Enchante Episode 2

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Evaluări: 8.1/10 from 56 users
Recenzie: 5 users
Season: 1

Theo makes an impression at university and Akk chastises him for writing in a library book. (Source: MyDramaList)
  • Difuzat: February 04, 2022

Enchante Episode 2 Reacţii

0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
apr 2, 2022


This was afun episode.It’s good toget the backstory of their youngerdays. Akk has a great family. It isa contrastto Theo’sfamily.
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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
mar 29, 2022

I'm excited to see their relationship progress

I think that the balance between their friendship and the potential of being more than friends is well done. I'm hoping it would smoothly tilt to the 'we are something more' side.
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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
feb 21, 2022

Cinco pretendentes?

O Theo que tá bem, não tem dois, não tem três, não tem quatro MAS CINCO pretendentes atrás dele. Por outro lado o Akk tem quatro concorrentes, a luta vai ser difícil.
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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
feb 20, 2022

Satisfactory enough

The second episode is somewhat of a drop from the first one. It begins to expose the quality of writing which might not be of the highest caliber, so the story and the flow begin to feel somewhat off. The appearances of the four "university ambassadors" feel so random, like the writers don't really care about them. It feels like the series wants to solely focus on Theo and Akk, but at least it is doing it fine at that. So, it's satisfactory I guess, but nothing exceptional or memorable.
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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
feb 7, 2022

Theo & Akk Flirting.

The entire episode is just full of Theo & Akk fliting and acting all cute.We also met the other character, which I thought were really creepy.Especially the P'Phupha dude, HOW DOES HE KNOW?? Anyways,Theo & Akk are super cute and they made me smile the entire ep.
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