0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
mai 9, 2023
8 of 8 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 7.0
Poveste 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 8.0
Valoarea Revizionării 6.5

Better than I expected!

I wasn't sure how this was gonna go with how short it is, but I was pleasantly surprised! They didn't try to do too much with the vampire lore and didn't try to overcomplicate things. Junho is a vampire who is going to die and needs to drink pure human blood (still not sure what this means but oh well) to turn into a human. To do so, he needs to make Minhyun, who has pure blood, fall in love with him. But of course, Junho falls in love too and isn't willing to risk Minhyun's life for his own.

Most realistic part is Minhyun learning Junho is a vampire and immediately telling him to drink his blood. Honestly he's so real for that.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
sep 26, 2024
8 of 8 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 3.5
Poveste 1.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Muzică 5.0
Valoarea Revizionării 1.0
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Would love more supernatural/fantasy bl dramas... just not this one

Summary: A huge letdown, and a genuinely confusing experience for me. There's very little entertainment value either way, it's not even a "so bad it's funny" type, it's just baffling and frustrating because of how much potential it could have had with its premise.

I was quite baffled by how many reviews on Viki were praising this drama for the chemistry and story and sad ending, when all of those points were huge negatives to me.

Fantasy/supernatural concepts, let alone vampires are super underutilized in BL dramas, so I definitely hope more get made... it's just that this one was a massive failure to spearhead that movement.
I'd usually chalk it up to the classic "low budget and definitely not enough episodes", but I don't even know if more episodes would save this one.

Effectively, this is an 80 minute long drama, give or take as some episodes are vastly shorter than others. 80 minutes isn't long of course, but 80 minutes is still a good 80 minutes, and yet this drama fails to tell a compelling story.
It feels like either scenes are to end, or scenes are lingering far too long for anything substantial to happen in them.

World-building simply does not happen, which is a HUGE letdown for a fantasy drama, especially one dealing with something as wrought with potential as vampires. But instead, nothing is ever explained or expanded on.
What it means to be pureblood, why our lead is a pureblood, how society sees vampires if they are well-known enough that the lead's brother knows of them but not our lead, etc. etc.
Again, I'd chalk this one up to not having enough runtime to be able to expand, but I also believe that just one single episode dedicated to even SLIGHTLY expanding on the vampires at all could have done at least SOMETHING for this paper-thin plot.

Side characters are tossed to the side, giving basically all of them absolutely zero agency in the story.
Multiple characters are never addressed by name until the last second, or not at all, so I didn't retain any of them.
Characters come to serve their role, and then just disappear. The lead's brother is there solely to point out to him that the vampire is a vampire, and then promptly disappears for the rest of the show despite being established to be breathing down his brother's neck in the first 2 episodes.
The vampire's... mother? guide? it is literally never explained who she is to him aside from just someone he goes to occasionally and knows that he's a vampire (or I suppose if it WAS explained, I did not retain that information) also promptly disappears as fast as the vampire's friend, despite how desperate she seemed to keep the vampire alive.
The vampire friend is supposed to be seen as antagonistic and maybe even a threat and yet he never actually DOES anything to warrant that, just wanders to and fro between the lead and the vampire lead.

The chemistry that I keep seeing people praising elsewhere between the leads is basically nonexistent to me. They meet, begin to work on a project together, and suddenly are soulmates. The timeline is seriously twisted, because it feels like it all happens over the course of a week or so; So how did we go from the leads' meeting for the first time for their project to one of the leads putting a ring on the other's finger?
I think the chemistry is good in a vacuum in the final few episodes, but in the context of the drama, completely falls apart because of the sheer /lack/ of chemistry in any of the earlier episodes.

To give the drama credit where credit is due, we get a very GOOD kiss scene, which are often hard to come by in BLs, and even potentially the insinuation of a sex scene, which is even harder to come by in BLs.
The actors play their roles as much as they can, but the dialogue is so cheesy at times and the scenes are directed so strangely that a lot of the time, I find it hard to take seriously. Emotion is either very stiff or overacted, but I'd say the acting is the least bad part of this drama.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
apr 30, 2023
8 of 8 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muzică 9.5
Valoarea Revizionării 2.5

i have some spoilers

okay so i did like it
though the ending was not really yk the guy just dies at the end because he didn't want to drink choi's blood for the fear of hurting him...but mannnn Choi coul have used something to make a tiny cut on his finger then he could have offered his blood to junho this way junho wouldn't actually harm him right...but no Choi didn't do that i mean if it were me i would have at least tried something....but still I didn't like the ending but it's not like it was not suitable...I'm giving this a 9 but not because of the ending but because I think that everything was a little fast it it was not so fast paced i definitely would've given it a 10..

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
oct 26, 2022
8 of 8 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 6.0
Poveste 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Muzică 6.0
Valoarea Revizionării 3.0

Flojo, pero entretenido

Incluso para una historia corta como lo es este formato recurrente de 8 episodios de 10 minutos cada uno, este es un fast paced romance con todas las letras; es decir, va a las prisas y se nota. Hay otros BLs que duran lo mismo y no se siente apurado nada de lo que sucede, por lo que simplemente es el estilo de esta historia. No es mi preferencia, pero no me molesta. La química entre los dos actores es buena y, si conocen a los coreanos, saben que hay que aplaudir cuando en un kdrama tienen buenas escenas románticas. Las actuaciones no serán las mejores, pero le ponen ganas, sobre todo en esos momentos románticos.

La historia es un poco confusa porque hay cosas que ni te explican, como el hecho de que Jun Ho pueda estar a la luz del día a pesar de ser un vampiro (ni siquiera lo cuestionan) ni tampoco qué significa que alguien sea pura sangre. Por otro lado, Min Hyun cuenta que en su infancia le sucedió un evento traumático que no se retoma (no hacía falta, pero todo apuntaba a que iban a revelar quién había intentado hacerle daño en su niñez). El second lead, como suele suceder en estas historias, queda algo salido de la nada pero su personaje me gustó bastante.

Más allá de estas críticas, es una serie súper entretenida, totalmente maratoneable y en lo personal la disfruté. No conecté emocionalmente al punto que los momentos dramáticos, los conflictos o el final me importasen realmente, pero creo que fue por lo acelerado de la historia. No obstante, esto como dije no me molestó; muy recomendable si quieren ver un BL sencillito y corto. No esperen mucho más que eso, que sea entretenido y ya, pero está bien.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
oct 11, 2023
8 of 8 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 4.0
Poveste 3.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Muzică 7.0
Valoarea Revizionării 1.5
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

Watch only if you are die hard fan of vampires

Will contain slight spoilers.
Never had I expected a vampire series to be so full of...light. Like literally. The amount of dreamy light this series have idk how it the vampires are even immune to it.
There are plot holes, enough for you to trip and fall.
The storyline is just a cutesy BL series with a vampire trope. I skipped to episode 8 straight from episode 4.
The acting is sweet, they did their best.
The story had potential. The script needed to be a bit more tight and strong.
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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iul 21, 2022
8 of 8 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 8.0
Poveste 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muzică 7.5
Valoarea Revizionării 3.5
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

Storia bella ma troppo corta.

Bl leggero e molto carino.Un po diverso da quelli visti finora,un fantasy con vampiri ma niente di spaventoso tutt'altro il vampiro protagonista e un gran bel ragazzo e per di più e anche un vampiro buono.Un vampiro con sensi di colpa per aver ucciso un umano ora che sta per morire dopo più di 500 anni incontra un ragazzo bello e giovane che è il purosangue che potrebbe farlo diventare umano,ma si innamorano e le cose non sono più così scontate.
Purtroppo non mi è piaciuto il finale,triste avrei voluto un lieto fine.
Comunque nel complesso un bel drama bl.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
apr 29, 2024
8 of 8 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 7.0
Poveste 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muzică 6.5
Valoarea Revizionării 3.5

Good chem, mid story

The two leads are charming and have good chemistry, as I've also seen them with the same level of chemistry in "Roommates of Poongduck 304". The story is very expected, cliche however the series isn't very long so I'd say it's still an enjoyable watch purely off of the actors performances. If you want a better BL with the same level of acting but a more fleshed out storyline I'd definitely say watch Roomates of Poongduck, however Kissable lips is still a nice bite size drama.
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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
aug 24, 2024
8 of 8 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 8.0
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 5.0


I was so excited about this drama and now I wish I’d checked the reviews first. why did he just drink the blood, I feel like my heart and been ripped out of my chest and just stomped on. WTF ugh, the story was great but I want to know what the hell was the writer of this drama thinking. I been bawling my eyes for almost 30 minutes now and feel like I need to cry even more. I had high hopes and was so happy, and then bam sadness and heart break. I’m to emotion for this mess, I really do love it, but I can’t handle the heartbreak.
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Be El
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
dec 29, 2022
8 of 8 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 7.0
Poveste 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muzică 8.0
Valoarea Revizionării 3.5


The main leads are the same with Roommates at Poongduck 304. I watched this because Roommates at Poongduck 304 is one of my favorite BL dramas. I have low expectations because this is their first series as main leads together. But after watching this, it seems that they really have the chemistry since the beginning. Although their acting in the early episodes is quite dissatisfactory, they got better and better until the end.

A very sad story??? Why?? It is because the story is rushed.
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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iun 9, 2023
8 of 8 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 4.5
Poveste 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muzică 5.0
Valoarea Revizionării 2.5
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

if you don’t like sad endings don’t watch

The show was so good until it came to the ending. I really wasn’t expecting a sad ending. After he died I was hoping he would come back because they even had leeway of him being a vampire. Up until the ending it was good. The ending really affected my rating I would have rated it better if it didn’t end the way it did. Wish they made a season 2 where it showed he wasn’t dead. The actors also deserve another series together they were very cute. The acting was very good it’s really sad that I had to rate it so low because of the ending.
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Dojo jojo
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
apr 11, 2024
8 of 8 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 4.0
Poveste 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muzică 5.0
Valoarea Revizionării 1.0

The actors did their best.

The pacing was terrible, I was lost so many times that I had to go back and re-watch a few episodes cause it always felt like I missed something?

This felt like one of those "plot what plot" fics but with nothing intriguing to keep you hooked. What remained of the plot was all over the place (I don't know who decided on them blue eyes cause yikes.)
The threw in characters I was supposed to pity but without enough background to pull at any emotions.

The actors though, they gave it their all. You could see they really tried their best to deliver.
Overall, so much potential, zero on execution.

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Apaixonada por BL
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
ian 23, 2024
8 of 8 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 10
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

Eduard Cullen e Bella da Coréia

Olha, se essa história não se inspirou em Crepúsculo eu mudo meu nome, pq a situação dos protagonistas muitas vezes remete à Bella e Edward Cullen. Brincadeiras à parte, é uma das séries que eu mais amo, apesar dela ter muitos furos, que são até justificáveis, uma vez que a série só tem 8 eps minúsculos pra desenvolver uma história fantástica com um certo grau de complexidade. Fiquei em dúvida se a série tinha pouco orçamento, já que o núcleo de atores era bem pequeno, ou se o problema era o pouco tempo, que não era suficiente nem pra história principal, quanto mais outras paralelas. Isso acabou sendo um problema, já que muitas coisas não tiveram explicação ou foram mal explicadas.
Uma das coisas que me encanta nessa série, é que apesar da presença constante da morte (o vampiro matou o ex, o vampiro vai morrer, o vampiro matou o enxerido), ela consegue transmitir um sentimento de paz e leveza. Você não se sente tenso em nenhum momento, não importa em qual situação se encontrem, os personagens transmitem serenidade.

Os aspectos técnicos são todos impecáveis: atuação de milhões, os atores conseguem apenas com o olhar transmitir todos os sentimentos que desejam apenas com o olhar, uma das, melhores osts que já vi, filmografia, cenografia, locações, fotografia, iluminação, continuidade, tudo está perfeito, apesar dos furos.

Já que citei os furos, vamos falar deles: na narração inicial, o vampirão explica um pouco como se dá a alimentação dos vampiros, e que eles não podem matar humanos ou também morrerão, esses fatos me suscitaram muitas dúvidas. Primeiro, ele só se descontrolou uma vez na vida, quando acabou matando o ex, aí simplesmente o organismo dele entende que ele deve morrer daqui a 10 anos por isso? realmente isso ficou confuso. O outro furo, é ele falar que apenas uma quantidade de sangue é suficiente, inclusive ele aparece mordendo um querido e deixando ele no banheiro muito vivo, pq não pode fazer o mesmo com o namorado? Se a resposta for pq ele não iria se controlar por causa da treta do sangue puro, existem várias formas facílimas de resolver, como o querido tirar uma bolsa de sangue e doar pra ele, ali ele virava humano e tutupueno, pq diabos ele escolheu morrer? E por último, o irmão percebeu que ele era vampiro e tal, aí vem a coisa do sequestro e tudo mais, mas como foi que o irmão adquiriu tanta informação? google? e como ele conseguiu se salvar e salvar o irmão sendo um mero mortal? como ele sabia o b.o do sangue do irmão, que era puro? Sinceramente , também não entendi qual a relação entre o vampiro gostoso e o vampiro desquerido também.

Enfim, apesar de tudo eu sempre indico essa série, e espero muito ver os dois juntos em mais trabalhos, sempre tenho um tempo vejo de novo esse drama, e ele sempre aquece meu coração.

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