Both are short (drama vs. movie), set within the world of a historical game with the FL trying to accomplish a task to return to the real world. Both MLs are emperors.
The two dramas are an inversion of each other - one is a real world person entering the world of a historical game, the other is a person from a historical game entering the real world.
Both mini dramas are about a modern day FL entering a fictional historical world (novel vs. drama) and becoming involved with the royal ML, all while completing tasks with a "guide" to return home.
Both are short dramas with the FL entering a historical game/VR setting. Within that world she is royal, as is the ML, and she must complete tasks, with the help of a guide only she can see, in order to return home.
Both are short (drama vs. movie), set within the world of a historical game with the FL trying to accomplish a task to return to the real world. Both MLs are emperors.