Srta Jane
2 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
sep 13, 2020
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 3.0
Poveste 3.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Muzică 2.0
Valoarea Revizionării 1.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

Preciso mesmo falar sobre esse drama?

Já perdi as contas de quantas decepções eu tive esse ano com Doramas de romance que vi ou tentei ver. Está tão difícil encontrar um que não me canse em algum ponto da história que em meio a uma conversa com uma amiga, criamos uma saga em busca por um bom romance.

Prometemos que faríamos uma blog de indicação conjunta quando esse milagre acontecesse, mas vários meses do ano já se passaram e até hoje nada de conseguirmos achar esse bendito drama. Parece que quanto mais o tempo passa mais a ansiedade por isso aumenta.

É estranho isso, mas a sensação que tenho é que estou me distanciando cada vez mais do meu gênero favorito em 2020. As aventuras em gêneros diferentes estão sendo mais positivas do que eu esperava. E só de pensar que vou começar outro drama de romance que me desanima no meio do caminho já me sinto cansada.

E sinto dizer que embora tenha depositado algumas fichas em One More Happy Ending quando comecei, antes de chegar na metade dos episódios o ritmo já tinha começado a desandar. Assistir a esse drama foi como andar em uma corda bamba onde seus receios só aumentam a medida que o tempo passava.

Muitas enrolações vieram no caminho e mais uma vez o feminismo exacerbado atacou no final. Lamentável tinha tudo pra ser excelente mas não foi...


O drama conta a história de 3 amigas enquanto se iludem e desiludem com o amor. Isso evidentemente nos faria acompanhar 3 casais ao longo da trama. Fala se não tinha uma boa receita?

No entanto, no final das contas os únicos personagens que me deixavam interessada pra conhecer mais a respeito eram o casal mais negligenciado da história: Baek Da Jeong e Kim Geon Hak. Eles eram os únicos na história que estavam efetivamente casados por um bom tempo, mas que por alguns motivos acabaram se distanciando cada vez. Embora eu não conseguisse entender porque Baek Da Jeong era tão fria e indiferente com seu marido, torci bastante para que eles conseguissem superar as dificuldades juntos e pelo menos isso aconteceu.


Tenho que dizer que temos aqui um dos triângulos amorosos mais chatos que já vi. A protagonista Han Mi Mo é uma mulher divorciada com uma carreira de sucesso que está a procura de um novo amor para se casar novamente, mas embora tenha um bom faro pra encontrar o par certo para seus clientes, o mesmo parece nunca acontecer com ela.

Ela se apaixona a primeira vista pelo médico Goo Hae Jun (o melhor amigo do protagonista) e os dois começam um relacionamento amoroso desastroso. Não dá pra entender como esses dois sequer cogitaram namorar porque não combinavam em nada, eram como água e vinho. A medida que o tempo passava esse fato só ficava mais claro.

Francamente não dava para torcer pelo Dr. Goo Hae Jun, ele era absurdamente egoísta, indiferente e frio com ela. A insegurança dele me irritava e os ciúmes que ele tinha da amizade que ela construiu com o protagonista era tanta que bastava que ela mencionasse o nome dele em uma conversa para lhe tirar do sério. Ele chegou ao ponto de dizer que ela só deveria olhar pra ele e só deveria abrir a boca pra falar sobre ele.

Ele representa tudo que não gosto em um personagem. Passei a achar suas aparições pedantes ao ponto de torcer para que terminassem o mais rápido possível.


Com o protagonista Song Soo Hyeok a história era outra, os dois tinham uma boa relação de amizade e isso evoluiu para algo mais depois de um tempo. Ele era um paparazzi que se casou muito jovem, mas teve que criar seu filho sozinho depois que sua esposa faleceu no parto. O sofrimento por ter perdido sua amada foi tanto que ele se fechou para o amor e escolheu se dedicar exclusivamente ao seu filho.

Muitos anos se passaram sem que sua decisão de seguir solteiro tivesse mudado, no entanto, quando conhece Han Mi Mo aos poucos começa a se abrir novamente. Mas o namoro dela com seu melhor amigo lhe impede de se declarar.

Por causa dessas circunstâncias a história vai ficando cada vez mais enrolada e quando finalmente pensamos que veremos os dois felizes juntos, ela vira a casaca e rejeita sua proposta de casamento. Sim, ela gostava dele mas sem qualquer motivo do nada ela começou a repensar se deveria se casar ou não depois de todo esse tempo.

Como se eu já não estivesse achando a história muito enrolada, cheia de idas e vindas e de cenas desnecessárias, ver a protagonista mudar completamente nos últimos episódios foi o fim da picada. E nem era como se ela fosse uma personagem encantadora, ela só se demonstrou forte no inicio da trama, mas logo essa impressão se mostrou estar errada.

Não sei ao certo qual era a intenção do escritor ao fazer isso, mas o que já não estava muito bom piorou mais ainda no final. Terminei o drama não com uma sensação agradável, mas sentindo um alivio muito grande por ter chegado ao fim daquilo.

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Considerați utilă această recenzie?
4 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
mar 12, 2016
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 8.5
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 9.0
Valoarea Revizionării 7.5
This drama has remained at the top of my ongoing drama list for quite some time. It's your typical rom-com, full of cheesiness and a tiny tiny bit of angst.

The story itself was interesting enough, but looking back on it, it was not exceptional. That said, it was able to keep me waiting for my weekly episodes so props to the writers. I admit I was initially drawn to the fact that the male lead has a son. I thought that was a unique aspect you don't quite see in a lot of dramas, and I don't know if it's just me, but guys with kids are so cute. Our main leads take up around 2/3 of the screen time, while the rest of the time is focused on the other members of Angels. Personally, I was only drawn to the side story of Baek Da Jung, but the other stories are pretty interesting as well.

The cast was wonderful. Jang Nara and Jung Kyung Ho deliver their roles perfectly, and really kept me interested in the show.

The music wasn't anything exceptional but I did really like 2 of the songs on the OST so much that I spent a couple days replaying them over and over again.

Overall, it was a well made drama that is sure to make you smile, as all rom-coms should do. There's nothing too dramatic, and although I cringed at some of the cheesiness, I still thought it was adorable. Definitely give it a try if you're looking for something light and fluffy (which sounds like a smoothie or something .-.)

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1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
aug 16, 2016
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 10
Poveste 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 4.5
Valoarea Revizionării 9.0
I knew I would love this when I heard absof-ing-lutely. The drama was great and had some real life situations and mature topics, love divorce, dating, marriage, re-marriage, hurt etc etc. I loved the characters, the kids were cute and loved each of the main characters story. I might even say I still loved the supporting roles even the "bad guys". I would love to have seen more of some couples but I guess it just didn't happen the way I wanted. LOVED the ending and thought each episode had something relatable for me. Lots of funny moments and WTH moments and I hate that person moments. I think some characters grew on you and some You began to understand with much scrutiny. In all, I enjoyed and loved certain scenes and wanted more. For me it was possible to branch out and created other dramas based on the other couples (the cheater husband, younger older/older and the rekindling romance couple). Still happy I watched and happy I finally gave this show a try.

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1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iul 11, 2018
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.5
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 9.0
Valoarea Revizionării 9.0
Have you been sick of watching dramas that revolves around just the 2 main protagonist and maybe one or two rivalries?
Well I have, I was looking for a series that have more characters who are so lovable and related that it makes me feel like that I'm a part of their group. Thank goodness, I found One More Happy Ending!

Story wise, it's your typical romantic-comedy drama, but that doesn't mean you don't get to enjoy the ride!
I like how the 4 female leads have their own individual plots at the same time you can feel their connection when they come together as friends talking about their lives. The actresses have a great chemistry, which makes the drama so authentic. There were some conflicts that I feel like wasn't necessary but everything got resolved at the end.

The finale gave a wonderful closure to all the subplots and I am satisfied with the outcome. Tho I feel like I was parting ways with my friends as I finished the show.

I highly recommend it to those looking for a drama that makes you feel a whirlwind of emotions, and yet ended as a feel-good series.

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1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iun 20, 2022
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 9.5
Valoarea Revizionării 9.5

Exciting & heartfelt yet humorous.

Amazing character with great storyline.
I laugh with them cry and feels emotion like it's real acting was really great. I don't actually prefer watching these genre this much though but Kyungho and Nara made me, these two really did great job they were really into their character.

This is my very first time to write a review about something. I'm the type to watch and just rate I don't bother to write some long and lengthy reviews but this drama I wanted to share my thoughts about it therefore I decided to write a review.

After a very long time.. Long in a while this might be the first drama to make me excited to can't stop and keep watching, it got me hyped at to that point that I must have to sit down with pillow to clutch and release my excitement and overjoyed through it.

First of all I'll start off with discussing the cast if not of this cast I'll probably never watch it & even if I do started this drama I'll probably dropped because of boredom only after 2 ep, thankfully because of the cast I continued this show and watch one after another and trust me I didn't get bore even for a second it isn't skippable for me, as for me i watched the whole drama without skipping even a second and acting was that superb that i rewatch over and over again some scenes and still not getting over it yet. Though it's been a while like about a month that I've finished watching this drama.

In my opinion, as for me the acting was excellent actors acted really well, and delivered emotions as it should be. They all portrayed their character really well that I can't even imagine anyone else in their place, it's like the character was just for them to act.

Jung Kyung Ho
I love seeing Jung Kyung Ho's dramas, because I'm truly amazed by how much variety of expressions/emotions he has with him inside, and as he acts/express them outside once I watch him act I'm truly captivated and i like his acting alot. And I'm a fan before but now I really respect him as an actor now. To be honest this is Jung Kyungho's first ever drama that I have watched.

Jang Nara
This is her first drama I have seen. I know her very well though but never watch any of the drama that she was in.
She was really a great actress and acted really well. She portrayed her character well and is major reason behind why I loved this series alot.

Kwon Yul
Just like Nara and Kyung Ho it's my first time seeing him act too. He was now become one of those actors, I will starts watching those dramas which I was ignoring untill now. The reason to pick the drama to watch.

Last but not least the kid Min woo
I think I'm a fan now. I like his acting alot he acted really well and gives off every emotions/expressions he was told to do.

All the other actors & actresses in this drama acted really well in this series. And the amazing cast makes it hard me to to forget this drama.

OST's/ Musics.
In the whole series these collection of OST's really contributed to make this drama even more special, memorable and unforgettable for me. Specially the song that's title was "IF", this songs makes the scene more emotional and became one of those reason which helps drama to deliver specific emotion to us in a really light, soft and loving way.


Song Soo Hyuk played by Jung Kyung Ho -
I will discuss him first since he was my favorite character. A very goofy character i like very thing about this character, Song Soohyuk is a guy who is never interested in dating and getting married but when he met Ham Mimo again after many years his love revives cause he loves her with his whole heart from then to now, a very caring and kindhearted guy. And Jung Kyung Ho as Song Soo Hyuk also made my heart skips a beat he is a guy of a dream.

Han Mi Mo played by Jang Na Ra -
A very fluffy and cute character.
She was a typical girl, who dream of what most girls dreams are, to marry a guy who she love and wanted to be loved.

Koo Hae Joon played by Kwon Yul -
Koo Hae Joon is a very charming doctor. Very nice and a gentle guy. Who is caring but had no idea about women heart.

I was excited and hyped over the whole drama.
This drama has really different yet unique story line.
All actors as these characters are really a gem and unforgettable.

Yup ??
I have done rewatching it twice a time when i was streaming.
For me I am going to rewatch it. Because it was really light and average drama.

I will recommend it to those who are in search of something light that will make them relax and a little humor to make their mood brighten.
A heartfelt family drama that will makes you laugh, is somewhat relatable, soft & fluffy.

And at last but embarrassed about my rip eng.

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1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iul 2, 2020
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 7.0
Poveste 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 7.0
Valoarea Revizionării 6.0
This is your typical, run of the mill type of kdrama. Cliche and predictable. As long as you know that going into it and don't expect anything more than that then this can be an enjoyable watch.

What this drama does well is the relationship between Song Soo Hyuk and Han Mi Mo. Jung Kyung Ho. The more kdramas I watch with him, the more I see him as an actor that consistently has great chemistry with his co-stars; whether it be romantic chemistry or simply platonic, Jung Kyung Ho always meshes well. Jung Kyung Ho and Jang Na Ra are a fantastic combination. Song Soo Hyuk and Han Mi Mo have a playful banter with an underlying attraction that can be felt through the screen. Their relationship drives the show and their scenes were the highlight. Jung Kyung Ho plays cute but totally hilarious and sassy so well! He is literally like a squish-able puppy on screen! His character Song Soo Hyuk is adorable and witty, but he is also grounded and responsible. His relationship with his son Min Woo is beyond precious and that is the other highlight of this show. Jang Na Ra's character Han Mi Mo is a little flighty, a little frustratingly air-headed at times, but she is also optimistic and fun-loving and has enough spunk and self-confidence to make wise decisions and make her a likeable leading lady.

Overall, I think One More Happy Ending could have been vastly improved had it focused more on Song Soo Hyuk and Han Mi Mo's relationship. I never grew tired of their scenes and was left wanting more of them which was a feeling I didn't have for a vast majority of the other characters. I also would've appreciated more scenes with father and son, Soo Hyuk and Min Woo. I felt like Soo Hyuk being a single dad was meant to be such a framework for the storyline and yet the scenes between father and son were so few and far between. This was especially frustrating since their scenes were always very meaningful and heartwarming to watch.

I like a good love-triangle, yes it can be overused in kdramas, but if it is done well and the characters are empathetic and their actions plausible then I'm all for it. But the balance was all off in this one. It was obvious to the audience from square one that Soo Hyuk was best for Mi Mo and more than that, it quickly became very obvious that Hae Joon was not. But beyond even that, Hae Joon as a character was too cookie cutter. There wasn't anything that made him unique or like-able. He was one dimensionally manipulative and dominant, and somehow still managed to be boring!

As for the other angel's members, I felt disconnected to their stories. I don't think any of their story-lines were developed enough for me to become attached to their characters. And beyond that their story-lines were so predictable that as we hopped from one woman's relationship to the next I just couldn't seem to engage.

If you like romantic comedies, I would recommend watching this for the main couple. Song Soo Hyuk and Han Mi Mo are adorable and have great chemistry! The story is pretty basic, and everything else kind of blurs together into this category of "meh". I will probably never rewatch this, but I have already gone back and rewatched scenes of the main couple.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iun 2, 2016
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 7.5
Poveste 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Muzică 7.0
Valoarea Revizionării 6.5
BECAUSE Jung Kyung Ho is in it I will watch it. And I did not know he was in it, so this was a pleasant surprise. I became his fan after Cruel City because he just rocked that role. Now this is a RomCom and I enjoyed watching it but I find that the "bashfulness" of this drama about love and relationship is more like a teenage thing (the women in the story are 34 year olds). I was just not totally satisfied with it... Other than that, it is not a bad drama at all.
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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
apr 18, 2019
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 7.5
Poveste 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 7.0
Valoarea Revizionării 5.0
I've heard about this drama being entertaining, but for some reason the picture on the details page next to the blurb always threw me off (it looked like an oldies advertisement haha). What finally convinced me was a funny trailer/clip that made the drama looked thoroughly entertaining. And it was!

I really enjoyed this drama, but it did have its imperfections. The only real imperfect worth mentioning is that I do not think there was a good balance of screen time for all the characters. While I know that the divorced MC and her childhood classmate are the true MC's, it felt like all 4 best friends were supposed to be unveiled throughout the story equally, but they weren't. The divorced female MC and the best friend whose marriage is a bit rocky I feel like get the most screen time where we get to really understand where each character is coming from.
Unfortunately, the other 2 best friends (the model best friend and the best friend who is always single) do not get sufficient screen time compared to their 2 best friends. The reason I say this is because the model friend and the single best friend feel very superficial - we don't really learn anything to their histories/in-depth interactions with their significant others to really get anything other than shallow stereotypes. This wasn't too distracting as I was not too terribly interested in the chronically single best friend, but I did find myself curious about *how* things were able to turn out the way they did for the model friend with her significant other.

The imbalance of screen time wasn't anything that ruined the drama, just something I think could have made the story stronger on all ends for a more well-rounded drama.
I'd recommend this drama to someone who would like to watch a romantic comedy with some touching/serious moments sprinkled in. The balance on genres was good, so when things do get more serious they don't get overly dramatic because something comedic always pulled up the tone.
I probably won't rewatch this drama as a whole and instead, I'll rewatch some funny clips or watch some music videos for this drama.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
mai 14, 2017
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 7.5
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Muzică 7.0
Valoarea Revizionării 4.5
overall great performance a comedy that isn't necessarily the best romance but certainly entertaining to watch, because there are four couples with very different needs and wants. They get together like a house on fire, its like a gentleman's dignity but with women as the 4 friends this time .
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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
nov 3, 2020
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 7.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

Good on So Many Levels

9/10 is my rating. This is a 2016 South Korean Drama with 16 episodes (60 minutes/episode. It is also known as Happy Once Again.

The story centers around four women who are living life and trying to find happiness after their time as girl band idols in a group called "Angels." There is actually a fifth member but the girl group fell apart because of her and she has only a very small part of the story. Han Mi-mo (Jang Na-Ra) is the main female lead and she falls in love easily. She is a hopeless romantic who has been hurt many times in her search for the right one. With her best friend and former band member, Baek Da-Jung (Yoo Da-In) she runs a matchmaking service called "Brave Wedding." All of the women are in their 30s now and feeling the clock tick on their ability to find the right guy (or salvage a current relationship) and experience their happily ever after. Across the hall from Mi-mo is her former classmate who she recently reunited with, Song Su-Hyuk (Jung Kyung-ho), who is a reporter and a single father. He has an attractive doctor best friend, Goo Hae-joon (Kwon Yul) who decides to pursue Mi-mo after Song Su-Hyuk reassures him he has no romantic interest in her. Da-Jung married an older wealth man and has one child but her marriage is in jeopardy as the couple has grown apart. Go Dong-mi (Yoo In-na) was the least popular member of the group and is now a teacher who is having a hard time finding love. Hong Ae-Ran (Seo In-young) is the owner of an internet shopping mall and on the verge of getting married to someone she is not sure she loves.

Spoiler ? This movie was quite different than what I expected from synopsis and reviews. I expected it to be very light and fluffy and actually it has some deep elements. It was enjoyable watching all the different stories and how they came together. It was one of the few dramas where I preferred the lead to the second guy. The friendship between the women was a central part of the story and it was enjoyable to see how they supported each other in life and love. No-one is ever more honest than a close friend. The ending was surprising - which I liked. But it ended well/happy.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iul 15, 2021
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 10
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 8.0
This drama is heartwarming, I do find that Mi Mo falls in love to quick though and that’s one thing I don’t really like about this drama. But the acting and the story line is amazing, have to say this is my first drama I’ve seen with a kid who doesn’t get involved in his/her parents relationship. Like every other drama the kids will always get involved or oppose of the relationship, especially spoil brats, I love how Soo Hyeok son is so mature and so thoughtful, he wants his dad to be happy. In this drama we will get to see the life of each woman, and each story makes a point about relationships. Feel like everyone can related to these kinds of situations.

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În curs de desfășurare 16/16
Niki Idy
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
mai 7, 2020
16 of 16 episoade văzute
În curs de desfășurare 0
Per total 7.5
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 8.0
Valoarea Revizionării 7.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere
This is nice and simple drama with fluffy and cheesy romance. The main leads were cute and adorable but i find their drunken scenes too hard to believe and a bit excessive.
When the second male lead hearts was broken, i felt really bad for him because it was clear she jumped onto him at the feeling of a crush.
the others side stories were heart warming. but the scene with the lady that had cancer was unnecessarily dragged, she should have settled with her husband when she was sick so we could have have a happily married couple vibe for most of the show.
the curly hair lady falls in love so easily and gets heartbroken so fast.
basically in love the second time around you meed to be sure of the right emotions before jumping in

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One More Happy Ending (2016) poster



  • Scor: 7.8 (Marcat de 1 utilizator)
  • Clasat: #3143
  • Popularitate: #826
  • Spectatori: 20,443

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