.
This is my 9.5-10 category
- After a heroic death, Kim Ja Hong navigates the afterlife with the help of three guardians Kang Rim, Hae Won Maek, and Deok Choon. All deceased must meet the gods of hell ...more
- Hae Won Maek, Gang Rim, and Duk Choon are about to take part in Soo Hong’s trial. However, to secure a trial, they are tasked with bringing the soul of an old ...more
- Jun Woo se trezește și află că a avut loc izbucnirea unui virus misterios. Izbucnirea s-a împrăștiat brusc de-a lungul orașului Seul și devine de necontrolat, blocând supraviețuitorii înăuntrul apartamentelor sale fără ...more