all the things I watched in 2021

Kimmm feb 13, 2021
30 Titles Love
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  • My Little Happiness

    1. My Little Happiness

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 28 episodes


    Cute fluffy without much drama.

     Needed to push myself around ep 16 because became a bit bored. 

    After episode 20 started to really like it again. 

    Main leads are fun and cute, they don't dumd her down and he shows emotions pretty well.

    Second leads were somethimes really fun to watch but Did skipp some scenes later on.

    Overall a good fun drama and liked it but didn't love it. 

  • 30Sai made Doteida to Mahotsukai ni Narerurashi

    2. 30Sai made Doteida to Mahotsukai ni Narerurashi

    Japanese Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    Funny, Cute, bit weird and very good.

    Pulled an all nighter because couldn't stop watching it.

    Second couple was very weird and i didn't really ship them but they were very funny.

    Wizard stuff trew me off but made it extra funny.

    LOVED LOVED LOVED the main couple, They are so cute and sweet and ugghhh fangirling

    Overall glad I waited till it was finished because had suchn a fun time staying up to watch this.

  • Before We Get Married

    3. Before We Get Married

    Taiwanese Drama - 2019, 13 episodes


    Felt like they both were in very bad relationships and first used eachother as an escape/ outlet. But after A while started to become really friends and fall for eachother.

    Loved seeing their own glow up after breaking it off.

    Wish we had a bit more of them at the end.

    Very good chemistry,

     A bit to much drama somethimes but didn't skip anything

    Second female lead was very funny and good.

    The cast did and amazing job and could feel so much emotions from them.

    Ost is great, really liked all the songs.

    can't decide between a 7,5 or a 8,0

  • Aleargă!

    4. Aleargă!

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    Loved all the characters, how they are all a bit weird and not the standerd kdrama mold.

    Main leads had a great story and loved the build up, just wanted a bit more of them at the last part.

    Second couple was so fun to watch and they had allot of chemistry, somethimes felt that they got more screentime then the mainleads. though,

    The ending scenes were allot of fun to watch, not to much drama at the end.

    her job was verry inresting and I always love sport thingies. 

    Really fun and cute story about people finding their love and  new friends,

  • Gunoierii Spațiali

    5. Gunoierii Spațiali

    Korean Movie - 2021


    Begining was a bit weird but got used to it real quick.

    Loved the whole story had allot of fun watching it.

    The bad guy didn't really made allot of sense to me and I have no idea why he did what he did but felt that the characters are more the focus of the movie.

    Really wish we could have seen more of them being a family at the end.

    Just really loved it and totally recomending it to my family even though they don't watch korean stuff.

  • Vincenzo

    6. Vincenzo

    Korean Drama - 2021, 20 episodes


    Really liked all the characters, everyone had a unique personality.

    The story was over the top, dramatic, unrealistic  and somthimes just plain weird. But it was also so much fun.

    A few episodes where a bit slow, but it picked up pretty quickly.

    The humar was great, the chemistry between characters also great. 

    Had just overall allot of fun, took a break for a while but couldn't stop watching when i got back into it. 

  • You Are My City and Fortress

    7. You Are My City and Fortress

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 40 episodes


    Loved the couples, especially the main, the are so  understanding, trusting, loving, funny, and so much more, their chemistry was good, they talked things trough, the felt as a real couple. 

    second couple was funny and a bit frustrated, it took a while to get them togheter, but they moced super fast after that, 

    Thirth couple was releaxing to watch, they felt comfortable with eachother, unsure where they were standing, the last few shot were very cute and fitting. 

    This is more of a slice of life, they just happend to have exciting jobs. The paceing was somethims a bit dragging, but when it was not, it was super fun. 

    Really liked the training arc, the earthquacke, the quaritine, the ending, when they just start daiting, fases. 

    Overall not what i was expecting but had allot of fun and defiantly going to rewatch it later.

  • My Unicorn Girl

    8. My Unicorn Girl

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes


    Really had a fun time with this series, Allot of over the top cliches, faling kissing, funny chemistry with leads, no unnecessary drama, just allot of fun. 

    Loved how the main lead new from the begining, teasing her and pushing his bounderies, liked the slowly development from his feelings, The "Friendship" they had was so much fun. 

    Wish we could have had more hockey scenes, I love the sport element of the serie and would have loved a bit more at the end. 

    Side characters were fun, but somehtimes were a bit boring for me. Like the uncle, and her borther stories overall. 

    Last episodes were a bit weirdley paced after they get togheter, but it was pretty well rounded up. 

    Totally going to rewatch this one, had so much fun with them. Just loved the way they interacted. Kissing scenes could have been better but you get them allot too. 

  • Go Ahead

    9. Go Ahead

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 46 episodes


    This is one of my new favorites, I knew it was going to be good but not this good. 

    Story is all about family, found, broken, new, old, friendships, love. It has evyerhthing and it warmth my heart. 

    I liked the main leads allot, they all had different personalities that were unique  and fun to watch, I just love the bond they have with eachother. 

    I loved the first 10 episodes or so when they were younger and growing up, after that i still loved it but in a different way. The last few epsidoes were a bit draggy for me but still enjoyable to watch. 

    My favorite scenes, were when they were eating toghter, doesn't matter if the whole family was there or just two chracters, but the eating made me melt everythime 

    Liked the ending, but felt a bit weird about the mom situation, he littalry has  depression and all that because of her treatment of him, but he still forgave her after freaking everything. Idk. I did like when the dad got married, they fitted so well togheter and now they are one family officaly. 

    Overall i have so uch more to say about this gem. I loved everything about it and the intro song will forever warm me. Great serie and can't want to watch it again. 

  • WISH YOU: Your Melody From My Heart the Movie

    A good movie for a midday to put on, not amazing but the actors looked kind of newbies. It was fun time, just don't remember much off it after a while. 

    Watch it, or don't your not really missing out but it was fun and the songs are pretty good. 

  • You Are My Glory

    11. You Are My Glory

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 32 episodes


    Expected somthing different at first but liked it way more than I thought I would. 

    Chemistry was great between the Actors, the way they look at eachother is just perfect. 

    Liked the first half "gaming" part the best, but the breakup part was done really well and it showed how good of an actors they were. 

    The ending was a bit to long for me, I loved the cuteness overload we were getting but it could have fitted in less episodes. 

    The ending scene with the whole time jump and all that was so good, i don't know why but made me tear a bit up when they were all watching it launch. 

    Overall A great story, it was fun and sweet without unessacary drama. Couple is amazing and really come off believeble and I definelty going to rewatch this one. 

  • Falling Into Your Smile

    12. Falling Into Your Smile

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 31 episodes


    Loved everything about it, the acting, the story, the characters.  Rewatched right after finishing it the first time because felt like I needed more from them. 

    Every side character got a their little moment, the side couple isn't that present but still very entertaining. 

    The main couple steal the show for me, their banter, just all their interection is so good and they gave me butterflies every scene they were in. 

    The gaming was entertaning and fun, there were a few matches were i was on the edge of my seat, liked the graphics, didn't understand most of it the first half of the serie but after the rewatched was so much more fun. 

    Love the team dynamic and how they all felt like a family after everything. 

    This focuses allot more on the public opinion and all that jazz but it was allot of fun. 

    It felt like one of my favorites and had all the good tropes i love. 

  • Moonlight

    13. Moonlight

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 36 episodes


    Love the concept, the whole writing and editor dynamic.  As someone who loves books and writing this is a perfect setting for me. 

    The characters are fun and light, the made ma laugh  allot.

    Second couple was fine, the begining was really boring and uninteresting but the more they came togheter i satreted to enjoy them more. Espiacally when the two couples were all togheter. 

    Main couple was fun to watch, there story was great, the development was fun to watch. The chemistry was fine, somthing was missing tough don't really know what. 

    I did skipp some parts, it was a  bit to long for my liking, whish we had a bit more of her just working with him on one of their books that was super fun. 

    Drama at the end was intersting to see, Loved how they stayed togheter almost the whole serie. 

    I think this would have a higher rating if  i watched it another time, cou;dn't keep compairing it to Falling into your smile couple. Maybe a rewatch will solve that. 

    Overall fun drama, nothing wrong with it,  just skipped a few moments with the second couple. 

  • The One Day Destruction Entered the Front Door of My House

    14. The One Day Destruction Entered the Front Door of My House

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    very intersting concept, loved how the "god" was protraited. 

    Heartwarming wiht allot of funny moments, the main leads really played well toghter. 

    first part is more funny and a bit more releaxed, but after they fall foreachother the story shift.  Becomes more sad and real, still good but the middle threw me off a bit. 

    Liked the ending, and how they resolved everything. Maybe a bit to easy for how he adapted, whish we had a last kiss scene. 

    Second couple was really good, was highly invested in who she would choose, liked both of them very much but glad with the pairing. 

    Overall a good one, not the best but for a supernaturle Kdrama its was good,  fun even cried a couple of times. 

  • Sweet Teeth

    15. Sweet Teeth

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 22 episodes


    Dropped after 17 episodes. 

    Story/vibe reminded me very much of a kdrama, its just a sweet story about two poeple falling for eachother,. The couples don't really hold my intrest, yeah like the second one but takes forever for them to get togheter and idk, just not in the mood for it. 

    Maybe will watch more later, when i'm curiouse how it ends or somthing

  • I Know But

    16. I Know But

    Korean Drama - 2021, 10 episodes


    The acting was amazing, the casting did such a good job because every character was damm near perfect. They aren;t that well know, or haven't had big roles yet, But i really hope we get to see more of the cast later on. 

    The story was so good, the first part was amazing. I could feel the angst, trough the screen. The steamy scenes blew me away, the chemistry was amzing and i just couldn't get enough of it. 

    Second part was a bit slower and more like the "normal" Kdrama type, but the side characters kept me intersted, and distracted from the slow parts from the main leads. 

    The Ost was amazing, i have almost everysong added on my playlist. I'm a sucker for a good Ost. Also the shots were pretty, loved how the set was decorated and the setting fitted so good. 

    The Side couples had all their own story and felt complete and not like fillers. I'm so glad that they weren't queer baiting. 

    This isn;t a perfect show, but its freaking  entertaning and I don't think it deserves all the hate that its getting. Yeah the whole realationship is pretty messed up but I'm not watching for realisme, just to have fun and enjoy the ride. And the scenes were they were toghter a first was freaking cute and great. 

     I'm really hoping that with this we get a more mature shows, not the sticky sweet kdrama puppy love we normal have, (Which I still highly enjoy)

  • Facultatea de Drept

    17. Facultatea de Drept

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    Really enjoyed this one, more then I thought I would. 

    The cast are a mixture of old and new and they are so freaking good, the whole student group was just amazing and loved them every freaking second they were all togheter. 

    The whole murder mystery was allot of fun, then the trails were also very interesting with funny momentes but the last 5 episodes it became slow and boring for me. 

    Main characters are defintaly daiting and nobody can tell me other wise. 

    Had for a while no idea who the murder was, but became pretty clear haflway trough i think. 

    Last 2 episodes picked up the pace again, it was a solid ending but wished we could have seen everyone and were they ended up. 

    Had a really good time watching this for the most part, can't give it a 9 because of the boring episodes, it was a bit too much, skipped some parts too. 

  • Extraordinary You

    18. Extraordinary You

    Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes


    The stars was really good, it watered down a bit at the ending but an enjoyable series. 

    Loved the main leads, espacially the female, she did an amazing job and was very funny. 

    The chemistry was there, the puppy love kind of chemistry. 

    I loved the begining wondering who was going to get their Ego and them trying so hard to change stuff. Later on it was still fun but it took a lot of time into the whole love triangle thing that kind of began to be boring for me. 

    Really like that the "main protaganist" in the story stayed with the main lead even when she got her Ego. Those suited eachother very well, even though i love the second lead. 

    Side character were fun but a bit one dimensianl but that was proabbly the point. Wish we had more scenes of them being togheter in the new story then seeing the whole graduation. 

    I think the ending is good, they both are extra's without names and can lead their own live without much intervirence. 

    Overall a fun, cute very funny romance story about two people who are pushed away again and again from eachother but always find a way back because they are eachothers Fate. 

  • A Tale of Thousand Stars

    19. A Tale of Thousand Stars

    Thai Drama - 2021, 10 episodes


    Bl without much skinship but so much emotions and tentsion. 

    The concept is intersting, the main leads are so goo together and the stroy is sweet, sad and funny at the same time. 

    Loved the setting of the small village, pulled an allnighter because just had too. 

    Wish the last episode was different, that took a point away for me. 

    His parents were a bit annoying and could have invested a bit more in the side characters if they had more episodes i feel. 

    The scene were they say goodbye to the kids and all that hurt me so much,

    The one kissing scene was pretty solid, the short cuts were also very cute and just overall a solid story without the weird Bl vibe to it most of the time. I understand why everyone loves this so much and i hope we get more things like this. It has a bit of a mature vibe to it. 

  • Descendenții Soarelui

    20. Descendenții Soarelui

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    This is the sixth time watching this series, love it as much as the first and the last two episodes still makes me tearup. 

    Its full of drama, cheesy lines and overthetop acting but i love it with my whole heart.

    Had a rough few days and needed a comfort show to watch on a rainy day in my bed. 

    First time watching on netflix and was weird to see the difference in the translation.

    Can't say much else, just had a good time and will probably rewatch in the futher as well. 

  • Casa Dulce Casa

    21. Casa Dulce Casa

    Korean Drama - 2020, 10 episodes


    Its Spookyseason so i thought somthing that makes me scared would be a good idea to watch since i normaly don't pick these kind of shows that often. 

    The first 5 episodes had me looking over my shoulders a few times, the jump scares here and there got me, the monsters looked scary enough and it was just what i was looking for.

    after episode 5 things calm down a bit, it becomes more focues on hte characthers and the scary parts are over for most of the show. 

    Ending is a bit vague and weird, don't think i understand the whole thing but hear there is a season 2 coming. 

    Acting was so good, the story was intriging, graphics were pretty good, characters were well rounded. 

    I did have a great time watching, and made me realize why i like "horror" and propably should watch it more. 

    Ps. i will never forigve the writers or who ever decided it was okay for the lady to eat her cat. The poor kitty :(

    I keep thinking about this one, so i'm changing my rating to a 9 i think/ 

  • Theory of Love

    22. Theory of Love

    Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes


    Really hoped that i was going to love this one, but atlas that did not happen. 

    Was a real struggel to keep watching, skipped allot of parts. 

    Wasn't much chemistry between the main leads, acting was pretty good. just didn't matched well. 

    Loved the friendgroup and all their scenes togheter but their individual stories were pretty boring and annoying. 

    Didn't like the story, how they kept hurting eachother and for no reason. 

    Just wasn't the drama for me, had some good scenes which made me finish it. 

  • Theory of Love : Special Episode "Stand By Me"

    23. Theory of Love : Special Episode "Stand By Me"

    Thai Special - 2020, 1 episode


    Really wishing that the series was like this,  showed the potential they had but the story and drama ruined it for me. 

    The chemistry was present, the friendgroup was fun and just really liked it. 

    Would rewatch this the series not so much.

  • Jocul Calamarului

    24. Jocul Calamarului

    Korean Drama - 2021, 9 episodes


    Watched because it is blowing up on the internet, didn't want to be spoiled to much,

    Acting was good, intresting characters and story arcs, 

    It was fine, the setting and concept sounds fun but found it not that extiting, was compairing it allot to "Alice in Borderlands" which has a similar concept. 

    Wished we got a bit more of the behind the scenes, also think the story tried to much in the small time they had. 

    Pretty good series, the visuals are gorgouse and doesn't really feel at times like a korean drama. 

    Overhyped but was instersting . 

    Also ending is fine, but wanted a bit more anwsers. 

  • Perfect and Casual

    25. Perfect and Casual

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes


    Didn't held my attantion after 16 episodes, maybe will get into it again later?

  • Numele Meu

    26. Numele Meu

    Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes


    Was very fast paced, action packed and intresting story. 

    Loved the main lead and how badass she was, the fighting scenes were so well done, wish we would get more Morally grey female characters in Kdrama. 

    Wished the ending was a bit different though, The cop dying was a bit weird in my perspective.  Hoped she would kill him and then also die herself. Would be a fitting ending. 

    Overall story great, very Netflixstyle but had a really fun time bingewatching this one!

    Also the actors were amazing and will defenilty keep an eye on them. 

  • The Long Ballad

    27. The Long Ballad

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 49 episodes


    Loved everything about this one, it had me in a chock-hold for the entire time i watched it. 

    The chemistry between all the characters, their stories and developments. 

    The politics, schemes, friendships, battle's It was so much fun to wacth. 

    The main leads are both so smart and sneaky the best scenes where when they were talking ppolitical stuff, making deals and finding a way out of their situation. 

    This is definitely one of my favorite series i watched this year, and it makes me excited to watch more historical dramas 

    The actors were great, the story amazing, the battles breathtaking. Love it !

  • Accompany You To Fly By The Wind

    28. Accompany You To Fly By The Wind

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 35 episodes


    I love good Sport romance and this one was so damm good, one of the better ones definitely.

    The Story was great, very characters driven, the training montages were awesome, the ost had some amazing songs in it. 

    The side characters were fun to follow, the competition was good, the story with the parents was also heartbreaking but very intresting. 

    The best of the whole serie is the chemistry between our main leads, Those two did amazing and were so dam cute togheter from the very first start, 

    I loved how the characters were build up and how the whole sport aspect played a role in the series. 

    I will definitely be rewatching this one !

  • Happiness

    29. Happiness

    Korean Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    Really enjoyable series, had allot of fun watching this.

    The acting was really great, had a few twist and turns i dind't seen comming, a few i did. 

    The whole cast of characters was so intresting, annoying, intriguing to watch, how everyone reacted and developed. 

    Wish we had more at the end, wanted them to be okay and happy just a bit more the a few seconds we got. 

    a few loose ends here and there but overall a solid ending to the story. 

    Also Really enjoyed The main leads acting, Park Hyung Sik really looked scary a few times! 

    I'm really glad i watched this was really fun!

  • Search

    30. Search

    Korean Drama - 2020, 10 episodes


    Really enjoyed the first few episodes, the actors were great and loved the whole army setting. 

    the CGI was a bit mid, and the story was really confusing around the half way point it got a bit better. 

    I feel like the story kind of went into a direction i didn't enjoy, after they killed the first target, stuff got weird and a bit confusing. 

    wanted a bit more action or more character buildup, also the ending was a bit weird. 

    it sounds like i didn't like it but it was pretty good, the actors did great, the dog was cute, the setting was fun. Maybe if they had made it a few episode longer the story would have flowed more and made me care a bit more about the characters.
