This thread is called "Add Vietnam to the Database next" so it's about more than just BL's. The replies on this larger thread are about many of us wanting to add Vietnam to MDL, it's not a BL-specific thread.
It's also not about the other countries mentioned, but it's not a problem adding to the conversation for a few replies, but this thread is specifically for voting to add Vietnam - something that hundreds of us would like to see, but so far has had no movement towards.
Oh, believe me, I'm all in for Vietnam in its entirety, but this particular few messages just happened to be about BL's and the other counties came up within that conversation. Otherwise I would not have mentioned it, but that particular person was looking for BL's. But, they got the info they were looking for, so back to the regularly scheduled program. lol
As the person who was asking about dramas from those countries, I don’t mind what genre as I am interested in all. I am also thinking we need to keep this thread alive to continue showing admin we are serious about our request for the addition of Vietnam and eventually the other East Asian countries mentioned.
As the person who was asking about dramas from those countries, I don’t mind what genre as I am interested in all. I am also thinking we need to keep this thread alive to continue showing admin we are serious about our request for the addition of Vietnam and eventually the other East Asian countries mentioned.
I agree with this specifically!! We really do need to keep the thread alive -- I was looking back and realized that it's been years since it was started, and there's never been anything officially mentioned. Hopefully this eventually becomes a reality. There are so many Vietnamese shows I want to add to my list!! (as if my "completed, currently watching & plan to watch aren't long enough already. lol)
The fact that this suggestion is the top voted suggestion by such a large margin makes me wonder. How long has it been since a significant update to the site? Did I read somewhere that Philippines were added last? How long ago was that? 1 year? 2? more?
Is there any place where the site devs list updates to the site and anything being worked on? Or is that entirely unshared with users of the site?
And I'm also curious, how many people keep this site running. Is it only those listed in the staff section? And are they volunteers? Because that makes a difference when it comes to making significant changes like this.
But I feel like the update could be very simple. Merely allow users to manually add titles and actors with the country Vietnam as an option. And add it as a filter for the search function. I don't know programming at all but that seems like a simple change that could be made to allow the users to build the database. Unless the bigger concern is having staff able to review submissions to check for legitimacy of submissions?
(Sorry for the long post,) this is my last point, as a side note. Weeks ago I submitted a streaming service to request it be added as an option under "services," and it has not been added. It's also a more well known service (gagaoolala) that I think many other people have submitted the request both before and after me. The fact that something smaller like that has not been affected makes me wonder if the site is kind of just running "as is" and anything not 100% generated by the users has not been updated in a while.
Weeks ago I submitted a streaming service to request it be added as an option under "services," and it has not been added. It's also a more well known service (gagaoolala) that I think many other people have submitted the request both before and after me.brokenendings:
The rumor is that MDL refuses to add Gaga00Lala because they're a site that streams LGBTQ+ content and there are apparently funders for this site that are homophobic.
Enough people have asked for them to be added (even the streamer itself) with no movement.
The rumor is that MDL refuses to add Gaga00Lala because they're a site that streams LGBTQ+ content and there are apparently funders for this site that are homophobic.
Enough people have asked for them to be added (even the streamer itself) with no movement.
That is really sad if it's true. If it turned out to be accurate I'd be so disappointed in them.
The rumor is that MDL refuses to add Gaga00Lala because they're a site that streams LGBTQ+ content and there are apparently funders for this site that are homophobic.
Enough people have asked for them to be added (even the streamer itself) with no movement.
I hope that's false. I would be so sad if it's true..
I can't vote so I want to add my opinion here. I think it would be right move for platform to add Vietnam. It would grow naturally and not like in case of i.e India where the number of added titles would be overwhelming. But I think there's overlap with genres if someone watches like me BLs i.e. then there are titles that come from there and I believe will be coming from there in the future too. I mean even the voting poll has dramatic difference between other proposed countries. I think if mydramalist wants to develop then it's right move.