Long length dramas

kanak mar 10, 2024
10 Titles Loves
0% Watched
3 Voters Raport
Top 10
  • My Daughter Geum Sa Wol

    1. My Daughter Geum Sa Wol

    Korean Drama - 2015, 51 episodes
    199 points by 2 voters
  • Viața Mea Prețioasă

    2. Viața Mea Prețioasă

    Korean Drama - 2017, 52 episodes
    199 points by 2 voters
    O angajată provizorie trage din greu să obțină o slujbă cu normă întreagă, însă viața îi e dată peste cap de o dezvăluire incredibilă legată de familia sa. (Suursă: Netflix)
  • Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life

    3. Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life

    Korean Drama - 2019, 100 episodes
    194 points by 2 voters
  • What Happens to My Family?

    4. What Happens to My Family?

    Korean Drama - 2014, 53 episodes
    194 points by 2 voters
  • Seo Yeong, My Daughter

    5. Seo Yeong, My Daughter

    Korean Drama - 2012, 50 episodes
    194 points by 2 voters
  • Ugly Alert

    6. Ugly Alert

    Korean Drama - 2013, 133 episodes
    190 points by 2 voters
  • Sunny Again Tomorrow

    7. Sunny Again Tomorrow

    Korean Drama - 2018, 121 episodes
    187 points by 2 voters
  • Without Blood Or Tears

    8. Without Blood Or Tears

    Korean Drama - 2021, 100 episodes
    187 points by 2 voters
  • Once Again

    9. Once Again

    Korean Drama - 2020, 100 episodes
    100 points by 1 voters
  • My Father is Strange

    10. My Father is Strange

    Korean Drama - 2017, 52 episodes
    99 points by 1 voters

Only the top 10 results will be listed

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18 people 9 voters
