Dongge / Yehenara Buxiyamala / Zhalute Borjigit Buyouran | Khorchin Borjigit Hailanzhu | Bu Youran

Fictional Character

Yehenara Buxiyamala, also known as Dongge of the Jurchens (i.e. later Jin), was known as the most beautiful woman of her race. Given to Aisin Gioro Nurhaci as a peace offering by her brother, Yehenara Buyanggu, she resisted marriage with Nurhaci despite his attempts to marry her and his promise to make her his Primary Consort. In spite of Dongge's resistance, Nurhachi still kept her in his household as a trophy and it did not help matters when a witch doctor later gave a prophecy that the person who managed to obtain Dongge would also obtain the world.

Having been in Nurhaci's household for many years, Dongge grew up with Nurhaci's sons, Aisin Gioro Daisan and Aisin Gioro Cuyen, both of whom loved her deeply. Dongge returned Daisan's love but her status in Nurhaci's household as his prized possession made it almost impossible for Daisan to marry her and plans were made for an elopement but that fell through.

Dongge later met Aisin Gioro Hong Taiji when he returned from a long term stint, in time to see his mother, Yehenara Menggu (also Dongge's aunt from the same clan) pass away. Entrusted with caring for Hong Taiji, Dongge and Hong Taiji grew close and Hong Taiji soon developed romantic feelings for her. Their relationship was subjected to much turmoil as Nurhaci was also in the midst of an expansion regime, conquering Jurchen clans and soon turning his eye to the Han empire.

Disappointed with being used as a pawn and possession, Dongge struck a deal with Nurhaci and was married off to one of the Jurchen clan leaders but on her wedding night she disfigured herself so that her reputation as a beauty would be destroyed. She also caught tuberculosis and, due to fears of contagion, was later thrown down a cliff by the clan.

Hong Taiji heard of her supposed death and rescued her, settling her down in a house outside his main courtyard. He gave her a new identity as his concubine, and a new name, Zhalute Borjigit Buyouran. They lived in this manner until Dongge was killed in an ambush.

HongTaiji, refusing to give up on Dongge, had witch doctors recall her spirit for 5 years before she was reincarnated and they were once again reunited. In order to properly marry her, Hong Taiji had one of the Khorchin clan chiefs adopt her into his family and she became Khorchin Borjigit Hailanzhu. She was by Hong Taiji's side until the day he became Emperor Taizong of the Qing dynasty.

(Source: MusicalVeggies at MyDramaList)

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