Questo film mi ha parecchio stranito!All'inizio pensavo fosse una classica situazione già vista, ovvero due migliori amiche che litigano perché innamorate dello stesso uomo, e invece qui c'è molto altro!
Alla base del film c'è un rapporto di amicizia forte ma complicato di due ragazze molto diverse tra loro che sono cresciute insieme! Nel corso della vita i loro sogni e desideri si sono scontrati con la dura realtà della vita e come capita in questi casi, ne prendono atto e percorrono la strada che gli si pone davanti, con tutte le conseguenze del caso!
Una delle protagoniste è Ahn Mi-Son (Kim Da-Mi) che interpreta sempre un personaggio carismatico e fragile allo stesso tempo, una persona a cui la vita non ha regalato niente e perciò è sempre alla ricerca del suo posto nel mondo che spesso é avverso nei suoi confronti, l'altra è Go Ha-Eun (Jeon So-nee) che è la classica ragazza perfettina con poco carattere a cui però sta stretta la sua vita e cerca anche lei di trovare la sua strada, o soprattutto di cercare se stessa! Il fulcro della situazione poi ruota intorno a Ham Jin-Woo (Byun Woo Suk) a cui avrei dato una testata dall'inizio alla fine 😑, detto ciò non commento altro si di lui per non spoilerare niente ..
La mia preferita è Kim Da-Mi che dopo averla vista nella sua terza interpretazione, va finire nella vetta delle mie attrici coreane preferite perché ha un'espressività senza eguali, soprattutto calcolando che è giovanissima!
Il film in conclusione è molto crudo e mi ha lasciato tanta tristezza e amarezza, ma in ogni caso vale la pena essere guardato se avete due ore libere tra una la fine di una serie e l'altra.
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Life is a journey of discovering
It’s very beautiful movies, slow but they made it so beautiful as two best friends grow up and facing life and their friendship also discovering about themselves too. I shed a tear at the end, although not really understand why she made that decision. But not losing yourself and still strong despite her tough life and survive also not apart.And their acting really touch my heart. So good. I read one of the review said this is a remake, make me curious about the original movie.
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O ponto chave e forte da história é a amizade e não o romance, deste foi só um leve resquício.Já vou começar com uma pergunta que ficou sem resposta na minha cabeça: Mi So gostava do Jin Woo ou apenas ele teve sentimentos por dela?
Enfim... a gente vê o desenrolar da amizade da Mi So e Ha Eun desde a infância até a vida adulta, apesar de nesse meio tempo elas terem se afastado por um grande período.
Elas vêm de mundos diferentes, com personalidades diferentes, mas são atraídas uma para a outra como ímãs.
As interações delas era tão íntima e próxima que eu já estava esperando virar um filme sáfico a qualquer momento kkk
Eu realmente gostei deste filme pois mostra um amadurecimento e como uma amizade verdadeira funciona .
Claro que dona Coreia ama dar uma toque de sofrimento, então se preparem para dar uma emocionada no final.
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U will kicking yourself if u don't watch this now ...
Relationships are not black and white, they are made of hundreds and thousands of shades of different colours - ugly and beautiful, and this movie does a spectacular job of painting such a raw and realistic one.A soulmate is someone tethered to you and drawn back to you no matter what and this movie depicts the realistic struggles of growing apart and struggling to find and understand each other.
Was it a touch melodramatic? Sure. Was it still just as thought-provoking and relatable? Definitely. This movie - as all good ones should - left me thinking about my own relationships with my friends and family and my value and love for them.
The cinematography and soft music score absolutely fit the theme of this movie - raw and realistic - it doesn't rely on sfx to bring you to tears. In fact, the saddest moments are those in silence. Phenomenal performances from Da-mi and So-nee, their interactions on screen were so emotional.
Life is not perfect, the people in them most definitely are not perfect. But this movie might teach you something about unconditional love, being there for each other no matter what and valuing the time you do have together.
An absolute recommended watch ...
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Beaches : Bette Midler+Barbara Hershey.
06/02/2024 (Feb).
This is a decent watch, but not what I would consider "soulmates" - just a very strong friendship and sister like bond.
How can I put this - the connection between JiWoo and Miso, to me, was more of a soul connection - seriously, each time they met, their interactions and from the first time they crossed paths. The necklace she wore was a massive give away and Ha-run knew it when she spotted it, also, Ji Woo. Miso was actually a threat even though it wasn't the intention. It was her friendship and loyalty to Ha-eun that she put first above anything or anyone else.
I also don't think Ji Woo really made any mistakes - even the cave scene wasn't a "betrayal* really because of Miso. No lines were crossed as she saved the situation although she took the necklace for protection.
I know this is meant to be all about Miso and Ha-eun and them being soul mates, but I found it wasn't done to perfection like it was in Beaches with Bette Midler and Barbara Hershey - that truly was one friendship that outshone any other relationship including boyfriends and husbands.
Lastly, it is one thing to keep a pregnancy and death from an ex boyfriend or ex fiance, but it is something else when you keep those kind of things from family and especially when that family is good even if not perfect. Actually, I think Ji Woo had every right to know about the pregnancy as he was the father and didn't do anything wrong except tell Ha-eun that her drawings should be treated as a hobby. He did everything to set it right between him and Ha-eun.
With Soulmates, it is similar to Beaches with the back and forth between the past and present and the triangle relationship ONLY I think Beaches is far superior and the flashbacks were more interesting and also quite humorous at times.
This is good to watch to pass the time - it is a bit slow and boring in parts.
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