Openly LGBTQ+ People

  • Sorted alphabetically by the name MDL lists first. 
  • If there's no source listed, it's because the info is in their MDL bio.  
  • Take care if you read the sources, because some of them were written by people who obviously weren't LGBTQ-competent.
  • If someone was outed and does not want that info public, I did not include them. People who don't want to be publicly out deserve their privacy.
  • This list is meant as a way to keep track of everyone publicly out on MDL. It is not meant as an endorsement of anyone or their work.

Made with a lot of help from Wikipedia's "LGBT people from [country]" category and QueerDudeGermany's "out and proud BL Actors" list.  

If you know someone who should be on here, please comment (or message me) with a link to a reliable source confirming their orientation/gender, and I will add them! (If the info is included in their MDL bio, I don't need a link. If the source is a video, please include the timestamp I should watch to confirm.)

#actors #directors #screenwriters #producers

tristram apr 14, 2022
173 People Loves Raport
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