Who's most SIMilar?

A poll for MDL members who are also players of 'The Sims 4'. Which SIM is most like the celebrity they're supposed to be? Or, if you're a complete addict like I am, which real life celebrity is most like their SIMself?'

I'm mainly thinking about physical similarity but it's a subjective, personal choice. You may have found (or created!?) a SIM that doesn't have too close a resemblance to the real person, but seems to really capture their essence. Or maybe the creator has got their personal traits spot on. You can vote for a maximum of ten. Many of these celebrities have multiple representations in the Sims Gallery, so you can name the creator of who you voted for in the comments at the foot of the list if you wish.

If you need inspiration, check out my "Someone's made a SIM of..." list. At the time of writing this, it has 735 Kdrama and Kpop celebrities on MDL that have at least one SIM representation in EA's gallery.  Here, I have to admit an ulterior motive. I have a world with currently 3267 celebrity SIMs in it. (Obviously, many who are not on MDL.) I've not broken the game yet, so am keen to add more. I'm hoping voters will have discovered SIMs that I haven't!

Stuffed Cat feb 28, 2023
14 People Loves 8 Voters Raport

Stuffed Cat's Lists

Just "Because"
85 people 1 love 8 voters 6 comments
Someone's made a SIM of ...
950 people 7 loves 4 comments
ACTUAL Best Actor on MDL
37 people 3 loves 40 voters 15 comments
Flavour of a Lifetime
187 people 2 comments
