Best Melodramas of 2020
- Baek Hee Sung pare a fi sotul ideal. Lucrand ca muncitor artizan, munca lui grea a adus succes studioului sau de lucrat metale. Fiind capabil sa ofere o viata buna sotiei si ...more
- “Do You Like Brahms?” is a drama about students at a prestigious music school and the people in their lives. It will tell the stories of the students experiencing lessons, practicing, performing, ...more
- The story revolves around three troubled youths who find solace in their common experiences to become the best family that they can be for each other. Growing up in dysfunctional households, three ...more
- Doi actori și o machieuză se străduiesc să-și facă loc într-o lume în care contextul din care provin contează mai mult decât visurile care îi motivează. (Sursă: Netflix)
- Everything seems perfect in the life of the successful family doctor and the associate director, Ji Sun Woo. She is blessed with a diligent teenage son and is married to the handsome ...more
- O femeie retrasă găsește brusc dragostea în relația ei cu o hologramă humanoidă care arată la fel cu creatorul ei irascibil. (Sursă: Netflix)
- Moon Gang Tae este asistent social la sectia de psihiatrie. Lui, Soarta i-a oferit totul. Un trup perfect, o minte agera, un suflet empatic, abilitatea de a intelege framantarile celorlalti, rabdarea de ...more
- A 26-year-old man’s life is turned upside down when he is diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer. As he struggles with the pain of his treatment and the realization that he never truly ...more
- A painter gets diagnosed terminally ill. On his 58th birthday, he plans to share his last will and testament. His great legacy and immense fortune slowly draw out his family's inner greed, ...more
- "Why do I need to choose and give up between work, love, and friend?" It is the office romance of the office couple Seol and JungWoo and Seol's childhood friend TaeHwan who ...more
- A story of true love that begins with a woman's lies to become her own daughter's stepmother. Ji Eun Soo, a woman who marries into a chaebol family, is pointed out as ...more
- Fantoma unei femei primește o a doua șansă la viață, dar pentru un timp limitat: are doar 49 de zile. Ea decide să li se arate soțului recăsătorit și tinerei sale fiice. ...more