Renunțate 6/16
3 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
dec 22, 2023
6 of 16 episoade văzute
Renunțate 0
Per total 1.0
Poveste 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Muzică 5.0
Valoarea Revizionării 1.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere
It’s a bad sign when I’m laughing at the wrong things, like the leading lady running duck-footed in her nightie through the streets of Barcelona demented Wee Willie Winkie-style, past a score of oblivious Spaniards. And WHERE do they find all of those non-Korean actors? Is there a special bad acting school for foreigners that rents actors out for free? Ji Chang Wook’s character is a shade too similar to his role in the Healer to make me think that I’m watching something new and interesting. I might continue to watch if there were a chance that Mr. Healer 2.0 character and Evil Witch might end up falling for each other, which would at least be fun to see. But I assume that he and Wee Willie Winkie are destined for each other. My primary beef with most Korean dramas is that the romance is too conventional and predictable and I’m afraid that this drama will follow the same trajectory. I wonder whether better actors could have redeemed the show. But then I remember inane scenes such as Dancing With Ramen and realize that there is no excuse for this drama.

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Renunțate 6/16
3 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
dec 12, 2023
6 of 16 episoade văzute
Renunțate 1
Per total 4.0
Poveste 3.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Muzică 5.0
Valoarea Revizionării 1.0
I can not believe I watched like six whole episodes of this show. What could possibly happen in the next 10??? I'm sorry but Yoona is so miscast it's not even funny. It's kind of sad, like another actress in her role probably would've made her character a lot more compelling and interesting to watch and root for. Go Anna is a character who rarely speaks and we as the viewers are expected to pick up things about her and her personality through her movements, actions, and facial expressions but Yoona unfortunately isn't giving any of that so I really don't know what to make of Anna as a characters shes just. really flat and boring. Also Ji Changwook and Yoona really don't have any chemistry and Ji Changwook did try his best but I wasn't a big fan of his character. Both leads felt like shells of human beings rather than actual living people, and I know they were both traumatized but the writing behind their characters was so lifeless. There was also more chemistry between the female antagonist and Ji Changwook than Ji Changwook and Yoona. Which that being said, I did really enjoy the villain, but that's about it.

I do have to give this drama credit for giving me the funniest kdrama scene Ive ever seen. Nothing will ever beat Yoona dancing around with a pack of ramen and Ji Changwook trying his best to act like hes into it like HUH??? WHAT WAS THAT SCENE? It was hilarious though she really gave us nothing.

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1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
ian 2, 2021
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 5.5
Poveste 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muzică 8.5
Valoarea Revizionării 3.0

Un drama qui n'a pas matché pour moi

J'ai été très surprise des avis vus sur internet sur ce drama, qui sont tous très positifs et élogieux. Alors que personnellement... je n'ai pas trouvé que le drama était un bon drama. Alors attention je ne dis pas qu'il était mauvais non plus, mais il y a tellement de choses qui ne fonctionnaient pas pour moi que je ne peux pas le qualifier en drama que j'ai apprécié.

J'ai même par moment, trouvé que c'était très difficile à regarder, et ai même pensé à l'arrêter (chose que je ne fais quasiment jamais).

Alors pourquoi n'ai-je pas aimé ce drama ?

Tout d'abord, je trouve la course politique de ce drama illogique et tellement impossible que ça m'a décroché de l'histoire. Ce drama est rempli de scènes d'actions, qui sont sincèrement très bien réussies et qui donnent un rythme intéressant. Mais c'est si illogique... Les politiciens organisent littéralement des attentats pour se tuer les uns entre les autres, créent des fusillades à tout bout de champ et ça ne pose de problème à personne ? La partie réalisme a été manquée pour moi pour cette raison et ça m'a beaucoup dérangé.

D'autre part, j'y reviendrais plus tard mais les personnages... À part Choi Yoo Jin, aucun personnage n'a su gagner mon coeur ni ne sont développés et j'expliquerai pourquoi en détaillant les personnages principaux. Même les personnages secondaires, supposés apporter plus de légèreté et une part d'humour pour moi, n'ont pas marché. Je n'ai pas apprécié les acteurs/rôles secondaires que l'on voit régulièrement (Kim Gab Soo dans le rôle de Park Kwan Soo, Lee Ye Eun dans le rôle de Mi Ran ou encore Lee Jae Woo dans le rôle de Lee Sung Gyu).

Et surtout le plus gros problème pour moi est la romance. À mon sens elle n'a aucunement sa place dans ce drama. Et quand je dis aucune c'est... Vraiment aucune. Je n'ai pas trouvé d'alchimie particulière entre Wookie et Yoona d'une part, mais de plus j'ai trouvé que la romance ne collait pas au personnage principal qui n'a aucune raison de base de tomber amoureuse de Anna. Vraiment... Il tombe amoureux en un claquement de doigt et passe de mercenaire à canard en deux scènes. Aucune logique, tout comme certaines scènes de toute façon comme la scène des ramens ou la scène du premier bisou ?.

Kim Je Ha (Ji Chang Wook)

Kim Je Ha est un ancien soldat et mercenaire, activement recherché suite à son passé. Et son passé... On ne le connait pas. Genre vraiment, on ne connait ni son vrai nom, ni son passé avant l'armée, rien... Le personnage, n'est pas développé. Et pourtant, c'est le personnage principal !

Alors au moins, on a le droit à beaucoup de scènes d'actions où on peut à la fois profiter de la jolie vue que nous accorde Wookie, et où l'on peut découvrir ses talents dans des scènes vraiment bien chorégraphiées, mais au-delà de cela, le personnage est un peu plat.

Son association avec Choi Yoo Jin est basée sur un ennemi commun : Park Kwan Soo, candidat aux présidentielles et cible de la vengeance souhaitée de Kim Je Ha. Je ne vous dirais pas pourquoi, car cela serait spoiler, mais autant vous dire que la raison de son souhait de vengeance est la seule partie de son passé que nous connaissons, et ça n'en dévoile pourtant pas tant que cela.

De plus, je trouve des incohérences dans le caractère du personnage. Prêt à tuer n'importe qui sur son passage lorsqu'il se bat, il tombe amoureux en un claquement de doigt et devient un vrai canard sans aucune personnalité... Très peu pour moi.

Comme quoi, Wookie ne peut pas tout sauver juste en étant lui, car pour le coup c'est le personnage est mal écrit.

Go Anna (Yoona)

Go Anna est la fille du politicien Jang Se Joon et de la célébrité Uhm Hye Rin, retrouvée morte chez elle il y a plus de dix ans de cela. Depuis la mort de sa mère, Anna s'est retrouvée enfermée par les soins de Choi Yoo Jin, car elle représentait une force de manipulation envers son mari.

Ce personnage est le pire défaut du drama selon moi. Rien ne va ! Pendant les sept premiers épisodes, à chaque fois que Anna est à l'écran, c'est pour pleurer. Elle parle un peu pendant le premier épisode, puis il faut attendre plusieurs épisodes avant qu'elle ne prononce à nouveau plus de deux mots ! Et une fois qu'elle est lancée et qu'elle cesse de pleurer, ce n'est que pour quelques épisodes et pour révéler une personnalité enfantine, une grande naïveté et un manque de charisme.

Alors oui vous aurez compris, j'ai détesté ce personnage. Je l'avoue, de base je ne suis pas du tout une fan de l'actrice... Mais pour le coup je ne suis pas sure que ça soit de sa faute si je n'aime pas son personnage, mais tout simplement le personnage lui-même qui est mal écrit et ne sert à rien.

Vraiment pour moi, ce personnage n'a fait que 3 choses pendant le drama : pleurer, parler de sa mère, se faire enlever.

Choi Yoo Jin (Song Yoon Ah)

Le personnage de Choi Yoo Jin est pour moi le personnage qui sauve le drama. On retrouve une femme forte avec de réelles ambitions et qui se donne les moyens pour réussir. Choi Yoo Jin est depuis toute jeune ancré dans un monde de politique et de gestion d'entreprise où elle excelle. Si les conflits familiaux sont de base très présents dans sa vie, ils prennent encore une nouvelle tournure à la mort de son père, où malgré tout le mérite qu'elle avait, ce n'est pas elle mais son demi-frère qui hérite du groupe JB.

Ce personnage est selon moi, incroyable et l'actrice a fait un travail remarquable à l'interpréter ! On ressent tellement de choses en suivant ce personnage, on ressent la souffrance qu'elle a ressentie, la jalousie qu'elle peut avoir, son ambition sans faille, mais aussi ses fragilités, ses faiblesses, ses rêves. C'est un personnage que j'aurai aimé voir encore plus et qui a su gagner mon coeur.

Un personnage complexe que j'ai adoré, mon préféré du drama !

Jang Se Joon (Jo Sung Ha)

Vous l'aurez compris Jang Se Joon est donc le père d'Anna et le mari de Choi Yoo Jin. Politicien visant le poste de Président, il se fait manipuler depuis des années par sa femme à qui il doit une majeure partie de sa popularité. Mari dont l'adultère est l'une des activités principales, il est difficile à cerner, et aujourd'hui encore je ne sais pas si j'apprécie ce personnage ou non.

Comme les autres personnages, on ne sait pas grand chose de son background à part son histoire passée avec la mère d'Anna, et encore ça reste très bref et il faut attendre les derniers épisodes avant d'en apprendre plus.

Je pense que c'est un personnage plus complexe qu'il n'y parait mais qui semble retourner sa veste à chaque épisode, d'où la difficulté pour moi à le cerner.


Malgré les points négatifs que j'ai cité, je comprend que certaines personnes apprécie ce drama. Les scènes d'actions sont pour la majorité très réussies et donnent résultat très rythmé qui donne envie de s'y plonger.

Autre point très positif pour moi, il s'agit de la musique du drama. Les différentes musiques sont très prenantes et ajoutent vraiment un charme. Dès qu'une certaine musique on sait quel type de scène va se produire, et personnellement ça a très bien marché pour moi !

En revanche comme je le disais, le gros point négatif est le manque d'approfondissement des personnages. Et l'un des points forts, soit le rythme comme je le disais, peut également devenir un point faible car au milieu du drama, ces scènes d'actions se font plus rares (pour reprendre à la fin ne vous inquiétez pas), et on en vient à trouver le drama plus lent.

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Renunțate 11/16
2 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iul 27, 2020
11 of 16 episoade văzute
Renunțate 1
Per total 1.0
Poveste 1.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Muzică 2.0
Valoarea Revizionării 1.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

Worst thing I’ve ever watched in my life


This show is forcing us to sympathise with a mistress who knowingly fucked and dated a high-profile married man, and their secret daughter who grew up despising said married man’s legal wife. The show is also forcing us to hate and see the villain in an ambitious woman who’s just trying to survive day by day being married to a fucking lecher who thinks with his dick, a disgusting old pervert who fucked every single young woman within a 2 meter radius, all while regretting her past choices that led her into marrying this man.

It’s fucking horrible. Stopped watching midway thru ep 12 bc I can’t fucking stand the world treating Anna like the second coming of Christ.

I’m gonna talk about the good parts first. Choi Yoojin is a decent character with a solid backstory and interesting personality. I understood her motivations behind what she does.

That’s it; that’s the only redeeming part of the story. Hence the 2 rating on the acting part instead of 1.

The rest is horseshit.

Anna is the most annoying FL in any kdrama I’ve ever seen in my entire life. She doesn’t have agency, doesn’t have a personality, exists only to cry her lungs out and make me suffer. Good lord I fucking despise her. She doesn’t have any single lovable trait. She’s a plain whiny bitch with zero intelligence and a knack of getting into trouble. Like, cmon girl, your mom was a literal MISTRESS, she fucked your dad and dated him fully knowing that he was a married man, and you still have the nerve to worship her to kingdom come??? Why do you despise Choi Yoojin but not your own dad?? Your own fucking dad was the one who cheated on his wife with another woman, and ended up having a kid with that woman through an illicit affair, oh right, YOU are that kid, and YOUR MOM was the mistress. For fuck’s sake I’m sick of her acting all high and mighty, believing her mom deserved everything in the world including her dad and getting batshit crazy over her dad’s legal wife (Choi Yoojin) despising her husband’s mistress. Like, no. Instead of Choi Yoojin, go hate on your dad. Your dad’s a fucking asshole and deserve to die. Get the fuck outta here.

The writers made Jeha and Anna the protagonists, and Choi Yoojin the villain. But no. With how poorly and horribly written this shitshow of a kdrama was, Choi Yoojin became the sole protagonist. Her story touched me in the ways Anna ‘s can’t ever possibly compare. The writers failed so horribly they made me DESPISE Anna instead. I repeat, Anna has no single likeable trait: she’s full of rage and contempt, her entire existence she wasted on despising Choi Yoojin and trying to get revenge on her, and being the stupidest little shit on the planet.

Weirdest romance ever between Anna and Jeha, absolutely zero buildup, zero chemistry, zero feelings. It makes zero sense. I cringe at every second of their romance on screen. It personally hurt my eyes and my brain. I feel like I lost 30% of my intelligence seeing them with each other. Laziest fucking writing ever.

Choi Yoojin’s husband. Idk that son of a bitch’s name. He’s a fucking disgusting human being. As i stated before, a lecher, an old pervert, a disgusting piece of shit who tricked Yoojin into marrying him just so he could take her money to become a politician, only to end up cheating on her left and right sticking his dick in anything that moves. Also, that piece of shit had a kid with his mistress, and proceeded to mock his wife’s apparent infertility. But no, the writers are trying to make us sympathise with him only because it seems like he loves his poor little daughter Anna very much. Yeah, no, fuck that, he and Anna can both get the fuck out and die.

The dialogues in this drama are fucking boring and take AGES to finish with barely any substance on it. Fight scenes are corny as hell — definitely made very very VERY long and dramatic, overcompensating for the lack of plot. The characters make very questionable choices, and it’s soooooo unrealistic like come the fuck on. Cba to list all of them but believe me when I say it’s fucking horrible.

Choi Yoojin died in this drama, I saw the comments even tho i dropped this drama before i could get to that scene. Fuck that shit right? How is she the villain when Anna is disgusting enough to be one?

In other words, fuck this drama. Fuck Yoojin’s husband in particular, worst character. Fuck Anna for being a gross bitch. Fuck Anna’s mom for being an entitled bitch even tho she’s just a fucking mistress lmao. Fuck the general public for worshipping Anna’s ass for practically.......NOTHING. Idk maybe fuck Jeha too for having a humongous saviour complex which makes him only able to get attracted to women who need him, women who must be protected at all costs. Choi Yoojin is the only character that matters, and the writers killed her off. Fuck that. Choi Yoojin supremacy.

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Renunțate 10/16
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
mar 29, 2019
10 of 16 episoade văzute
Renunțate 1
Per total 4.5
Poveste 5.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Muzică 7.0
Valoarea Revizionării 1.5
I really was looking forward to this drama, but I got bored of it. The story line was just not cutting it for me, but personally the acting wasn’t good for me either. I know Yoona is well beloved, but her acting made me not want to watch the show anymore and the plot got boring. I just didn’t enjoy it. In the beginning it was really interesting, but as I kept watching it just wasn’t living up to what I was expecting. I only watched the drama because of Ji Chang Wook, and I’m sad that I did not like this drama. I could just not sit through anymore episodes to finish it.

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În curs de desfășurare 10/16
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
dec 13, 2020
10 of 16 episoade văzute
În curs de desfășurare 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 9.0
Valoarea Revizionării 7.0

Beautiful music and action sequences.

Action packed. The fight sequences are so solid and breath taking. They are long but still I invest in them because it's truly some beautiful fight choreography. Song Yoon Ah in my humble opinion outshines all of the actors— not because they’re not amazing themselves but she’s incredible. The emotions that she is able to portray on screen are complex and feel real. I plan on watching everything that she’s in. The music is quality and I find myself listening to the The Witch and The Girl while studying or playing games. If you enjoy intense action, knight in shining armor like protag, relatable antagonist, and complex relationships then this drama is worth checking out.

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Renunțate 9/16
KayAnna Kirby
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
nov 21, 2020
9 of 16 episoade văzute
Renunțate 1
Per total 4.0
Poveste 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muzică 3.5
Valoarea Revizionării 1.5
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

Great action. Disappointing romance. Disappointing editing and story

I watched this show because I just finished healer and I wanted to watch Ji Chang-wook in another action romance. But I was disappointed with the show because the story was not told well.The motivations of ja he was not convincing or made much sense. The relationship between ja he and Anna didn't make sense. Why did they fall for each other. Anna is a traumatized girl who has lived in isolation for most of her life. She was child like and mentally unstable. I could understand having a protective feeling toward her, but to fall in love, I don't agree.I thought there was a stronger pull between ja he and yoo jinThe best character was yoo jin. The action scenes are great. The acting of ja he and yoo jin was good as well as others. The acting was good but the story was choppy. Plus to many actors laughed too much for no reason. The music tried to be too dramatic.I couldn't finish it

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Renunțate 6/16
1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
aug 18, 2019
6 of 16 episoade văzute
Renunțate 0
Per total 3.5
Poveste 1.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Muzică 2.5
Valoarea Revizionării 1.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere
I did not like this story, I like k-dramas cos you can see the main characters fall in love with each other while they are getting to know each other, but here he falls in love with her cos she dances to ramen? really??
His background story is really good, although muslim woman don't take their hijab to kiss a guy, it would have been more realistic if at least she only unveiled her mouth... anyways, his story and his acting is really good.
Her background story is sooo plain and boring, and her acting sucks. Btw when and how did she learn to cook? and how does she know about ramen? is not a common meal in Spain, where she supposedly lived locked up in a convent...
The stepmother is a bitch at the same time you are suppose to relate to her... how can you? she is the main bitch! not a good story line there either.
So disappointed with this drama, all the actions parts are really good, but the whole plot has mayor issues, he is defending someone that kidnapped a girl, at the same time he is trying to kill the person who murder his girlfriend, it's never really clear who's the good and the bad guy...
Don't recommend it at all.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
mai 19, 2017
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 3.0
This drama is honestly so so good. I dig these kind of action dramas so I might be quite biased, but I read through the other reviews before posting mines so I think this is pretty accurate.

Story- 8/10 This drama started off so good and promising. I was hooked and the story was so good. This drama is a mix between romance, politics and revenge. Although I do have to admit, they didn't blend well together. It felt like there were 3 different settings in the same story. It didn't blend as well as the genres in DOTS blended. Anyways, as the drama started to progress around ep 12 or so I felt like the story was getting repetitive, none of my questions were answered and K2 was just a confusing mess at certain times. I completely agree with one of the reviews in the episode aspect---- after I finished an episode I would only find one thing that was new... the rest of the hour and 15 mins was .... idk... during the episode though I'm hooked and like oh yea!! This is so good but afterwards nothing really happened if I reflected on it lol. Nonetheless it's a pretty good story and well written. Not the strongest part of K2 though. Also, the ending for the villains were not good enough... I was not satisfied. After all that they did that's all they get???????? Korean dramas really need to step up their ending game. I know I say this in every review but oh my goodness I have yet to watch a kdramas w a satisfying ending.

Acting/cast: 10/10 THE REASON I FINISHED K2 is the cast! The cast is quite strong besides Yoona, I expected her to act badly but I was surprised. Her acting as Anna is very good compared to her previous performances---- she has improved a lot and fits the role well. But ofc compared to the excellent actresses she's quite average. Nothing special. I am an sone btw. Anyways, Chang wook was amazing as always. Ok and now *drumroll please* SONG YOON AH. Oh. My. Gosh. She is the best Korean actress I've ever watched! Usually, Korean actresses have a tendency to act in similar ways to each other but she acted in her own way and her portrayal as Choi yoo Jin was excellent. Also, for her age she's STUNNING. She's a beauty and a rare talent. Love her. Sung Won was awesome at acting too. Loved his portrayal. His smirks made me want to kick him off the face of this planet.

Music: 10/10 search up K2 ost on YouTube. Enjoy. You're welcome.

Rewatch: 3/10 I don't rewatch dramas I just finished.

Overall: 9/10 I recommend. Great great great acting!

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
ian 21, 2022
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muzică 9.0
Valoarea Revizionării 8.0

One of the most underrated Kdramas

I went into the show expecting mediocrity because of all the reviews (and maybe because of that) I was pleasantly surprised by the story, acting and pacing. I actually loved the show. It's a political drama. Anyone who doesn't like the genre will not appreciate this drama to its full capacity.

The characters are its strength for sure. They were very complex and well-defined and best part, gray. Although there were flaws (which is expected hence the 9/10) but they weren't big enough to ruin the show for me.

Unlike a lot of people here, I actually liked the main couple as well as the working partnerhip of the villain/hero.

The perfect show if you're interested to watch something different, with a little bit of romance, alot of action and politics and scheming. It also has a little more of global exposure than the regular kdramas. You'll see other countries/international events being mentioned.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
ian 26, 2021
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Muzică 7.5
Valoarea Revizionării 7.5
I write this review after I have watched it more than half a year ago.
It is a political drama and I watched it when I still was rather new in the Kdrama world. Sometimes I had to rewind to read the subs again and to understand all intrigues and get a better hold of the plot.

I expected more of the romance. Apart from some sweet scenes, this was inferior to the relationship between Kim Je Ha (Ji Chang Wook) and Choi Yoo Jin (Song Yoon Ah). Hate, love, respect.
Song Yun Ah is a great actress in this Kdrama. I have to check out other dramas in which she is acting.
And JCW is just always cute and I like his action scenes. But in general good performance in this drama.

Before having registered at MDL, I had my own grading system. These are the grades which I applied and which have contributed to the overall score I gave to this drama.
acting M: 9
acting F: 7
couple match: 7
romance: 8
emotions: 8.5
story line: 9
supporting cast: +++
watch back: yes
As an average I would give an 8, but because of the amazing performance of Song Yoon Ah, I add one point.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iul 21, 2017
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 8.5
Poveste 8.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Muzică 7.0
Valoarea Revizionării 5.0
love it what a great action , must watch
story is good , action is good to but the main thing is action where this drama excels .
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Agentul K2 (2016) poster



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