Zoo Animal
Help each other out and add titles that feature an animal at a Zoo, or any an establishment which maintains a collection of wild animals, typically in a park or gardens, for study, conservation, or display to the public.(source) so yes a public aquarium counts as a zoo., a person who has a bunch of wild animals as pets does not count as a zoo.
it could be the cast visiting a zoo, it could show someone who works at a zoo that is shown caring for the animals… If there is a zoo and an animal in it shown during the duration of the title it is enough for this essential actually the animal does not have to actually be at the zoo, they may have escaped from the zoo… that works too. While you are at it why not vote for the ones you like! Feel free to explain your choice in the comment section or send us a link of your own to a list with titles that fit the description to this Essential.
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