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Now remember mama, most K guys grow on you after the first few episodes to amount to a beauty far beyond that of any white boi 

MaddyGrace oct 11, 2021
10 Titles Loves
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  • Personal Taste

    1. Personal Taste

    Korean Drama - 2010, 16 episodes

    A Minho show for you

  • Goblin

    2. Goblin

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes



  • Aterizare Forțată în Brațele Tale

    3. Aterizare Forțată în Brațele Tale

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    Hyun bin is for you!

  • Agentul K2

    4. Agentul K2

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes

    Kick frickin But + Ji Chang Wok!

  • Vincenzo

    5. Vincenzo

    Korean Drama - 2021, 20 episodes


    I have not seen this one but it’s on my list! Kenzy said you would love the kick but action in it

  • Alias: Healer

    6. Alias: Healer

    Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes


    This show has great story line and Ji Chang Wok…. So it’s a given 

  • Descendenții Soarelui

    7. Descendenții Soarelui

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    Main Oppa may not be your type but side Oppa is definitely for you!

  • Pyeonggang, Cut to the Heart

    8. Pyeonggang, Cut to the Heart

    Korean Drama - 2021, 20 episodes


    I think this is a show you could easily become addicted to

  • Start-Up

    9. Start-Up

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    An incredible drama with men I think will grow on you

  • The Bride of Habaek

    10. The Bride of Habaek

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    It’s fun and I think it would be a good easy watch 
