Manhunt tells the story of international lawyer Du Qiu, who finds himself accused of murdering a female colleague following his farewell party. Detective Yamura is summoned to chase Du, but when he manages to escape repeatedly, the hard-boiled detective starts to develop respect for the fugitive, and begins to believe in his claims of innocence. In the end, the duo joins forces in pursuit of the truth.
Manhunt tells the story of international lawyer Du Qiu, who finds himself accused of murdering a female colleague following his farewell party. Detective Yamura is summoned to chase Du, but when he manages to escape repeatedly, the hard-boiled detective starts to develop respect for the fugitive, and begins to believe in his claims of innocence. In the end, the duo joins forces in pursuit of the truth.
A refreshing work depicting a love that transcends borders between a Korean woman and a Japanese man. ~~ Adapted from the joint novel "Sarang Hue Oneun Gotdeul" by Gong Ji Young and Tsuji Hitonari Choi Hong is a Korean student studying in Japan. She meets Aoki Jungo, and they fall in love with each other. But, they break up due to different thoughts about love and practical problems. Five years later, Hong and Jungo meet in Korea.