1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iul 7, 2021
13 of 13 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.5
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 9.0


That's it.
This drama is a masterpiece.
So beautifully written
the events are so perfectly intricated with each other.

The soundtrack is soothing.

The cast is good (I fell in love with Male lead)

The storyline is what I signed up for and much better than my expectations.

Although the rating was high I never had my expectations up. The first 2-3 episodes were slow but when you get that hold it will become so interesting. I binged watched it. Completed in a day.

Don't know if i will re-watch it since I already know the plot now and no more suspense but maybe I will since I already started to miss the cast.

The love story is so beautiful and pure.. I don't know how to describe it.

Verdict : Give it a try. Don't drop in first episode. Watch upto 3-4 episodes I guess. Because it will be worth the patience,once you get the hang of it you will fall in the black hole and will love this drama :)

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1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
mar 21, 2020
13 of 13 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 10
Poveste 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 10


I am a sucker for 90s school setting that's why this drama really hit the spot for me. If you're into mystery dramas, this drama is really good!! I highly recommend it. However, there are just some parts wherein I don't understand where the plot is heading, even until now that I've finished it. I only finished this in one day. A lot of plot twists and cliff hangers. Actors were all very very good. Alice is extremely good. Her acting for Yu Xuan and Yun Ru is so believable and so different. Greg is the perfect Li Zi Wei!! ANYWAYS, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS DRAMA!!
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1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
mai 29, 2022
13 of 13 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 8.5
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 9.0
Valoarea Revizionării 8.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

Solidly good drama

I enjoyed this drama a lot but I'm not as enthusiastic about it as a lot of people here who rate it a masterpiece. It's a solidly good drama with an intricate time travel plot that miraculously doesn't unravel despite some loose threads here and there. The characters are likeable, esp. Huang Yu Xuan, Mo Jun Jie and older Li Zi Wei. The performances of the core three actors are very strong, with a special shoutout to Alice Ke who is brilliant in a double role that requires a lot of subtlety and nuance. The OST is lovely and Last Dance is a perfect song to trigger the time travel sequences, loved that.

Having said that, here's why I don't think SD1D is a masterpiece:

1) The drama is very slow to start. Honestly if I hadn't seen and loved Rainless Love in a Godless Land first I might have dropped after the second episode. I kept going because I trusted the creators.

2) The core couple didn't convince me that their love was so epic that it spanned space and time. They seemed like a perfectly lovely 20 something couple but nothing that special and that causes problems in a story that hinges on their fated love. Having said that, ep. 9 (LZW travels forward in time to woo HYX) made me sob.

3) Chen Yun Ru's villain arc is introduced in the next to last episode. She was a fascinating and complex character, sympathetic and unlikeable at the same time. She needed more development so we could be as invested in her story and redemption as we were in the core romance. I also wanted to see more of her with MJJ because he was such a great character and also didn't get enough screentime as the story progressed.

4) The psychiatrist's storyline ultimately didn't amount to much esp. given how much time is devoted to the arc.

I still really enjoyed this drama and will recommend it to friends.

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1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
mar 5, 2021
13 of 13 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 10
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 10

I thought it won't top Mr. Queen but it actually did!

This drama is really a hardcore one. It forcefully tells us that time is not something you can just mess up with. You can use and do everything but still ends up with the same conclusion. It is an endless loop, a never-ending cycle.

Have almost watched every dramas with Time-Slip/Time travel concepts. Be it in Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Taiwanese, etc. Just name it 😅 Actually it's one of my favorite genres in dramas since it often requires analyzation and thinking when you watch them.

Someday or One Day is that specific drama which has a solid storyline and well-detailed plot. Others may have tragic loopholes that will leave the viewers hanging but this one has successfully closed all of its loopholes by using mind-blowing plot twists. You thought you're already correct in one part but it's actually not and I am one of those victims.

We all know what's Butterfly Effect in time travel concepts and SOD has carefully laid and emphasized it all throughout the series.

The characters played their roles perfectly. A cassette tape recording that started everything is not your usual thing. The soundtracks are so beautiful such as SHI SHI's Someday or One Day.

I won't give any spoilers so I don't know what you are waiting for. Just start watching this OUTSTANDING DRAMA and find it out yourself if it's good or bad. 👌

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1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
feb 7, 2021
13 of 13 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 10
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 10
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere


This is my first Taiwanese drama but I heard so many great things about it, I thought I'd give it a try. I'm so glad I did because WOW!! This drama managed to intrinsically weave together a complex storyline in the most beautiful and meticulous way. It was absolutely amazing in its execution, depth, creativity, and attention to detail.... leaving me guessing throughout each episode. It was one of the rare dramas where you actually have NO idea where the plot is going and you don’t want to miss a single moment in case you skip something important. For a time travel drama, this was such a masterpiece and so tightly written that loopholes were few and far between (an amazing feit considering how complex this drama was).

The leads in this drama.... my goodness.... even in my novice eyes, they were a 10. How they managed to play vastly different characters so convincingly and completely was amazing. Their relationship was beautiful and the leads delivery were rich, full of depth, heartwarming, and heartbreaking. It was a love that transcended time and they completely drew me into their world(s). I applaud how the drama tackled issues of mental health and depression. It was a very real portrayal of how dark depression can be and you don’t just simply wake up the next day and feel better. It’s a dark place to climb out of and many grow tired and weary... as do those around them, when you just want someone to “be happy”.

I thought the drama wrapped up its story line well and I was even convinced it was the best choice they had... then again the tragedies during the drama made me feel like ANY other outcome was better than what they had gone through!! I’m sure like many others, we wanted more from the ending ... BUT the bonus scene was icing on the cake. I’m thankful they filmed it and gave those of us that needed more closure, a chance to take a sigh of relief knowing our beloved leads were where they were suppose to be.

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Komentator isenk
1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
ian 16, 2024
13 of 13 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 7.5
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muzică 7.0
Valoarea Revizionării 6.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

Jan 2024 Recommendation Challenge

Watch this for Recommendation Challenge month of Jan 2024. Long time heard this one but finally watch this. Must say have mix feeling about this in the end.

What I like first:
+ Ko Chia Yen played 2 character beautifully. We can feel the diff between 2 of her character. The depress Chen Yun Ru (YR) & the cheerful Huang Yu Xuan (YX). Even as simple as the way she walk is diff with 2 character.
+ The beautiful song. But yeah.. Like Kate wrote I think I also heard enough of this song. At least for a while for me. Haha...
+ The beautiful representation of our beautiful mind... Haha... This kinda like Miss Gu Who Is Silent concept but more complicated
+ I kinda like how the make the concept of room in our brain

What I don't like:
- They start to lose me when they introduce the part of Li Zi Wei (ZW) | Wang Quan Sheng (QS). Especially when he returned back to ZW. Gonna be better if we have time stamp. Really confused how & why must be like that & sometimes confuse what time we currently watching that time.
- How can ZW easily understand the time jump concept. Especially when he met himself at the airport. He never really go deep with the time jump concept, but he easily accepted when he see himself & not shock or confused a little bit
- At the end I kinda confuse which one is the real characteristic of YR. The sad & depress one or the cheerful one...
- And after read Kate's review I also just realize how the writer never really bothered to make the story of other characters outside YR. Like the relationship between ZW & their parents. It's like the character only exist to support YR.
- And yeah like Kate's wrote too. I also think in the end this kinda take the depression & mental issue too lightly. Depression it's not something easy to change/heal with the change of mind

Overall this a good drama with interesting concept how beautiful our mind is.... If u looking for romance, just stay away from this drama.

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1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
nov 19, 2020
13 of 13 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 7.5
Valoarea Revizionării 9.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere


Questo drama è a mani basse il più complesso, emotivo e ben fatto che ho visto quest’anno. si, per me batte pure Circle.
Vincitore ai 55 ° Golden Bell Awards nelle categorie “ Miglior Serie Televisiva”, “Miglior Attrice Protagonista”, “Miglior Sceneggiatura per una Serie Tv” e “Miglior Programma Innovativo” dopo averlo visto, non posso che essere d’accordo.

1) La storia
Someday presenta una trama complessa, articolata e emotivamente coinvolgente. Impossibile non sentirsi presi dalle vicende dei personaggi, dalla loro storia o emozioni. Caposaldo del drama è l’amore, cosa significhi essere in una relazione, ma c’è spazio per l’importanza della famiglia, l’accettazione di sè, il bullismo, l’omofobia, la giovinezza, i primi amori, il rimpianto e la capacità di lasciare andare il passato che si racchiude nella classica frase “ chiusa una porta si apre un portone.”
Ci sono momenti strazianti, divertenti ed inquietanti in un mix perfetto che gioca con lo spettatore portandolo a volerne sempre di più.
Certo, data la complessità è un drama da vedere rigorosamente con il cervello impostato su ON. e con il foglio e la penna sotto mano

2) La scrittura e sceneggiatura
Non importa che tu abbia una bella storia tra le mani se non la sai raccontare. Un applauso dunque lo devo fare agli sceneggiatori - gli stessi di Attention, Love e si vede sia per la lunghezza degli episodi , un’ora e 11 minuti a botta, sia per la massima cura che hanno usato nel tratteggiare psicologicamente i personaggi - al regista e a tutti quelli che ci hanno lavorato: il salto nel tempo non è mai un argomento facile e Someday lo porta sullo schermo in un ottica che non avevo mai visto ma che ho trovato molto intrigante e innovativa.
Someday è come un puzzle dove gli sceneggiatori ti danno tot tessere senza dirti dove vanno e piano piano che le inserisci, il disegno si completa. Ma è impossibile capirci qualcosa e aver chiara la situazione fino a più di metà serie.
Il drama è pieno di colpi di scena e situazioni impreviste ed imprevedibili: tramite il sapiente uso dei flashback la trama è in continua evoluzione.

3) il cast
Solitamente mi concentro sempre sugli attori ma questa volta il premio lo devo necessariamente dare a Alice Ko per sua capacità di recitare due ruoli diversissimi tra loro, facendomi davvero pensare che fossero interpretate da attrici diverse. Straordinaria.
Come bravissimi sono stati anche gli altri: Greg Hsu - che è diventato la mia nuova fissa del momento - riesce, come la sua collega, a tirare fuori dei personaggi così adorabili e teneri che è impossibile non amarlo a prescindere.
Nota di merito per Yan Yu Lin, chiamato a interpretare il Capoclasse in un ruolo difficile ma che è riuscito a compiere pienamente.

4) i personaggi
Assolutamente credibili e umani. Le loro reazioni sono realistiche con le loro caratterizzazioni e con cosa stanno vivendo: la paura, il dolore, l’egoismo, l’amore, il desiderio..tutte le emozioni che vivono passano attraverso l’ottima recitazione, creando dei personaggi realistici e veri.
Chen Yun Ru ad esempio - che ad un certo punto della storia avrei tanto voluto prendere a bastonate nei denti - che è forse il personaggio più complesso e tratteggiato più psicologicamente degli altri, ha delle reazioni, dei pensieri e delle azioni che pur se io non le ho accettate, sono comprensibili per come è stato scritto il suo personaggio.

5) La simbologia
Someday non ti dice le cose...te le fa capire e poi sei tu a dover ricollegare i puntini. Questo sistema viene usato anche tramite simboli e questo drama ne ha tantissimi: dai numeri, agli oggetti, per finire con i dialoghi.
Ciò significa che il drama non tratta lo spettatore come un idiota ma si aspetta che tu comprenda determinati sentimenti ed eventi solo da un immagine. giusto perchè il tuo cervello ha lavorato poco per seguire la trama
è una soluzione un pò complessa ma che aggiunge profondità e spessore ad una storia già di partenza intrigante.
Concludendo: Someday riesce a risollevare la mia incerta opinione sui drama taiwanesi con una storia innovativa, impegnativa e profonda, sia da un punto di vista strutturale sia da un punto di vista narrativo. Trama intensa e piena di momenti anche drammatici e tristi ma che non manca di leggerezza e risate, con scene romantiche e zuccherose che risollevano l’umore. Ottimo il cast e anche le OST.
Il dramma non è stato il viaggio nel tempo, ma il capire che fosse tutto un loop temporale. Questo ultimo passaggio mi ha cambiato notevolmente il punto di vista di tutta la storia e ha mandato a scatafascio tutte le teorie che mi ero fatta. Onestamente l’ho trovata una cosa geniale...complessa, ma geniale. La complessità sta tutta nel capire l’esatta timeline di Li Zi Wei e comprendere che le tre sue versioni che si vedono sono tutte la stessa persona: Wang Quan-Sheng fidanzato di Huang Yu Xuan non esiste e il Wang Quan Sheng zoppo e con gli occhiali - il modello più affascinante - è sempre Li Zi Wei adulto. Per me questo è stato un BOOM enorme e che tuttavia, a messo apposto diverse domande che erano rimaste in sospeso.

Una delle tematiche che viene affrontata successivamente nella storia è quella del destino. Anche se inizialmente la fatalità sembra ricondurre la lead al 1999 e a Chen Yun Ru, in realtà mi è sembrato che tutto convergesse su Li Zi Wei e Huang Yu Xuan. Sono loro i destinati a stare insieme ma anche allo stesso tempo non possono stare assieme. La scena dove Li Zi Wei zoppo - per distinguerlo tra le altre sue versioni sennò è un disastro - confessa alla sua amata che loro non possono stare insieme perchè appartenenti a due diverse linee temporali nonostante tu spettatore sai che questi due sono anime gemelle, è straziante.

Ma è proprio il destino uno dei protagonisti della serie: se è vero che la lead2019 e il lead1999 non possono stare insieme, è anche vero che sul finale c’è speranza che si trovino nel futuro. Se sono destinati ad essere fidanzati, allora c’è speranza che accadrà. Non è dunque un caso la scelta delle scene finali: Li Zi Wei1999 che accompagna in moto una piccola Huang Yu Xuan. Poetico. Potrei dire che sarebbe stato bellissimo che la serie finisse con loro due e una nidiata di figli nel non sarebbe stato in linea con la profondità, complessità e tutti i messaggi che la serie aveva dato fino a quel momento.

Ultima nota riguarda Chen Yun Ru - da me chiamata “la depressa” - il suo disagio e l’intromissione della lead nella sua vita. Dunque...apparte che questa ragazza è la Figlia del Male ( dire a Li Zi Wei che Huang Yu Xuan non è mai esistita e spezzargli il cuore...maledetta!!!!! ) onestamente non c’erano motivi per cui questa dovesse essere depressa. Rimane così chiusa in se stessa e con tutte queste aspettative rivolte agli altri, che non si accorge che in realtà la sua vita è normalissima. La sua famiglia la ama, suo fratello la protegge, a due amici e uno che le viene dietro. Va bene a scuola... l’intromissione della lead le permette di fargli vedere tutto questo e anzichè farne tesoro e vuole ammazzare. Anzi no.... vuole essere ammazzata perchè se si suicida poi la gente pensa male. Nella serie la lead si colpevolizza perchè pensa che per colpa sua la depressa si voglia suicidare, ma in realtà questa aveva preso accordi con la Morte già da prima dell’arrivo della lead. Tuttavia, anche se il suo comportamento l’ho trovato detestabile, allo stesso tempo è realistico e credibile per una diciasettenne. Quel momento dove “ il mondo è orribile” “ nessuno mi vuole bene”, “ sono sbagliata io perchè nessuno vuole conoscermi” ecc ecc...

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1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
ian 12, 2021
13 of 13 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 10
Poveste 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 9.0

Sunset fades away

It's been days since I finished watching this and I still find my self thinking about it from time to time.
First, the more than stellar acting from the cast especially the 3 leads. I was in awe of how I could seamlessly differentiate between the different characters that they represented! ALICE KE(Huang Yu Xuan | Chen Yun Ru) stood out the most, she just oh God!!!!!! I am out of words. Her acting wooed me to the point that I am g going to check out her past works plus be on the look out for her future projects. She truly embodied both characters and gave them different mannerisms , it was perfect.

hahaha I still have the soundtrack on repeat!!!! My favorite song from the ost is Come Away. I even remember the scene and episode where I first heard the song(or the moment I fell in love with it).. ep 2, the confession on the motorbike ahhhhhh*screams* the emotions aahhhhh*flies and forgets to return* I love me some awkward and angst moments.
Honestly this sound track is among my top 2 osts. I am reluctant to place it above TMOPB(cause it was my first love) maybe this sound track will be my forever love (we'll see)
oh oh before I forget my silly ass kinda believes(15%) that listening to one dance will take me to the past. My double ganger just hasn't made that wish yet, or I don't have one *drowns in tears of pity* lol

Lord only knows how this story gave me a headache(the good kind *wink*). I have never used my brain while watching a drama as much as I used it while watching this one (that's just cause I really wanted to come up with theories and predictions, and I loved every moment of it). I just wish I could forget it all and re watch it and have gasps of shock, moments of silence due to the suspense, increased heartbeats because of the tension and anticipation. OHHHHHH I miss that!!!!!
The story was fast paced, I liked that. It was beautiful though one episode just didn't meet my expectations. All in all, watch it y'all.
Ran away with me and escape into the reality of some day or one day

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1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
oct 28, 2022
13 of 13 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 8.5
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 8.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

whats there to say thats not already been said?

i saw this drama at the beginning of this year / end of last year. it was to fill the space in my heart as i was waiting for rainless love in a godless land’s episodes to air. its hard to say anything unique now, seeing as this drama is soooo revered by all of us who have seen it.

the fact that there are consequences to the time jump / time loop trope is refreshing. and the focus being placed primarily on love and then… the fear and loneliness of adolescence. similarly the low-budget but creative and effective set pieces for this show and rainless love were such a strong highlight for me. sometimes mainland dramas rely a lot on CGI and making actors look as pale and thin and perfect as possible. not that taiwan dramas are inherently better… but because they have a significantly lower budget that those effects are inaccessible to most productions, which i personally enjoy more as a result.

there is a theme which bothers me. i think that this show is about how even when love is impossible, people can make it work. well… sometimes.

was there any hope for the “original” wang quansheng who killed himself because he was gay? that age gap between the main characters at the end of the show was a little icky too—i would’ve preferred if they had ended it on a more somber note rather than try to make it work between a high schooler and 28 year old! it is the same theme that persists in rainless love in a godless land but “fixed” somewhat with the final ending. this studio sure enjoys its age gaps, i’ll say that.

there’s no arguing though that when someday or one day came out, it caused such a ripple in cdramas, and it was received so well. refreshing, unique effects, interesting story, a genre bender (tragic slice of life? we got that. time loop science fiction? we got that. murder mystery with a touch of horror? got that. love story? high school romance? taiwanese nostalgia flick with a touch of satire?) and i do think, in spite of its flaws, it was totally deserved. i’ll always be partial to rainless love in a godless land, but it’s hard not to consider SOOD the cultural touchstone and cult classic it’s become.

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1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iun 27, 2020
13 of 13 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 8.0
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 9.5
Valoarea Revizionării 6.0
It took me a while to finish this drama. I genuinely liked all the characters. The plot just felt draggy at times. And the time travel bit felt confusing at times (near the middle/end) that I had to go read summaries after an episode to understand what happened.
The best parts were when we got to see happy moments with the FL and the ML/SML at their high-school. Their friendship was amazing. The relationship between the FL and ML was also pretty cute even in the future. It makes you want to have a relationship :') The plot twists really leave you in awe once you figure them out.

The best characters were probably the FL and ML. Chen Yu Run (SFL??) is pitiful. Mo Jun Jie is kinda dull but also... pitiful. Zhi Qi and Zhong Ru were interesting!!

The ending is bittersweet and ambiguous! It hints at something but its not enough to hold onto unless you watch the special ending (mini) episode which kinda makes it feel better :)

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1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
oct 27, 2021
13 of 13 episoade văzute
Completat 2
Per total 9.0
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 9.5
Valoarea Revizionării 7.0

"I'll Jump Through Timelines For You."

Someday or One Day begins it's journey as a regular contemporary romance drama with a tragic twist: Huan Yu Xuan, the FL's person (Wang Quan Shen) has been dead since the past two years after a plane crash. HYX struggles to get past his demise and seeks out for hints that proves that he wasn't too much in love with her in an attempt to get a leverage to let go of him, despite imagining him multiple times. What she discovers only makes her drop back to square one. It is at this time that she gets a Walkman from an anonymous person. And from there stars the real story…

☆ The drama unexpectedly takes a smooth twist into the time travelling genre and for a while, I believed that it was just some minor fantasy element. But, no. It was an actual time travel element that had blood and bones. The characters, their choices and the whole time travelling governs the basic plot. We are pulled into a maze of events that talk about the past, or rather the past of a young introverted girl, Chen Yun Ru, and her friends Li Zi Wei and Mo Jun Jie. The only thing in common is that Chen Yun Ru and Li Zi Wei are doppelgangers of the future Huan Yu Xuan and Wang Quan Shen. Time travelling to another timeline, into another completely different person comes with a few setbacks. Huan Yu Xuan soon learns from the future that she must protect herself from a mysterious stalker and try to stop Chen Yu Ru's fate: dead by the New Year's eve of 1999. Moreover, she finds out that there exists a deeper connection the past and her future.

But, is changing the future as easy as it seems?

☆ The plot was meticulously written with a strong purpose. It tried closing off all loopholes and giving us convincing answers. I could visualize the time loop that writer had written the story with. One factor that made me not find the drama boring was the variety of characters. We spend significant screentime with closed off Chen Yu Ru and the kind hearted Mo Jun Jie. We get to know Chen Yu Ru's family and her troubles. We are delighted to see the way Huan Yu Xuan deals with situations and her vibrant personality. Her friendship with Mo Jun Jie and Li Zi Wei was a treasure to cherish. The actors performances were excellent, particularly Alice Ke, for her portrayal of the two starkly contrasting characters with precision.

We get heartbroken seeing Wang Quan Shen and his relationship with Huan Yu Xuan. There was a point where I could not see a happy ending for anyone. Time travel rarely ends up with roses, but more with roses 'and' thorns. I guessed a few minor events before it happened, but the way it was executed was smooth and realistic.

☆ The opening, closing credits' and their soundtracks captured the emotions of the drama perfectly. They implied a lot about what was going to happen in the drama at the first place, but we don't understand the symbolism behind it until we've completed about more than half of the episodes. Also, I'm not a fan of songs of the genre such as Wu Bai's 'Last Dance'. But, this drama forced me to like it.

☆ One thing that irked me was how I fell asleep multiple times, particularly during the initial episodes. Though the slow pace was essential for capturing the viewers and setting the base for the story, it made me wish that it was a tad bit more fast paced.

All in all, this is definitely a drama that you should give a try, particularly, if you are a fan of romance and time travel genre. I loved piecing together the puzzles and guessing what was about to happen. I wished for every single characters' happiness by the end. I too hope I'll meet someone someday who would also come back to me one day.

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1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
nov 2, 2022
13 of 13 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 9.0
Valoarea Revizionării 10
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

Brilliant. Deserved all of its awards and more.

I read somewhere that the scriptwriters said that when this came together, it was like it had 'come from god'. I can see why, because it is utterly magic. And somehow they magically got lead actors who were also utterly magic. I found it lovable and heartbreaking and unforgettable. Technically it's incredibly well put-together - the cast in general, the music, the cinematography, the amazing job they did with keeping the complicated timelines straight - but it's the emotional impact that puts it into top-grade for me. I would never have expected a time-travel drama to feel this real, especially when portraying grief, which is very easy to do badly. YES, you should watch it.

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Someday or One Day (2019) poster



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