Food, food, and even more food rate the best food dramas

While some dramas lure you in with beautiful faces, gorgeous scenery, amazing fighting scenes or romance that makes your heart flutter there are also dramas that make your mouth water by offering amazing almost seductive cooking scenens, gorgeous plated food, families or friends  gathered over a warm and cozy meal where you can almost smell the scent or even ones where you can se how an amazing chef will sum upp your life on  a plate of food.  Heck sometimes the food may even save a personos life . This is a place for the dramas that show that food is so much more then just nutrients. 

So please share and vote for the dramas with the best food scenes.

 Criteria: must have several cooking or eating scenes that make your mouth water. Gathering once over ramen douse not count. 

Bonus:if the drama is good. Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts about the drama and why you added it in the comment section.

Shiro apr 27, 2021
35 Titles Loves
0% Watched
57 Voters Raport
  • Queen Cheorin

    1. Queen Cheorin

    Korean Drama - 2020, 20 episodes
    1,587 points by 16 voters
    Un chef bucătar s-a ridicat în rang ca să găsească o slujbă și să gătească pentru politicienii de top ai țării, în rezidențele prezidențiale ale Coreei de Sud, la Casa Albastră. El ...more
  • Mâncare cu Dragoste

    2. Mâncare cu Dragoste

    Korean Drama - 2018, 38 episodes
    1,377 points by 14 voters
    Lipsit de noroc și de o bucătărie, un chef celebru vrea să reformeze un restaurant chinezesc degradat în care lucrează foști gangsteri. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • Let's Eat

    3. Let's Eat

    Korean Drama - 2013, 16 episodes
    1,189 points by 12 voters
  • Dating in the Kitchen

    4. Dating in the Kitchen

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes
    1,088 points by 11 voters
    The poisonous and arrogant foodie Lu Jin and the talented chef Gu Sheng Nan met with each other and had "according to each other" accident, but he was often attracted by her ...more
  • Ciocolata din Copilărie

    5. Ciocolata din Copilărie

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes
    894 points by 9 voters
    Mâncarea i-a adus împreună și în trecut, dar și în prezent. Acum, medicul și bucătăreasa se apropie din nou după ce încep munca la spital. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • Fauna din Itaewon

    6. Fauna din Itaewon

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
    886 points by 9 voters
    Într-un cartier plin de viață din Seul, un fost deținut și prietenii lui luptă cu un rival puternic pentru a-și realiza visurile ambițioase de a deschide un bar. (Sursă: Netflix) ~~ Adaptat ...more
  • Greutățile Vieții

    7. Greutățile Vieții

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
    787 points by 8 voters
    Bok Joo este o halterofilă care își urmează visul de a câștiga o medalie de aur, dar apoi găsește dragostea pentru prima dată în viață. Ea este o femeie care se antrenează ...more
  • Strong Woman Do Bong Soon

    8. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
    688 points by 7 voters
    Do Bong Soon este o femeie micuță și șomeră care este onestă și bună la suflet. Ea apare mică și dulce pe dinafară, dar ea este, defapt, foarte foarte puternică. În familia ...more
  • Kinou Nani Tabeta?

    9. Kinou Nani Tabeta?

    Japanese Drama - 2019, 12 episodes
    496 points by 5 voters
  • Let's Eat 2

    10. Let's Eat 2

    Korean Drama - 2015, 18 episodes
    490 points by 5 voters
  • Paste cu Dragoste

    11. Paste cu Dragoste

    Korean Drama - 2010, 20 episodes
    489 points by 5 voters
    Serialul urmărește visurile și realizările unei tinere femei care vrea să devină bucătar de elită la restaurantul italian La Sfera. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • Chef Hua

    12. Chef Hua

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 36 episodes
    399 points by 4 voters
  • Go Ahead

    13. Go Ahead

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 46 episodes
    395 points by 4 voters
    The story revolves around three troubled youths who find solace in their common experiences to become the best family that they can be for each other. Growing up in dysfunctional households, three ...more
  • Boss & Me

    14. Boss & Me

    Chinese Drama - 2014, 34 episodes
    395 points by 4 voters
  • The Perfect Match

    15. The Perfect Match

    Taiwanese Drama - 2017, 22 episodes
    393 points by 4 voters
  • Shinya Shokudo - Tokyo Stories

    16. Shinya Shokudo - Tokyo Stories

    Japanese Drama - 2016, 10 episodes
    386 points by 4 voters
  • Shinya Shokudo

    17. Shinya Shokudo

    Japanese Drama - 2009, 10 episodes
    383 points by 4 voters
  • Temperature of Love

    18. Temperature of Love

    Korean Drama - 2017, 40 episodes
    377 points by 4 voters
  • Sweet Stranger and Me

    19. Sweet Stranger and Me

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
    285 points by 3 voters
  • Regele, Monarhul Etern

    20. Regele, Monarhul Etern

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
    284 points by 3 voters
    Yi Gon este al treilea împărat coreean al generației sale. Cetățenii lui îl consideră liderul perfect. Dar în spatele aparenței lui perfecte, el ascunde o rană adâncă. Când avea opt ani, tatăl ...more
  • My Lovely Sam Soon

    21. My Lovely Sam Soon

    Korean Drama - 2005, 16 episodes
    280 points by 3 voters
  • Feast of the Gods

    22. Feast of the Gods

    Korean Drama - 2012, 32 episodes
    200 points by 2 voters
  • Chef Fang

    23. Chef Fang

    Chinese Drama - 2017, 36 episodes
    200 points by 2 voters
  • Tenno no Ryoriban

    24. Tenno no Ryoriban

    Japanese Drama - 2015, 12 episodes
    193 points by 2 voters
  • My Father is Strange

    25. My Father is Strange

    Korean Drama - 2017, 52 episodes
    191 points by 2 voters
  • Mangaban Nobushi no Gurume

    26. Mangaban Nobushi no Gurume

    Japanese Drama - 2017, 12 episodes
    191 points by 2 voters
  • Cald și Bine

    27. Cald și Bine

    Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes
    187 points by 2 voters
    Deznădăjduită după ce toate îi merg prost, o femeie se mută pe pitoreasca insulă Jeju-do, unde cunoaște un bucătar lipsit de griji și fără prea multă ambiție. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru

    28. Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru

    Japanese Drama - 2020, 8 episodes
    100 points by 1 voters
    Hanaoka Nao’s mother Yuriko is a single parent and a live-in confectioner at Kogetsuan, a traditional Japanese confectionery shop of long standing. That is how Nao meets Takatsuki Tsubaki, the 6-year-old son ...more
  • Ingredients

    29. Ingredients

    Thai Special - 2020, 21 episodes
    100 points by 1 voters
  • The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty

    30. The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 48 episodes
    100 points by 1 voters
  • Eccentric! Chef Moon

    31. Eccentric! Chef Moon

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
    98 points by 1 voters
  • Fermentation Family

    32. Fermentation Family

    Korean Drama - 2011, 24 episodes
    97 points by 1 voters
  • Kodoku no Gurume

    33. Kodoku no Gurume

    Japanese Drama - 2012, 12 episodes
    96 points by 1 voters
  • Kodoku no Gurume Season 2

    34. Kodoku no Gurume Season 2

    Japanese Drama - 2012, 12 episodes
    94 points by 1 voters
  • Ramen Heads

    35. Ramen Heads

    Japanese Movie - 2017
    92 points by 1 voters
